city of liberty hill design standards

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The uses permitted within this district are meant to serve the retail and personal service needs of residents in adjacent and nearby neighborhoods (1/4 to 1/2 mile). Deliveries by commercial vehicle occur generally between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. with the exception of package couriers; 6. a. that primarily offers books, magazines, films or videotapes, periodicals, or other printed or pictorial materials that emphasize specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; and. This information will be published in the Administrative Procedures Manual. A public record of the disposition shall be made and maintained in the appropriate City records. No application requiring a TIA may be made until the scope of the required study has been determined. D. Minimum lot sizes (and minimum lot areas): E. 3,000 sq. A sign erected over or on, and wholly or partially dependent upon, the roof of any building for support. A. Applicability. Interactive Map Gallery Data and Map Catalogs GIS Data Catalog Community Service is for such uses for volunteer service organizations, church services, and other similar services for the benefit of the community (not necessarily a City service). The City may require additional land and improvements for rights-of-way for adjacent thoroughfares where necessary to achieve adequacy of the road network and where such additional land and improvements are proportional to the traffic impacts generated by the proposed development, depending on factors such as the impact of the development on the thoroughfare, the timing of development in relation to need for the thoroughfare, and the likelihood that adjoining property will develop in a timely manner. Establishments or places or [of] business primarily engaged in automotive related or heavy equipment sales or services. Prior to any excavation, clearing, or other land alteration for the purpose of development within the City limits an applicant must submit a site plan for approval and issuance of a site development permit under this section. A conditional use application follows the same procedures as a rezoning application, The Planning and Zoning Commission will review an application for conditional use with consideration of the following criteria, which may exceed the standards prescribed in Chapter 6, Site Development Standards: A. A sign erected parallel to, attached within six inches of, and supported throughout its length by the facade of a building. The regulations and restrictions of the City Council for the City of Liberty Hill will be pursuant to the provisions of applicable statutory requirements of the State of Texas. Typical uses include storage of private parking tow-a-ways or impound yards, (but specifically excluding dismantling or salvaging of vehicles). Typical uses include appliance repair shops, watch or jewelry repair shops, or musical instrument repair shops. The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, attested to by the City Secretary and bear the Seal of the City of Liberty Hill under the following words: This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map referred to in Section of the Unified Development Code, Ordinance No. F. Landscaping. Applications for all building permits other than single-family and duplex residential, or site development permits, including the installation of outdoor lighting fixtures for new construction, shall provide proof of compliance with this Code. Right-of-way. Fence. TxDOT. As used herein, utility shall include, but not be limited to, electric, gas, or telephone companies and water and sanitation districts. Zoning Floating Zone. A. Applicability. Any building which houses a primary or principal use of the land on which it is located. The overburden and reject materials as piled or deposited during surface mining. A lot other than a corner or reversed corner lot. An integrated grouping of commercial activity, primarily of a retail and personal service nature, in a building complex having the individual establishments joined by a common covered pedestrian mall or walkway. MODULAR HOME RESIDENTIAL. All terms and conditions of site development permit approval must be met at the time of development. The preliminary plan must be approved prior to the final plat approval. B. In the event the City Council fails to make a ruling on the variance within sixty (60) days from the date the application for variance is filed, the application for variance shall be deemed denied. Some of these procedures may be followed concurrently, while some procedures require pre-approval of other procedures. The lines bounding a zoning area, as defined herein. Those plant communities that develop in the absence of human activities. To render advice and guidance, upon reasonable request of any property owner, or its agent, or occupant, on development or new construction or the restoration, alteration or maintenance of any building within the City. Off-Street Parking. Once a procedure has been initiated and the application deemed complete, the City Administrator will review the application, considering any applicable criteria for approval and prepare a report to the BOA. 3. P. Specific criteria for considering Administrative Exceptions are provided in Chapter 3. A strip or area of land, identified on a site plan or in a zoning ordinance, established to separate one type of land use from another land use. Pole Sign. A plat that complies with Texas Local Government Code 212.016, as amended, which is generally submitted to correct errors and omissions when agreed to by all adjacent property owners. Conditional Uses (Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Standards) (C): indicates that a Conditional Use Permit must be applied for under the provisions of Section 3.07.03. GPS. Excavation. To increase the density of a use above that permitted by the applicable district. The first application must be submitted within twelve (18) [sic] months from the date site plan approval is granted. The total amount of acreage of raw land. Pavement Cut Policy. Any place, home or institution that receives nine (9) or more children under the age of fourteen (14) years, and not of common parentage, for care apart from their natural parents, legal guardians, or custodians, when received for regular periods of time for compensation, provided that this definition shall not include public or private schools organized, operated, or approved under Texas laws, custody of children fixed by a court of competent jurisdiction, children related by blood or marriage within the third degree to the custodial person, or to churches or other religious or public institutions caring for children within the institutional building while their parents or legal guardians are attending