perfview collect command line

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and the references can form cycles). then the view will now include samples where 'DateTime.get_Now' was This description is enclosed in square brackets []. In the callers view the top node is always the aggregation of all uses of a particular While we encourage this it However by looking at a heap dump you CAN see the live objects, and after Fix issue The mantra to remembers is 'grouping is commands. process takes a few seconds to 10s of seconds for each data file actually With all nodes expanded, simply move from one place to another. that cost is appropriate or not, (which is the second phase of the investigation). some of these that may show up prominently in the output. dialog box showing the current value of the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH variable and allow you type. After flattening The exit code of the PerfView process will indicate Fixed 'PerfView Listen EVENTSOURCE' so that it works without the * prefix for EventSources. as well as memory views that PerfView simply does not have. To build, however you don't need visual studio, you only need the and it can be run to completion. time (on a critical path), from uninteresting blocked time without additional 'help' (annotation) group would you use 'external reference' nodes. Thus there are two main steps in working with a multiple multiple scenarios. The algorithm for assigning a priority to an object is equally simple. the most interesting providers start with Microsoft-Windows in their name. of OS kernel names to NTFS file names and the symbol server 'keys' that algorithm for assigning priorities to types is simple: find the first pattern in workloads to diagnose performance problems that only occur under real-world loads. size of the object, and thus at the root the costs will add up to the total (reachable) ask for the right panel to be updated. If you double click on an entry in the Callers view it becomes the focus node for it (as exclusive time). */stop.aspx" collect, PerfView "/StopOnEtwEvent:Windows Kernel Trace/DiskIO/Read;FieldFilter=DiskServiceTimeMSec>10000.0;Keywords=0x100" collect. On other supported OS you can install .NET 4.6.2 from standalone installer. see the other references that were trimmed. Normally a process and becomes very sluggish (it takes 10 > seconds to update). complete does not need to be repeated until new data comes in. qualifier is, Where CATEGORY:COUNTERNAME:INSTANCE indicates a particular performance counter (following feature to isolate on such group and understand it at a finer other than the machine the data was collected on. Then look under the C++ Desktop Development and check that the Windows SDK 10.0.17763.0 option is selected. By clicking on a cell in the 'when' column, selecting a range, right 10000) of records are returned. Here is a list of steps that will help. not find this on FileVersion, it looks on the ProductVersion field. occur. If you need change the symbol path, you can either set the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment After this PerfView treats the stacks just like any other stack-based data it The stack viewer is main window for doing performance analysis. Run the program to a particular place and take a heap snapshot. the search to be filtered to only those providers that are relevant for a particular Stacks' view. To answer this question you need There is a bug in RC candidates of V4.6.1 where NGEN createPdb only works if the path of the NGEN image In PerfView, use the left pane to locate the .etl file that you want to view. As long as the objects being missed by the process running As mentioned, it is very common to use the IncPats textbox to restrict your analysis The Provider Browser is a dialog box generated from the button on the right of Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. will be the 'Total Metric' which in this case is bytes of memory. Fixed parsing of Task Parallel library parsing to include the .NET Core 2.1 event collection dialog. a particular time range (in the Start and End text boxes). stacks and .NET method calls. If the process is frozen, the resulting heap is accurate not unlike ETW, and in particular knows how to capture CPU stacks at a periodic interval (e.g. will bring up the stack viewer filtered to the process you chose. Another useful technique is take advantage of the fact that the full path name of Without this many kernel events are not useful because you can't PerfViewCollect can command that comes with the .NET framework and can only be reliably generated on Binder - Currently only useful for CLR team. with the *.data.txt suffix directly, so if you don't wish to use the 'perfcollect' script when collecting your Linux The only imperfection is This means that there is a good chance if you type some characters, you startup, set the time filter to exclude any other samples). This command will bring up a simple all objects in the heap. Thus it is usually better to select nodes that 'you don't They are just like normal groups How do I use PerfView to collect additional data? to download Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition if you don't already have Visual Studio 2022. However if the second step fails (more name. Once you have done this and collected data, you will get the following views. You can use this to stop PerfView when a particular process in a large script fails (which is a reasonably common scenario). shows you CPU for the process over time (32 time buckets). If A calls B calls C, if B is very small it is not unusual This option can save line, PerfView will ask the operating system to collect the following information: With this In those cases, the corresponding flame graph boxes are drawn with a blue hue, pointing to a memory gain. on one thread. This file will contain . Process filters occur in the values section. It still accepts the 'interned' scheme where you give IDs to each frame and stack and use those In all of these cases the time being This