my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it

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Don't Threaten. I think the bottom question is if you're going to be able to forgive her and not bring the subject whenever you're angry, or if you're not going to use it as an excuse to behaver carelessly. You want me to go on a comma and replace her. This changes nothing dude. According to the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (USA), 57% of men and 54% of women admit to having cheated at some point in their lives when in a relationship. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now. What!! She said she wanted to explain everything, but that she had to talk to me tomorrow because she was so shocked about the fact that I new. All Rights Reserved. The last 6 months was so hard. However, over the last few weeks I just can't bring meself to be as affectionate. Good luck man! It's a constant fear of "What if she does it again? Instead, she turned away from him then turned back to him and she initiated a second kiss and it was more than a peck on the lips. Now we've been taking it slowly the past week and it's going okay - I'm trying to be attentive in the future but i still feel like she doesnt understand how much the kiss thing hurt me. More. I can unsubscribe at anytime with a click. With that power, you can then choose the right woman for you, rather than accepting whatever you can get and potentially accepting yet another untrustworthy woman who will simply cheat on you, dump you or divorce you later on. Is She Cheating? 10 Signs Your Girlfriend Just Slept With Someone She claims she drank too much when she was out and lost control. What do I do? Her capacity to be faithful to you for life really depends on her upbringing, beliefs and what stage of life she is at right now. She blames me for this, also denies that its her doing (this is all implied, she wont have a direct conversation thats honest about this). I found her and her ex-boyfriend doing stuff(his hand were down her pants) in their grandma room. My heart is broken, and I dont know if I can ever forgive her I love her so much, but how can I ever trust her again? You can not control the actions of others, only yourself. - she lied about telling him not to contact her immediately after, - she hung out a lot with a guy she was attracted to and lied about that, - she ditched me and went and got drunk with him after I tried to fix it after our argument, - she takes zero responsiblity and blames my treatment of her, - she threatens to dump me and probably would have if the other dude was willing to dump his gf and commit to her. I gave her a letter, and in that letter I wrote about how much I loved her and that I was so happy that we waited. BUT at the same time I am completely confused now because I feel hurt by her having kissed someone else like this. Billie Joe Armstrong (born February 17, 1972) is an American musician who is the lead vocalist, guitarist, and primary songwriter of the rock band Green Day, which he co-founded with Mike Dirnt in 1987. As I said before she didnt think I wanted her back. Relationships can be extremely challenging. I Lied To My Girlfriend, And She Deserves Better So after the first date after 6 months I went home and checked her e-mail. I think I wanna forgive her soon. My Friend Went Down On Me On A Girls' Night Out - Bolde You also want to believe that she doesn't want him because he plays Halo. I was annoyed and hurt and felt humiliated! A cheating woman is the type who will often say, I love you to your face and say things like, I want to be with you forever, and I would never cheat on you, but when shes not around you, she will flirt with other guys, kiss them and even have sex with them without worrying about breaking her promise to you. So, rather than getting emotionally bruised by a woman who is not ready for a committed relationship, just break up with her and move on by getting yourself a new girl. Because she . I am so frustrated right now What do I say when she calls or show up on my door? And you know gymgirlie is rarely positive about when you get the thumbs up from gymgirlieyou are good to go!. I kinda did think she was the one and wanted to keep her. Maybe she will change and know how much it broke my heart. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a guy in his mid-twenties who's been dating a woman who lives three hours away over the past three months. {Man} Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. But she had an enc So, if you do take her back, you need to let her know that if you do see her putting herself in that type of situation again, you are simply going to break up with her and the relationship will be over with no chance of ever getting back together again. Thank you both so much for your answers. But overall, you need to realize if that's the only thing she's done that's really wrong. Only you can make this decision pal but I think if you really love eachother it's worth giving her a final chance. You need to improve your ability to attract other women, so you can then choose a trustworthy woman, rather than simply accepting whatever you can get and ending up with the wrong woman again. Paternity Court 2023 - Woman Claims To Turn Down Guys On Social Media Do not believe her sh#t that it's your fault. That was music to my ears because iv never felt anything like the way I felt about her and didn't want anybody else either. If she had to pick point blank she would pick her bf. Being with her is so great and I know we can be even better than this someday. Dump her and move on dude, as everyone in this thread has advised. My girlfriend kissed another guy, what should I do? If you get back with her she WILL do this again. The dude is a coworker of her's, and when they closed up shop, he asked her if she wanted to hang out. Things are alot better recently and I decided to stick with her because I realised I would kick myself if I never gave her another chance because I know how sorry she is, how much she loves me and how much I love her. Came to you and talked it over and B. if that had gotten her no where then said sorry I don't feel appreciated in this relationship and left