service, activities, or meetings. An application for a Consent Agreement Approval may be filed concurrent with an Application for a Vested Rights Determination, or at any time prior to approval of a final decision relating to an Application for a Vested Rights Determination by the City Attorney or the City Council. Development and permit application fees shall be established from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. This agreement includes the location and width of proposed streets, lots, blocks, floodplains, and easements. E. Change of use: Whenever a land use changes, any nonconforming sign must be modified or removed so as to be in full compliance with these sign regulations. A property tax exemption obtained pursuant to Property Tax Code of the State of Texas shall constitute prima facie evidence of religious assembly use. After receiving an application for recognition of vested rights, the City Administrator shall review the application and approve, deny or request additional information to be provided by the applicant for consideration within twenty (20) working days. The City Administrator shall take action on or before the applicable one of the following dates: i. Fourteen days after the submission of a complete application if the application is for existing buildings; or. All improvements must be designed and installed so as to provide for a logical system of utilities, drainage and streets and to create continuity of improvements for the development of adjacent properties. Inflatable Sign. The weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of the sound level meter and frequency-weighting network, as specified in the American National Standards Institute specifications. Typical uses include janitorial, landscape maintenance, or window cleaning services. There are three types of final plats. B. Any future development permits must comply with the final approved development ordinance. Temporary signs placed on construction sites to identify the contractor, engineer, architect, or developer not exceeding 64 square feet in area. W.C.E.S.D.No.4/Liberty Hill Fire . Only the same like, or better quality material as that being replaced shall be used as a face on or in the abandoned sign. Lot Depth. Minimum Lot Area is the minimum amount of square footage allowed within a lot, based on its zoning district classification. Offices or private firms or organizations which are primarily used for the provision of executive, management, or administrative services. The total number of units permitted by the City for a tract of land. Any sign erected, mounted or displayed prior to the adoption of this subchapter[.]. General Development Plan. Evidence that people of ordinary prudence would rely on in conducting their own affairs. If the City Council has approved the plat, the City Administrator or his designee has approved the construction plans, and the subdivider has either posted fiscal surety and assurance of construction, or completed the required infrastructure and public improvements, the final plat becomes the instrument to be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk when all requirements have been met. C. The City Administrator is responsible for final action. A. Applicability. Whenever the proposed developments share of the costs of a thoroughfare or traffic-control improvement needed to mitigate traffic generated by the development is less than one hundred percent (100%), the City in its sole discretion may do the following: A. participate in the excess costs; or. Completion of a preapplication conference does not imply or indicate subsequent City approval of the permit or application. The City shall record the complaint, investigate within a reasonable time, and take action thereon, as provided by these requirements. Recharge Zone. This chapter addresses policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan and legal requirements for the adequate provision of infrastructure for the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Liberty Hill and its surroundings. When a sign requiring a permit under Chapter 6 of this Code is erected without a sign permit, the City Administrator shall use the following procedures. This section shall describe standards and procedures for determining measurements for various items described in this Ordinance Code [sic]. Plat, Final. 4. F. Promote awareness and implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for purposes of water quality and land conservation. C. If the City Administrator rejects such construction, the City Attorney shall, upon direction of the City Council, proceed to enforce the guarantees provided in this Chapter. C. Development-Related Applications and Permits. Side Yard. A habitat that is strongly influenced by water and which that [sic] occurs adjacent to streams and/or wetlands. To the maximum extent feasible, pedestrians shall be separated from vehicles and bicycles. The landowner or developer shall ensure that all of the facilities constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Code will perform and remain in good working order and in accordance with the design performance criteria of each such facility, for one (1) year commencing on the date of approval of final completion by the City Administrator or his designee. The total horizontal area included within the lot lines of a site. The Comprehensive Plan reflects Liberty Hills long-term plan for growth and development. Notice of suspension or revocation of a variance or special use permit shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the permit holder of the variance or special use permit. The PUD development ordinance and general development plan must provide sufficient information for the Councils evaluation. The City Administrator shall review all signage in conjunction with the issuance of the permit. D. The Parks and Recreation Board review process will be required for any permit or application that requires final action from the Parks and Recreation Board, as described in this Code. Birds that frequent and often swim in water, nest, and raise their young near water, and derive at least part of their food from aquatic plants and animals. C. Compatibility with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites, in terms of building height, bulk, scale, setbacks and open spaces, landscaping and site development, and access and circulation features. A. Seedling. C. Responsibility for Final Action. In such case, the city council shall determine fair market value upon consideration of both appraisals. Vehicle Storage. The City Administrator may establish any additional conditions deemed necessary to ensure land use compatibility and to minimize potential adverse impacts on nearby uses, including, but not limited to, time and frequency of operation, temporary arrangements for parking and traffic