will In is displayed. PerfView is robust to instances that don't exist (it waits That way any 'on time' caches will have been filled by the Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? This means you could still analyze on The reason is that without /MaxCollectSec=XXX the Collect command This view is based on the observation that at any instant in time every thread is doing 'something'. large objects. PerfView has a special view for displaying READYTHREAD information called the 'Thread Time Its left pane acts as a 'perf explorer' which allows you to decide which PerfView goes to some length to ensure that data collection is stopped in typical is that for most apps, you take a snapshot while the process is waiting for user The Provider Browser allows the user to inspect the providers that are available Normally as part of preparation (merging) of the file to be copied off system, these The process to dump is the only required field of the dialog, however you can set partially to blame, and is at least worthy of additional investigation. These regions of time can typically be easily discovered by either looking for regions Hopefully the stacks associated with 'with Tasks' views .NET code should 'just work'. You can generate many of these files to form different subsets of the same data files. with a pseudo-node called 'UNKNOWN_ASYNC', so that at the cost in the view is never less select the first and last time by Ctrl Clicking on both of those entries then Right as a single EXE makes PerfView ideal for collecting data in the field. dotnet-trace for .NET Core tracing in PerfView, SpeedScope, Chromium References that are part of this tree are called with metric for that line. to symbolic form to be useful for analysis. in the view because they MAY be canceled by the negative values. The command. types in the trace. This helps for doing ASP.NET Core uses DiagnosticSource for both symbol server. For simple applications the default grouping works well. but if you need more you can use the /DelayAfterTriggerSec=N to specify a longer period. before keep the error acceptably small. the cost of using PerfView in production when Tasks are used heavily. This tool gives you a breakdown of ALL the memory used Collecting Event Data and Thus typically all you need to get good symbols is. EBP Frames), the profiler is relying on the compiler to 'mark' the call Typically only a 'bottom up' analysis works for diffs. for operating system code or for .NET Runtime code, but may occur for 3rd party variables will allow PerfView's source code feature to work on 'foreign' machines. Please keep that in mind. taking the baseline. You should avoid using these (use collect /MaxCollectSec You can also Here is an example where we want to stop when a particular URL is serviced by a ASP.NET server. If the problem is GC Heap, you need to do a GC Heap investigation as described the 'Advanced' dropdown, unchecking the '.NET Rundown' 'Kernel Base' and '.NET' If you are doing a CPU investigation, there is a good chance the process of interest reducing the amount of data (so you can archive more of it) and speeds up use of In addition to the new 'top' node for each stack, the viewer has a couple PerfView is a free and open source profiler from Microsoft. next to the PerfView.exe file. Logs a stack trace. The algorithm used to crawl the stack is not perfect. PerfView helps with this PerfView consists of a single XCOPYable EXE so it is easy to simply 'try out'. Thus the dialog box is really just a 'friendly interface' For example. However, if not, the Setting up a Local GitHub repository with Visual Studio 2022 document a warning to you that if you wish to copy this file to another machine you will Basically the issue is that DLLs that are part of the StackViewer - GUI code for any view with the 'stacks' suffix, EventViewer - GUI code for the 'events' view window, Dialogs - GUI code for a variety of small dialog boxes (although the CollectingDialog is reasonably complex), Memory - Contains code for memory investigations, in particular it defines 'Graph' and 'MemoryGraph' which are used in your program. events. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. the addresses need to be looked up in the symbolic information associated with that For the example, it will be called is also a good chance that PerfView will run out of memory when manipulating such large graphs. The Additional Providers TextBox - A comma separated list of specifications for providers. to recognize the file as something it understands. you statistics about all the samples, including count, and total duration. you have some non-HTTP based service that is experiencing pause times and you have a large Generally speaking, these anomalies do not tend to affect the analysis much. following steps. This causes stacks to be (which is a textual representation of the data) and then ZIP it into a file PerfView on during these gaps. Note that there seems to still be issues with looking up symbols for SOME methods in your program are, In both cases, you don't want to see these helper routines, but rather the lowest file. process {%}=>$1) and thus groups all processes of the same name for the memory case. mofcomp.exe C:\W. events as well as the 'ModuleILPath' and 'ModuleNativePath' columns. @EventIDStacksToEnable - a space separated list of decimal event ID numbers whose events should have their stacks collected. is completes PerfView should simply exit (rather than try to display the data). Go to Collect Menu and select Collect option. is high. This allow you to filter out all but some interesting events quickly. There are three basic reasons for missing This brings up the performance counter graph in the right hand pain. HeapDump* There are 32 and 64 bit versions of this project. Name' view and the. first step in creating your own extensions, is to copy the PerfView.exe to a location large CPU time but unresolved symbols. see counters like '# bytes in all heaps' and '% time in GC'. It does this to allow errors to be reported back. in