THEN pursued other people. I needed time and space and just before christmas I decided to forgive her because I seen how remorseful she was and she's begged me for another chance saying she can't bare to lose me and can't bare to see me hurt so much. at a bachelorette night, hens night, bridal shower, baby shower, etc), she should be sensible and make sure that she doesnt get wasted and allow a similar situation to happen again. After that she was crying non stop then she finally told me. What you should do if you are monogamous with a woman, and not boyfriend & girlfriend yet, but she kisses another man. I love her with everything I have and that is what matters - she moved countries to be with me! All we wanted was to be with each other, but she lived on the other side of the world, and plane tickets are soooo expensive. My head was so full of thoughts, and I thought about it every single day. Your story is no different from thousands of others. But it can help you to see it as something that is not as importatn as you may believe. Me and my girl friend are together for a year now, some guy whom she meets on the way to work asked her to visit a place together. But I dont regret forgiving her one time. my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it. I kissed another guy when drunk but can't remember?! She got back home late (like 4 AM) and when I woke up she was crying and telling me sorry. For instance, when someone does something like cheating, usually doesn't think of all the consequences it will bring. He has helped men from all over the world to easily fix relationship problems with a girlfriend, fianc or wife and he can help you too. Dude she needs to stay gone. Every time a person tells their SO "it was only a kiss", means there's much more to the story. You've broken the obsession, and are in the safe space of reality. I'm also in the gym and physically active. Her niceness to you is her currency. Just do what is best for you. Thank you! So I guess what I am trying to say is that she felt lonely, and couldnt be alone anymore. If your girlfriend kissed another guy because she was extremely drunk and sincerely didn't even know what was happening (e.g. She will feel as though she is wasting time just waiting around for you because she doesnt even know if you are the one for her. My girlfriend and I broke up we are talking again but she told me, that she slept with a guy. Our weekly ritual of face masks and Gossip Girl turned into the infamous bedroom scene from Black Swan. I'm sorry you are going through this, it's bloody awful. I already graduated college and she's still in college. because youve been insecure, dont have much purpose in life outside of the relationship, etc), then she will more likely to cheat while you are apart. Must've been hard to relive this! I think when you have something as good as you describe you don't want to ultimately let a long distance just happened tiny thing like that get in the way of you two being togetherespecially when her letters show she is so convicted to dedicating herself to you. But a couple of weeks before christmas she had exams and essays due in so she was quite stressed and a bit off with me. Sure you might pay more attention for a while, but then you will slip back into your old habits, and she will wander again. But leave -NC means no contact. She took a year of to study, and is now back for good. hey i think u should give her another chance, i know she hurt u but i think everyone deserves a second chance. THEN that night she got drunk and this dude made a move on her and succeeded in kissing her. Essentially, what you need to do is make her feel the pain of losing an awesome guy like you, so she then realizes that she has made a mistake and comes back to apologize and ask for another chance. My girlfriend of 4 years kissed and "played" with another guy. I blew her off, criticized her, judged her and was generally mean for far too long. Finally when I said ok lets hang out for a couple hours she said she made plans with her friend and I never change mine for her so for once she's going to do what she planned. a clingy, needy guy who would never want to lose her), kissing another guy is also an opportunity for her to speed up the process of breaking up with him. Every letter was like 15 pages on a word document. Not all women are 100% trustworthy, which is a simple fact of life that you need to accept and deal with. The best way to make her realize that is to make sure that youre not making the classic mistakes that turn a girlfriend off (e.g. My gut instinct just told me something would happen. So, if you begin to demand that she stops talking to certain people (e.g. Be proactive and save both of you a lot of wasted time. It crushed my heart and my relationship but she wants to get back together and I just don't know if I should. Thats just my advise. Regardless of how good your intentions are and how great of a guy you really are, demanding that of her will make her feel like she is trapped in a relationship with an insecure guy, which will actually make her feel more attracted to the guy she recently kissed. delete her emails address, Facebook account from your friends list, and block her and do not unblock her to stare at her page. I dont want to hurt her feelings, but I want to play a little hard to get. moving in together, having children, getting married, etc) only to find out that shes done it again. My Much Younger Wife Is Flirting With Other Men - Seven Days shes freakin hot - so fine - and doesnt act like it, she's really humble. {Man} Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. My girlfriend kissed another guy (or he kissed her I guess..) and other complications. mercer county community college basketball roster. If she didnt want to do kiss the guy, she would have reacted within 5 seconds and stopped him from kissing her any further. Maybe I scared her a little when she saw how much I needed her. She never text back so it wasn't too incriminating so I checked messages sent to the mate she was out with that night and I seen her say "Please don't tell anyone I kissed that lad last night". Thats how I found out. Disloyal Women Who Kiss Other Men | by Coach Corey Wayne - Medium Dump her. She feels so sad, and that she doesnt deserve me right now. I'm currently on the receiving end of another guy's gf. My girlfriend kissed some older guy that she says was a friend. Follow My Twitter: Caught wife in the act with another man | Mumsnet Thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend of 8 years because I'm struggling to move past a bump in the road. