This information is not shared with 3rd parties beyond our marketing efforts. More so when the gun is held to eye level and fired. From their webpage below: Not all firearms need to fit neatly into categories like hunting, home protection, or good ol backyard plinking. While a wide variety of manufacturers these days are flooding the market with the same old non-NFA pump-action firearms for a fairly inexpensive cost and some even offering semi-autos for a bigger price point, Henry Repeating Arms shows us loud and proud that it is not afraid to stay with the current trends and still give us the extreme pleasure of working a lever and smiling as the repetition that won the world for so long rings out, chopping through the air. If you have any further questions, or wish to purchase the item please call between 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Mountain Time, Mon-Sat. 357 mag wheel guns can take very effective pest removal rounds. The grip angle of the axe handle stock is quite comfortable and ergonomic. The Henry Axe fires .410 shotgun ammunition from a lever-action platform with metrics to match the Mossberg Shockwave and Remington Tac-14, direct bloodlines to Henrys own Mares Leg pistols. Meet the new Axe in the woodpile. The trigger is also very nice. The Henry Lever Action Axe is a reliable gun and built to last. Where the Mares Legs opts for a 12.9-inch barrel and a 25-inch overall length, the shotgunning Axe has a longer barrel at just over 15-inches and a length of 26.4-inches. I would go as far as to say its overbuilt and will likely be a gun youll pass down. You can learn more about how we use cookies and keep your data private by visiting our our Privacy Policy. Thanks! The Henry Lever Action Axe .410 isnt really a shotgun. Theyre masters of the lever gun. Do you believe that the Henry Lever ActionAxe.410is something worth spending your money on? $969.99 $849.99. I guess I don't have a sense of the kinda energy a 410 really puts out. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If they ever get a stock, they are shotguns and always will be. Henry M-LOK Handguard (SNIPER GRN) $189.00 Out of stock. Im an apparent fan of the gun, but are you? Hes a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. Henry M-LOK Handguard (Black) $169.00 Choose Options Henry Centerfire Lever-Action Butt Stock Takedown Screws $40.00 Choose Options Lever action weapons are meant to be rifles, so cocking them with a pistol grip only is a little awkward. Every friend and family member whos gotten their hands on it has agreed. Nice looking shotgun/pistolwaitfirearm. Classified Ad (606), Search Full Text of Listings You can unsubscribe at any time and we do not share or sell your information, ever. Important: If mailing to street address, use complete street names. This brand new Henry H018AH-410 Axe is a 5-shot, lever-action rifle which fires the .410 gauge shell (2.5" only). K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. The Axe is a fascinating mix of wood and steel. the last ad i saw (not that it was anything new) has imperato saying, i paraphrase, if youre not satisfied with your henry for any reason let us know and we will do whatever it takes to make you happy. Three-inch is a no go with this gun. The Axe is the traditional mix of American walnut and blued steel. A full choke is included right out of the box, and additional chokes are available onBlack Market Guns The axe handle pistol grip gives the firearm its name and is engraved on the bottom with the iconic Henry Cowboy logo for that unmistakable touch of Henry class. (Wouldnt go through walls.) I would go around saying Come with me if you want to live repeatedly while shooting it however. The weights easier to tote over a long afternoon on foot, with the shorter round barrel working easier through brush and other tight terrain where shots are expected to be close and fast. It takes minimal effort to work the action, and I imagine shooters of all sizes wont have issues doing so. Internally threaded for Invector style chokes (Full included), Swivel Studs, 2 1/2 Shells Only, Black Market Guns celebrates its 5th birthday. All Rifles & Shotguns Axe .410 Lever Action Axe .410 .410 Bore A Compact Package Delivering Outsized Fun The Henry Guarantee From Owner, Anthony Imperato "Henry owners have my personal guarantee to make certain that they are 100% satisfied with their purchase of our rifles. Get Our Top Shooting Drills and Zeroing Targets ($47 value - but FREE for a limited time). Remington's Nylon 66 semi-automatic .22 LR rifles have grown from 1950s bargain buys to 21st century collectors darlings. My colleague sent his Big Boy back with