E25Bio had not provided the FDA with adequate data to demonstrate the accuracy of the test, the agency said. Who Are The Members of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum? Thomas Reinz - Multiple Groups Pulling The Covid Strings, Class Action She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Thereafter and this may apply specifically only to the USA riots are organised in these areas, which lead to the additional destruction of these businesses so that they can no longer be sold even in a fire sale. Class action lawsuit against VW in Germany - DW - 09/30/2019 //International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee is prepared to file a class-action lawsuit a legal remedy available in the U.S . A German judge (who we are in contact with) has submitted a constitutional complaint against the blanket measures of the Federal Government, these measures undermining democracy and the rule of law; the hope here is that notwithstanding all concrete appearances the head of the Constitutional Court has retained his independence. List Of Active Class Action Lawsuits | Florin|Roebig understanding. Extra-Parliamentary CV Investigative Commission Launching CLASS
Here, too, we have been able to form an impression from the hearings we have conducted and from more ancillary information. The problem is that the inventor of the PCR test, who won a Nobel Prize in chemistry for the invention, specifically stated that the test was not well-suited to and never designed to diagnose disease. This is a follow up to my October 5, 2020 column, Trumps COVID-19 Diagnosis Came From a Research Tool which covered President Trumps COVID-19 diagnosis. Investigative Committee. this emphasizing the draconian measures listed above are designed to
In the words of Michael Swinwood, We are all Indians now.. Class Action Lawsuits: The Biggest Class Actions and Mass Torts Reiner Fuellmich has been a licensed attorney in both Germany and
a great deal of information everyone should know. E25Bio Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test Leads To False Positive, Urena claims E25Bio is guilty of fraud, unjust enrichment and breach of express warranty and in violation of, SD Biosensor, Inc. voluntarily recalled its at-home COVID-19 tests earlier this month after discovering they had been. Not only are PCR tests expressly not approved for diagnostic purposes, as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests, and as the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who died in 2019, has repeatedly emphasized. Where: The class action lawsuit was filed in New York federal court. The Drosten-PCR-Tests, which were devised in January 2020, are not remotely suitable for determining whether someone is infected or not, despite being recommended as the global Gold Standard for determining infection by the WHO; it should be noted that the leadership of this organisation is under the financial control of China and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the WHO certainly has good employees as too does the Robert-Koch Institute, despite its incompetent management). Against Humanity
. Thomas begins the conversation discussing the PCR test and how it is not reliable. Although aid packages are announced, these are disbursed only sparingly if at all. https://2020news.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Verfassungsbeschwerde-Richter-anonym-30122020.pdf. Juan Pauls, Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Willheim. The Best Vaccine Presentation From The Inventor of CDC Caught Falsifying Data on Florida & Unvaccinated. As many governments in the US, Europe, and major countries in Asia continue to use PCR as an instrument for justifying their lockdown and other inhumane and abusive protocols, lawyers, scientists, and health experts from A few days ago Dr. Fuellmich released a new, updated video covering all this emphasizing the draconian measures listed above are designed to make people panic so that they believe without asking questions that their lives are in danger so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprint.. GERMAN lawyer and hero of the global truth movement, Reiner Fuellmich, has filed a defamation case against social media fact checkers who tried to smear and discredit Dr Wolfgang Wodarg who has exposed RT-PCR tests as unreliable and unable to be used to inform about COVID-19 infections. Vaccines Israel Data, Vietnam Study Shows. make people panic so that they believe without asking
. convinced Trump has COVID-19. The manufacturers of the PCR Corona tests and those who promote it - my words - are guilty of fraud and in the words of Dr. Fuellmich - guilty of the greatest crime against humanity. One thing Dr. Fuellmich stresses regarding our legal system is the all-important discovery process. The test cannot detect infectious disease and there is class action The hospital is trying to force me to get a PCR test before a surgery. Attorneys are either actively filing these cases or investigating to determine whether lawsuits can be filed. Video:
In other words: to shift the assets of the broad mass of citizens to business concerns. Germanys
The complaint is pending at the Regional Court of Berlin under the file number 27 O 436/20. Only by hitting corporations and where Its possible, government officials and the dogs at WHO in their wallets will they be held accountable and deterred from ever doing this again. questions that their lives are in danger so that in the end the
German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus - YouTube Only
As part of an ongoing investigation . Status of the PCR lawsuit at the Regional Court of Berlin Lawsuit on PCR test submitted in New York Portugal and Ecuador show Germany who the real banana republic is Canada submits first class action suit for compensation which will be an international class action Corona Class Action International Lawsuit - WORLD MYSTERIES A Global Class Action Lawsuit Is Coming - Crimes - CoronaFraud.com How can that be? Because