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. Everything was going really well and we loved eachother so much and whenever I had to leave her or she had to go back to university it would be very hard and we would miss eachother, but she would find it alot harder because she was so homesick. Either way she is a cheat and you need to dump her. She's a great girl but she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, trust me. To her that would be like you saying you don't care. Often times, it's a sensible, functional woman who slips and falls for a person who is incredibly experienced in manipulation and deception. When I asked her if there was something wrong two days later she lied to me and said that everything was fine. You must tell her how you feel about this. Too little too late now. The man turned to Reddit 's "Relationship Advice" forum to ask whether simply sleeping in the same bed as another man counted as cheating and whether he should leave after finding out his girlfriend had lied. If you feel like she's stringing you along, tell her how you feel. Back then I was hitting the gym two times a day, so I could get all my frustration out. Iv only just really started calming down about it this last couple of weeks myself and my girlfriend did this back in December. Today, I found out that she kissed another guy from school. (nothing under the pants), My boyfriend of 2 years found out I kissed another guy and he is very insecure. If your girlfriend has kissed another guy, she will usually then break up with you because was already planning to, or she will wait to break up with you based on the way you react to the news. More so than the kiss, I felt more angry that she had kept herself in this lads company for a good while knowing full well his intentions and knowing she was obviously tempted because she ended up kissing him. I cant just give up on something like that. She probably had sex with him. If you tend to get angry and get into arguments with your girlfriend too often, you need to start being more light-hearted about things and force yourself to laugh and smile about the kind of things that would normally make you angry or annoy you. Only about our kids. It drove me crazy and I think I have been too needy. Dude you really shouldn't be giving advice. Attaching yourself emotionally to another person while you are in a relationship IS cheating. Its like he just went ice cold. Hearing news like that is enough for most guys to instantly dump a woman and never want to talk to her ever again. Dan Bacon is a relationship expert and is happily married. Kiss who you like. my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it I took no pleasure in seeing her so upset atall but I had to go. She tells me it is for the same reason we argued about before New years and she thought a lot and decided it wasnt going to be ok. For me this was a huge shock. You cant let an untrustworthy woman destroy you and turn you into an insecure guy who hides from women because he is afraid of being hurt. She apologizes constantly though for wanting to break up about thisshe apologizes so much it makes suspicious that it was more than a kiss too but I dont know if thats me just being paranoid. Women know that its very painful for a guy to find out that his girlfriend has kissed another guy behind his back. It was a onetime thing. I Was Raised By A 90 Years Old Ninja - Facebook - http://mirandasings. "I had a boyfriend briefly in high school, but the first girl I kissed was someone I met at college orientation. #1 Let Her Speak Jumping to conclusions is very easy. Mainly do to fact that my girlfriend lied about a lot of things. Lastly, she keeps apologizing for hurting me (ambiguously she says hurting me but implying for wanting to break up with me but not necessarily for the kiss). Hey dude! We have spoke about this and she understands but I just want to snap out of this mindset! Man the hell up and ditch the witch. And when I texted her back she just said hey I would have expected her to ask why haven't u texted me, was it because wat I asked , but nothing , By entering this site you declare She hasn't gone after that guy which is telling and makes me feel better and currently she's not dating or anything. Everything used to be so easy and wonderful. I love her so much and I cant see myself with anybody else. She visited me after 6 months and also stayed here in 3 weeks. My Wife Doesnt Respect Me: 5 Possible Reasons Why, Keeping a Woman Interested in You: 4 Stages. And she wants to change things about herself to make me happy. She just doesn't act like it around you. I'm really glad I stumbled on this forum! Im still sad sometimes when im thinking about it, but its nothing compared to what I felt back then. Just the tought of my girlfriend is doing stuff like that with other men makes me so **** off. Relationship problem: Girlfriend slept in bed with another man It's totally her fault. She was away for a year and I just found out through her emails that she kissed her ex one night for 10 seconds or so! my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about ithow to keep cna license active in illinois. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. She doesnt own you and you dont own her. Last night, we went to a bar and, at her suggestion, took along two other men whom we knew only slightly. After finding out all that new shyt, I think the answer is a lot clearer. April 2021 11 145 Report My wife kissed another man. Haha, thanks gymgirlie! Joey McCartney, 32, and Jesse McCartney, 36, are allegedly the two men responsible for the home invasion murder. My girlfriend kiss another guy - Ask Me Help Desk If you havent established a truly committed relationship with her where you and her know for sure that you want to spend the rest of your lives together, then its only natural that she will begin to stray if you spend too much time apart. which explanations did she give? I understand you, loosing those memories can be really painful. But through this road, too much joy and peace can be found. Long distance relationships are so hard, and I also missed being loved and cared about. Neither of us are the emotional type, but on the morning she was due to leave we both woke up an looked at eachother and just broke down in tears holding eachother because the day had finally come for her to go when it didn't seem real before hand. If she wants to be in a relationship with you that lasts a lifetime, she is going to change and will no longer want to go out partying and getting drunk if you arent there. Today our realationship is great! Keep it Clean. If you act like nothing happened she might think its not that bad, and she can repeat it again. If we are meant to be, everything will turn out all right. She pecked him on the lips and he was paying for her cell phone bill. Disloyal Women Who Kiss Other Men. being insecure, clingy, not having much purpose in life, not being masculine enough in how you think, feel and behave, etc) and you then need to dump her, so she can feel the pain of losing an awesome guy like you. Ive been thinking about the day she came through the gates on the airport everyday since she left. truly committed, kind of like each other, long distance, co-worker relationship, high school sweethearts, etc) and why she kissed him. She said no so I asked why has she text that to her mate then? Although it's really the tail end that's most movingat least now, when our love's drying up. If it ever happens again there is no way im doing that again. She looked very shocked and was gutted and tried to reach out for me but I just sat on the bed waiting for an explanation. She's going to dump you eventually anyway, or cheat on you again. My Girlfriend Kissed Another Guy: What Should I Do Now? She decided she would distance herself from them. I got really mad and told her what I saw in the e-mail. But this last year together we had a long distance relationship. Don't let anyone yell you otherwise and have enough respect for yourself to know that you should be treated better. She said she didn't go any further but she said that she enjoyed it - she says that because she enjoyed it its not right to stay with me. She waited in the dragon's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower . There are still times I get sad when I think about what happened, and im still trying to live with it. army, navy, air force, etc). Which is CRAZY!!!! She wanted to dump ME for ****s sake I feel useless. She wasnt thinking And I can see it in her eyes that she regrets. foe st patricks day event strategy. 4 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Silas Chung: Woman Claims To Turn Down Guys On Social Media (Full Episode). My girlfriend lied to me about another guy, I'm struggling - reddit If you want to keep the relationship together, you cant demand that she no longer spends any time with that guy because that is a choice that she needs to make. my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it You and her might have been having great sex, had fun on holidays together, lived together and even talked about having kids, but that doesnt mean she cant change her mind about wanting to be settled down for life. People make mistakes, some are bigger than other, but I think I can let go of this one right now. She will want you to come along too because you are the man that she is proud to be with and you are the man that she wants to be kissing, hugging and hooking up with at the end of the night. Trust yourself. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. (BTW, guys have to deal with insecurity just as much as girls.) I have always done ok with girls and she's absolutely stunning and got loads of personality so she has always got plenty of attention off other lads. The potential is definitely there! My girlfriend lied to me about another guy, I'm struggling to get over it. You just had a year of being apartseparation anxiety and getting reacquainted and sorting through all those little anxiety mistakes is always going to be present. my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it Glad you saw my post . She went back and forth with me for two weeks about how I don't appreciate her and how she loves me but she doesn't trust me to change the way I treat her etc. A husband found out 40 years ago his wife cheated on him. Not all women want to settle down for life with the first great boyfriend they find. Which means that if you stay with her, you'll continue to be "second string". At first I thought she was txting me bc she was still confused but now I realize it was simply to make sure i don't relapse. If she had to pick point blank she would pick her bf. Or both. Okay, sorry for the length of this, but I am stuck im a situation and I need help to make a decision! She cheated on you and lied. - http://mirandasingslipstik.comCome see me on tour! You want to believe that your girl is messing around with you because she doesn't want her bf. Far as I can tell she kinda let it sink in over the next few days that she might have rather been with him. Mr Confused22 As u can write this much longer questions to and replies to know that whether you should forgive her or not,I will suggest you go with your heart,because you are still in love with her very much!that you are eager to love her.. Iv just seen this forum and the exact same thing has happened to me recently. But when she got in the shower I couldn't resist! I'm a recovering drug addict who has recently started my PhD in pchem (i credit her for being in my life whilst i figured that **** out too btw). Recently caught my girlfriend lying about her talking to another guy. She kept telling the lad she had a boyfriend but in the end they had a very brief kiss. I found this one because the person I was posting about also goes to the other site and I didn't want him to read my posts. Are you still together?

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my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it