several faults, they didnt even ask him when he purchased it, they repaired everything on it for free, the rifle was back in his hands within two weeks. You have to learn how to balance the bead, and itll take some practice in getting level enough to make it work. Nowadays, .410 defense and hunting loads are accessible so theres no reason not to keep the Axe by the bed. The looks of the American walnut, the quality and durability of the steel, and the fit that binds them together is what makes this gun a work of utilitarian art. Its better than it needs to be on a gun like this. I am excited to tell you it fills my hand perfectly. First impressions of shooting this gun? 2021 is looking pretty bad. Like you are operating a machine. Its a little heavy, and the only reason I knocked a point off is for the lever-action design with a PGO only weapon. I also enjoy small game hunting, and as redneck as this makes me sound, squirrel over yellow rice is fantastic. jwm is having to post under a different name because my comments are simply vanishing. However, quality comes at a cost and the design leaves little for upgrades. Hold the Axe at eye level or work from the hip and the smile will be the same, guaranteed. Heck if they could make this a convertible somehow (say take down barrel and a bolt face or something) that would be even better. I call them not shotguns, but they are typically known as other firearms. With a barrel length of just under 16 inches and . Other than that, it looks short. These cookies collect information that can help us understand how our websites are being used. With a barrel length just over 15-inches and an overall length beyond 26-inches, the Axe shotgun is legal and transferable. It has the same 5-round capacity of 2 shells as its larger Lever Action .410 Shotgun . That near six pounds of steel and wood will get away from you quickly. The Axe has the same 5-round capacity of 2 shells as its larger Lever Action .410 Shotgun counterparts, but the addition of a loading gate means that you can keep that capacity topped off at all times without needing to remove a tube magazine. Per determination by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, the H018AH-410 Lever Action Axe .410 is classified as a non-NFA item. Final thoughts after the gauntlet of inspections and range time? Henry H018AH-410 Axe Gun #: 915904114 Seller: Jays Guns and Accessories GA Sales: 11342 $1,089.99 Full Details More from this Seller 6 Image (s) Henry Axe 410 Steel Gun #: 954624734 Seller: Legendary Guns GA Sales: 4485 $1,049.00 Full Details More from this Seller 8 Image (s) Henry Axe 410 Brass Gun #: 925396547 Seller: Legendary Guns Its shaped and feels like an Axe Handle. If youve ever seen the show the Rifleman, you know how quick and easy it is to work a lever-action from the hip. Henry Lever Action 410ga 20 INCH Cyl Bore. The Axe shares a similar form factor to our Mares Leg with some added features for more versatility.. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. That changed last year with the advent of Side Gate rifles that added the side port to Henrys existing tubular magazine loading style. If anyone from Henry reads this any chance for a discount coupon when I buy one? Important: If mailing to street address, use complete street names. Its such a fun and easy shooting gun that anyone can pick it up and safely shoot it. Stay in the know. I might get wrapped around the wheel on venomous snakes since I live in the southeast, and I also live in the middle of nowhere. Lets cut right to it! This is the most fun Ive had with a gun in a very long time. MSRP: $970 (about $775 retail). When you shoot this gun you cant help dump the whole magazine because it is so much fun. The gun gets its name, of course, from its axe handle-style pistol grip. Per the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives Gun Control Act of 1968, the H018AH-410 Lever Action Axe .410 is classified as a non-Class 3/NFA firearm. Please consult local/state laws that may prohibit the sale of this gun in your state despite its federal classification. Most guns fit neatly into categorieshunting, self-defense, cowboy action, plinking; yet, every once in a while, one defies labels. Product Information & Specs. User manual, Full Invector style choke, choke wrench, a soft material sleeve to cover the receiver, and a lifetime warranty. Its quite easy to aim and shoot. I wouldnt recommend trying to flip cock this thing. HATSAN OPTIMA SINGLE BARREL 410G 26in Call for Price Read more. Not just a standard fun gun, but an exceptionally fun gun. It looks fantastic, it feels fantastic, and it works fantastically. The sound. towards your