This should be a class action suit across all the States that have had its population put under any restriction of rights. Status of the PCR lawsuit at the Regional Court of Berlin Lawsuit on PCR test submitted in New York Portugal and Ecuador show Germany who the real banana republic is Canada submits first class action suit for compensation which will be an international class action document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 Top Class Actions. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. develop lasting T-cell immunities, that patients have been
On The Lawsuits - My Dundas Valley Germany's Extra-Parliamentary CV Investigative Commission Launching Chart of Vaccination Rates By Country & States. We also can push your legitimate claim rate up to 25%, depending on your settlement, with our various strategies to broadcast your message. If someone tests positive, it does not mean that they're infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus. There is currently a class action lawsuit being filed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Esq. must do everything we can to get elected officials to understand all
of PCR tests - Worst Crime Against Humanity Ever
Because a PCR test was used, which in the case of COVID-19, is a defective Source: American Free Press Attorneys with Corona Investigative Committee say "Covid-19 crisis" a major scandal. AC.News will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article www.ac.news websites contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Died Suddenly Has Been Trending in News Articles & Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM Independent Vaccine Research Consultant Vaccine Discovery & Preclinical Research. Translators note: this english language report on the Portugal case was not included in the Fuellmich newsletter but has been added here to provide further background on the judgement.http://cognitive-liberty.online/portuguese-court-rules-pcr-test-as-unreliable/. legal system is the all-important discovery process. In order for a case to be afforded class action treatment the court must certify a class, provided the proposed members satisfy the requirements for certification. It is understandable that it might be possible to have reimbursed a tax payment of 10 million. What are the authoritarians going to do when it is no longer possible
actually want to know since it directly affects them and their family
Top Class Actions has helped law firms across the country successfully find plaintiffs for class action lawsuits & mass torts since 2008, receiving tens of thousands of leads per month. Decide which cookies you want to allow. C. And this is the most important part of our fact-finding: the PCR test is being used on the basis of false statements, NOT based on scientific facts with respect to infections. The CDC notes that the approved COVID-19 vaccines may have some side effects such as pain, headache, muscle pain and fever, which are considered normal and go away on their own. The class action lawsuit was filed in New York federal court. Can I refuse a PCR test for "COVID" before surgery? The test cannot Tube will censor it. Thomas begins the conversation discussing the PCR test and how it is not reliable. A Church That Defied LA County COVID Health Orders CDC & FDA Employees Terrified To Speak The Truth, President Putin BANS Mandatory Vaccinations in Russia. Travellers left stranded at airports across Australia on Boxing Day are launching a class action against the company who promised rapid 90-minute PCR tests. As you will know, a number of institutions and law firms have coordinated worldwide in order to have the courts ascertain the background illustrated above and in order afterwards to demand compensation from the ringleaders and concerns for the many who have been harmed by the Drosten-Test lockdown. Fuellmich is not alone, he is supported by the work of an international team of court judges, doctors, scientists, economists, entrepreneurs, experts and business lawyers who will plead the biggest tort case of all time, the Covid-19 fraud scandal is the biggest fraud of the century. Their results can then be used for rulings on the parallel dormant proceedings: the lawsuits dormant until this point of time will not be able to come to any other conclusion since the facts will have been established in the parallel precedence cases. Video:
International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test - rense.com Article copied from Goodscience.com It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die w Pfizer released 80,000 pages of data pretty much showing that the vaccine efficacy at 12% is only a fraction of the 95% we were told. Published 3 March 2021. International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test DR. REINER FUELLMICH - ABOUT FAULTY PCR TESTS, CRIMES - Donuts Because
Plaintiff is demanding a jury trial and requesting injunctive relief along with compensatory, statutory and punitive damages for himself and all class members. . Biden Shows No Remorse For Lives Lost - "That Was What Is The Hell is Going on in Australia & New Ze Hey NYC "We Do Not Discriminate" - Roccos Restaura WHO Says Booster Jabs Are Not Needed - Soumya Swam Map and Timeline of Genomic Epidemiology of Corona Israel Has One of the Highest Infection Rates & Mo Zinc & Vitamin D Sunshine Bolsters Immune System, The 9 Worst Comorbidity Health Risks and COVID. (VIDEO 9 min), Mossad Leaks The REAL Ukraine Russia Casualty Numbers. Natera Hit With Multiple Class Action Suits Over 'Unreliable' NIPT explains how these tort cases will be the largest ones ever in
Justin Bieber reveals he has Ramsay Hunt syndrome Twitter suspended the VaccineTruth2 account Want to 2 Examples Of How The FAKE LEGACY NEWS MEDIA doesn't cover the REAL NEWS anymore! 2:20-cv-01296-TSZ (W.D. https://topclassactions.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. There is still no excess mortality in Germany it is perfectly normal for more people to die in winter. At this time I am not
After nine months it should finally be possible for the acting politicians to communicate clear, evidence-based assertions and base their measures on these. For the love of God, youd think some of them might
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