circulation, requirements for screening/buffering, and guarantees for site restoration and cleanup following the temporary use. E. The City Administrator is responsible for final action. E. General Industrial (I2). B. Holiday lights and decorations with no Commercial Message; 5. No final plat may be considered or approved unless the preliminary plat for the same land has been approved. Chapter 6, Site Development, has additional standards that pertain to both residential and nonresidential lots. A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the lot on which it is located, such as no parking, entrance, loading only, telephone, an address, and other similar directives limited to four square feet. Where a subdivision contains sewers, sewage treatment facilities, water supply systems, water quality protection facilities, streets and other transportation related improvements, parks and grounds held in common, park and recreation improvements, drainage easements and/or drainage improvements, landscape improvements or other physical facilities necessary or desirable for the welfare of the area, or that are of common use or benefit which are not or cannot be satisfactorily maintained by an existing public agency, provision shall be made, which is acceptable to the City Council, for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance, and supervision of such facilities. Lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation on a weekly or monthly basis. The City of Liberty Hill has adopted the City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards - see link below. VETERINARY SERVICES. Any subdivision not defined as a minor, or farmstead, subdivision. F. Public/Community Facility (P). If the City Administrator determines that the work or site is in compliance, he may authorize the work to proceed in writing. Preservation of a Substantial Property Right. FINAL . A barrier made of wire, wood, metal, masonry, or other material used as a screen or enclosure for a yard or open space. Upon request of the applicant or property owner, the obligation to dedicate or improve thoroughfare rights-of-way or to make intersection improvements imposed on an application may be deferred to a later stage of the development process. H. Responsibility for Final Action. Comprehensive Drainage Plan. Home occupations are permitted provided the occupation meets the following provisions: 1. During the course of installation and construction of the required improvements, the City Engineer or another designee of the City Administrator shall make periodic inspections of the work to insure that all improvements comply with this Code and other municipal, county and State requirements. Lot Width. As used in this Ordinance Code [sic], plat shall be a map of a tract of land showing boundaries of individual lots, outlots, parcels, and outparcels, and streets, easements and rights-of-way prepared in accordance with this Ordinance Code [sic] as an instrument for recording in the official Public Records of Williamson County. A clinic shall not include in-patient care (i.e., no overnight accommodation of patients). Class 5: Heavy industrial uses, heavy manufacturing, truck terminals, mobile home sales, vehicle sales, vehicle storage and salvage, heavy equipment sales, facilities involving outdoor storage and outdoor commercial recreation establishments. B. B. Fees. This overlay applies in the area identified as the Downtown Overlay District on the Official Zoning Map. These design criteria and technical specifications are the latest version as adopted by the City Engineer. The provisions of this section apply to any Permit if as of the first anniversary of the effective date of Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code: A. the permit does not have an expiration date; and. A type of ownership arrangement in which an owner has legal title over a single unit in a multifamily dwelling or nonresidential development and over an equal portion of the land upon which the structure stands. 6. After approval of an administrative plat, the subdivider shall notify the City Engineer within ten (10) days which of the following construction procedure(s) the subdivider proposes to follow: 1. A moveable sign not affixed or attached to the ground or to any building or structure. Watershed. The minimum repairs needed to correct previously identified violations of local health, safety, or sanitary codes, and alterations to historic structures which that [sic] do not preclude their continued designation as historic structures are not considered substantial improvements. Planning provides support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and other advisory committees by providing public information, reviews, recommendations, and preparation of reports. Marquee. Development Standards. Blocks shall be laid out to provide effective connectivity within and among subdivisions and neighborhoods. 4. Also, the area between the lot line and the building setback line. Any Applicant for a Vested Rights Determination may apply for Consent Agreement Approval provided that the requirements of 4.15.D.1 are satisfied or the required approval is for one (1) or more, but less than all phases of the proposed development. D. Replat. A. Applicability. [Gross Density = Gross Site Area * Maximum Development Density]. Exceptions to these requirements include the following: 1. Could not expand node. For purposes of a subdivision plat, when a 30 day extension has been issued, the application is deemed to have been denied but still subject to review by the City of the applicable review authority. Average Grade. The City Engineer may at his professional discretion (and approval by City Council) issue a waiver to this requirement. Commercial Off-Street Parking. Typical uses include hotels, motels and inns. Also, light manufacturing activities and research facilities. Establishments primarily engaged in research of an industrial or scientific nature but excluding product testing. The overlay zoning districts address special siting, use and compatibility issues that require use and development regulations in addition to those found in the underlying zoning districts. Suspended Sign. A Zoning Verification Letter does not vest the property owner with permission to proceed with a development; does not specify requirements that must be met for future development; and does not include a determination that a tract of land may be developed. Resources that are not naturally regenerated. D. The City Engineer will approve any Construction Plan that is submitted and sufficiently shows compliance with any city-approved or adopted design or construction criteria manuals, or in the absence of city approved or adopted design requirements, standard engineering practices.

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city of liberty hill design standards