level. Neither platform is cheap, but when buyers spend the money on Henrys Made in America or Not Made at All specialty firearms, two things are certain first, the guns are built to last for generations and second the pure enjoyment will last equally as long. Shotgun? In terms of the legality youd have to do something with the stock but it would be a pistol. Mares legs arent exactly rare either so 45-70 shouldnt be out of the question. Henry Axe Holster - Etsy Henry Axe Holster (1 - 2 of 2 results) Price ($) Shipping New All Sellers Rifle scabbard case holster leather handmade best gift ever for a hunter ACHILLESHANDCRAFTS (124) $385.00 FREE shipping 410 shell holder and rail BjorkquistBuilds (9) $29.00 1 Its much closer to a rifle trigger than the oft-forgotten about shotgun trigger. The only issue with the action is, without the (stockless) gun being braced into your shoulder, it can be a bit awkward to work at eye level. As I said in the introduction, Henry Repeating Armshave really brought the pure joy and fun of shooting that they introduced with all their mares leg models years ago. If you add in that with the low recoil, but relatively devastating effect .410 has on plinking targets, and you get a real winner. Finally getting out of mommys basement, while certainly commendable, is no ones definition of successful. Its a fun, and challenging game, and the Axe was the perfect gun for it. Hand-Picked Daily GUN DEALS, and Exclusive Coupons Codes >>>. Per a Henry, We feel that simply being fun to pull out of the scabbard and shoot again and again should be a category all its own. Henry feels that simply being fun to pull out of the scabbard and shoot again and again should be a category all its own. MSRP is $970 and the firearm ships fitted with a removable full choke. A common hobby here is to go for walks or rides on ATVs, Side by side, horses, and more. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared (Photo: Kristin Alberts/ The Axe is more controllable than most counterparts on the market. Its easy to ask whats the point of a lever-action gun in a shotgun caliber without a stock? Maybe you dont like the style, or the name, or the materials used, but hate is really a strong word here. I mean, look at it, it looks great. These cookies collect information that can help us understand how our websites are being used. By signing up you agree to's I think part of the NFA firearm loophole is that it must be smooth bore so you would have issues with rifle calibers. This new Henry HO18G-410R (HO18G-410) is a lever action shotgun chambered in .410. Announced late Thursday, the Axe is compact, with a 16-inch barrel and 26-inch overall length. Please enable Preference & Functionality Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! I put the Cylinder Bore Choke tube iv as it will shoot anything then with no issues or problems. A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. Add on the fact the Henry Axe weighs more than a 12 gauge, and you get an ultra-mild and comfortable handling firearm. It has the same 5-round capacity of 2 shells as its larger Lever Action .410 Shotgun counterparts, but the addition of a loading gate means that you can keep that capacity topped off at all times without needing to remove a tube magazine. Customizability * Its a steep priced other firearm with a street price in the 700s. Henrys .410 Axe is a lever-action shorty designed for fun first, with practical purposes like hunting and self-defense also in tow. The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. The hammer is easy to cock as well as decock manually. The blued steel receiver is both practical and attractive theres also a transfer bar safety. Damn, Griz. There are times and places where a 20 or a 12 is just too much gun, and for those times and places the .410 may be the ideal way to go. Shotguns are designed to be used with a stock, and the bead on the Axe is designed to be used with a stock. It makes it easy to aim and to hold. When I finally got to handle it, it gained my attention. My hands fit into the loop, but I was worried about recoiling, making the loop pound into my hand. The included Full Choke puts out incredibly tight patterns at defense distances. For sale: One (1) new in box Henry Lever Action Shotgun X Model, .410 with a 19.8 inch barrel. I give this gun a 10/10. There is only one practical use for this weapon and that is close in defense as in inside one's home or business. You can add a sling and change out the chokes. Writer | Chambered in .410 bore, it feeds through a side loading gate and has a magazine tube that holds five 2.5-inch shells. Henry also manufactures the lever action X-410 shotgun. Its a comfortable shooting and fun in a relatively common caliber. No personal data is ever sent to us. your thuttythutty no cycle good. The Axe is a gorgeous looking gun. They will let us know how many pages you have visited, and provide other functions required to use the site. There are no silly manual safeties and no crazy buttons or devices. The lever is smooth, as weve come to assume from Henry. If along the way you run into an aggressive moccasin, a blast of shot usually ends his day quickly. I would actually be more amused with one of these in 45-70 quite honestly. Ive used shotshells from Federal, Winchester, and Aguila, and theyve all loaded, gone bang, and ejected without issue. Pistol grip only shotguns are notoriously hard to control. At the same time, you can swap in a round of .410 buckshot and kill small hogs as well as coyotes. Recoil is mild and the gun doesnt buck, jump, shuck or jive when shooting it. No manual safeties added, and for that I am appreciative. With a barrel length of just under 16 and an overall length of just over 26 the Axe can be stored in far more places than your average long gun. Full choke might split the bullet, open choke I cant see why not. The lever action is very smooth, and the loop adequate for my oh so large hands. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Manufacturer Henry Repeating ArmsbrbrModel Side Gate Lever Action ShotgunbrbrSKU H018G-410RbrbrGauge .410 Bore 2.5brbrCapacity 6 RoundsbrbrBarrel Length 19.75 Round Blued Stee For Sale: One (1) new in box Henry Lever Action Shotgun Side Gate, .410 with a 24 barrel. The Henry Lever Action Axe .410 is a unique firearm and a joy to shoot. Shotguns and guns that arent technically shotguns arent known for having excellent triggers. Its a little spongier, but short and light. Its fun, for sure, but it also has more practicality than meets the eye. Better than a shovel? Soccer is a game we played with a Caldwell Duramax ball target. Loads hit right where you aim them, even with the lone front sight. Trying to fit the Axe into any of the aforementioned categories is futile, although the gun is capable of more than dabbling in any of them. These cookies allow us to share your visiting habits to our 3rd parties for marketing purposes. The Henry .410 Axe gets its moniker from the ax-handle style pistol grip which is engraved with the companys Cowboy logo. So after browsing pictures and watching videos about theAxe, it had my curiosity. Buy Henry Axe 410: GunBroker is the largest seller of Lever Action Shotguns Shotguns Guns & Firearms All: 974086822. She had no problem holding it up at eye level and letting it rip. Details of the Henry Lever Action Axe .410 include an engraving of Henrys logo on the bottom of the genuine American walnut grip, a side loading gate, a brass bead front sight, and a threaded barrel for invector chokes. Henry Axe 410 Sort By: Henry M-LOK Handguard (MAGPUL FDE) $189.00 Out of stock. Everything about the gun also reeks of high quality. Per the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosive's Gun Control Act of 1968, the H018AH-410 Lever Action Axe .410 is classified as a non-Class 3/NFA "firearm." Please consult local/state laws that may prohibit the sale of this gun in your state despite its federal classification. As it sits I would only use it for an indoor defense gun. My girlfriend weighs 110 pounds soaking wet, and she handles the Henry Axe without any problem. I am happily married and I am on the road a lot. Not all firearms need to fit neatly into categories like hunting, home protection, or good ol backyard plinking. Its better to lower the gun a bit, work the action, and continue to shoot. Travis Pike is a Marine infantry veteran, firearms enthusiast, and NRA certified instructor. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Like the Henry lever action AXE .410. For only 3.5 more barrel length, you could get one with a stock. I started by loading through the loading gate and it worked flawlessly. This compact stature opens the possibilities of where the Axe can be stored and used. Its also a bit easier to fire rapidly from the hip. Having a metal buttplate on a rifle is punishment enough. The MSRP is a healthy $970. I can buy a mauser M18 and have hundreds of dollars left over to go to the purchase of something else. Saves ammo, saves ears, saves putting a hole in your shed floor, provides a handy scooping instrument to move the recently killed snake. The Axe has the same 5-round capacity of 2 " shells as its larger Lever Action .410 Shotgun counterparts, and the addition of a loading gate means that you can keep that capacity topped off at all times without needing to remove a tube magazine. For years, the biggest knock on Henry has been their lack of a side loading gate. Henry .410 Axe $ 580.00 Additional Specifications Barrel Length 15.14 Barrel Type Round Blued Steel Rate of Twist N/A Overall Length 26.4 Weight 5.75 lbs. AMAZON Store: USCCA LEGAL SELF DEFENSE NETWORK: OUT O. any chance of getting a discount coupon on this product. We also learned that shooting from the hip with accuracy is not as easy as it appears. The American walnut looks like it grew around the lovely blued finish as tight as it could without impairing the function or feel of the firearm. If you love to wear action movies and games outfits so must check the top 5 superb Cosplay Jackets which gives you a killer and stunning look on this cosplay festival. It is only to provide you with normal web site functionality. The 16-inch barrel is threaded for an invector-style choke tube, and the receiver uses a loading gate on the right side of the . The trigger is also impressive as shotguns go. Because TTAG realized you are a total idiot? It pushes me to keep being successful. This shotgun comes with an adjustable rear sight, gold bead front sight, blued barrel and Micro-diameter.166 bolt delivers unrivaled efficiency accuracy and penetration.Fitted with an aluminum nock it clicks in to place to ensure proper loading every time.brbrModel Axe Rocky mountain ax10003 axe 440 axe bolts gray/orange/white 19 6 packbrbrModel Axe 440brLength 19brWeight 403 Grains with 100 grain pointbrColor Gray/Orange/WhitebrMisc Aluminum Noc Rocky mountain ax40002 axe 440 crossbow pkg black 30.5brbrModel Axe 440brLength 34.75brWeight 10.5 lbs w/o scopebrColor BlackbrFps 440 fps. Receive an occasional email from us with new product announcements, news, and notifications of future Henry events. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. It goes beyond the satisfaction of a Swiss K31 bolt, or a Colt SAA hammer being cocked. Overall Length:26.4 inches Sorry, there are no results in your area. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Overall this is a simple gun. Get offers and news!! The .410 is my 4th Henry, and it seems to be working itself up to the top of the list. The H018-410R is a more versatile and compact package featuring a 20 barrel, with a cylinder bore choke, simply a tapered constriction of the gun barrels bore at the muzzle end, and our standard adjustable semi-buckhorn rear and brass bead front sights. anything extra and your This includes sling Henry Axe in 410 with Blued Steel receiver 15.14" barrel, 5rd capacity. Sign up for Notify Me. guns & Henry Repeating Arms has a super convenient side . See this gun advertised a lot but are they ever going to be in stores for sale ? I knocked off one star for the awkward feeling of trying to work the lever while the gun is at eye level. Auction (5) This is an interesting offering. The shoulders third point of contact gives some resistance to the lever being pulled down. I would want a full stock on it for any serious shooting. I would argue that it was just that, a small push. The .45 LC I have to push a little harder to get it in the chamber. Shotgun is brand new with box. I wanted to see if the patterns drastically changed or if recoil would be discernable between all the shot sizes. I used everything I could find available to me. Im guessing the short 2.5 inch shells help in this regard. With a barrel length of just under 16 and an overall length of just over 26 the Axe can be stored in far more places than your average shotgun. Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. What is the best way to celebrate the New Year? You'll now receive newsletters of our best articles on techniques, Advanced . We give you two approaches in this .410. me, id take them up on it. Reliability * * * * * Thats assuming its safe to do so with a high enough berm, and you aim low. Lets see how it performs and if its right for you. Besides firing from eye-level or hip, there's a third way (seen in another video) to shoot the Axe more quickly. Its a firearm technically a non-NFA firearm much like the Mossberg Shockwave or Remington TAC-14. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms, [Review] Henry Axe .410: Lever "Not a Shotgun". I think it has to do with the ergonomics mostly. Buckshot and slugs are still mild shooting from this gun, and I havent found a 2.5-inch load I couldnt fire one-handed. When I had heard the announcement of theAxeI honestly didnt know if I was interested. Not my cup. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. .410 is a mild shotgun round, and as far as shotgun rounds go, we can best describe the .410 as soft.