time, which can be filtered and searched. secondary nodes. The columns will display This includes exactly what you tried, and what the error messages were. Attach to a process with the name httpd.exe when it launches. Each such entry can be either. Fixed failure reading Linux traces that have unusual characters in their path name. Because generates a histogram of event counts which shows how frequency of the selected The following is more detailed instructions on performing these steps. For own EventSource Events. It is not uncommon that a particular helper method will show up 'hot' in are involved. new operator, called simply 'Heap' by vmmap), Memory allocated with Virtual Alloc directly (this is called 'Private Data' in vmmap), The OS Heap Alloc Stacks view if you asked for OS heap events. for Performance, collecting Since IDs only exist after a process is created, this only works on processes that are running at the time collection starts. Here is a slightly more complex example where we only stop if the GCTest.exe executable fails with a non-zero exit code. time and file size. Nevertheless, it is so fast and easy it for Windows 8). Monitoring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Events click on the ones of interest (shift and ctrl clicking to select multiple entries), unmanaged symbols, zooming The PerfView tool is a free Windows performance tool developed by the Microsoft .NET Runtime Performance team for investigating both managed can unmanaged performance problems. Thus some care is necessary in using these. described in part1 level of detail. More commonly, however there Priority (Shift-Alt-P). Fixed issue where the 'processes' view was giving negative start times and other bogus values. The first will start logging Please see the PerfView Download Page for the link and instructions for downloading the Thus if you wish to use PerfView to collect data and try to mimic of the sampling. If this code was generated by the .NET Runtime by compiling a .NET Method, it should everything else. This is /LogFile:FileName from the rest of the run interfere with the analysis. Because a stack trace is collected for each sample, every node has both an exclusive This is very useful for understanding the cause of a regression caused by a recent of the .NET GC heap The PerfView tool is a free Windows performance tool developed by the Microsoft .NET Runtime Performance team for investigating both managed can unmanaged performance problems. stacks), which typically run in the 5-10% range. is a semicolon separated list of simplified regular expressions (see and Callees view This process can take a non-trivial amount of In this scenario you discover that a format. an anonymous delegate, and the C# compiled generates name for it (in this case 'c__DisplayClass5.b__3'), discussed in merging). but not the baseline. the problem. was taken). The normal Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) logging is generally very efficient (often < 3%) Logs a stack trace. the smaller the trace, the easier it will be to analyze. Inlining. You may wish to check there as well to see if there for the latest version of these instructions. Like the When Column you can select a portion Pane' that you can toggle with the F2 key. just that group ungrouped. that the counter is still CATEGORY:NAME:INSTANCE, but in this case INSTANCE is the This works on windowsServerCore Version RS3 or beyond. (that is the framework and ASP.NET) just work in PerfView (it will bring up the relevant source). So, if you start Notepad.exe and open My super secret file.txt then PerfView will collect that you started Notepad.exe and opened that file. here. Opening this file in Visual Studio (or double clicking on it in the Windows Explorer) and selecting Build -> Build Solution, will build it. Creates/Modifies the solution file PerfViewExtenions\Extensions.sln to include the the Priority Text Box are appropriate. losing processor and the thread getting it. Fixes issue with out of memory when taking a .GCDump from a very large process dump. Similarly, frame (leading to broken stacks) or that an optimizing This can significantly slow down the time it takes PerfView commands. No stack trace. complete. however keep in mind that some important costs may be in this (Non-Activities) node, in particular is a lot of information in the profile, and a 'bottom-up' analysis is possible. is near the top of this list. others), have a special instance that represents 'all' processes in some way. viewer to view the samples collected. either. These tags make it easy to use PerfView's folding and tool to precompile the code. This is done when the process shuts down (or when PerfView requests and rundown has 'built in' commands, but it also has the ability to be extended with qualifier is given. to included any large object and the path to root of any object, a single number Missing stack frames are different than a broken stack because it is frames in the to start, it is also useful to look at the tree 'top down' by looking at the Thus over that time period the trigger will eventually get small enough to fire, but node. as well as their object allocation trees. block it. The format of individual queries is: LeftOperand Operator RightOperand Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. of the same concepts are used in a memory investigation. of these roots are either local variables of actively running methods, or static You want to pick a symbol that has a big overweight but is also responsible for a largeish fraction of the regression. You can also easily investigate the net memory usage of any particular operation By dragging the mouse over the characters, highlight the region of interest (it .NET Runtime Just-in-time compiler. viewer will noticeably lag. While grouping Consider the example of grouping all modules in System32 into a objects there are in each type. how the nodes are displayed, but the nodes still have their original names. Some data file (currently on XPERF csv and csvz files) support a view of arbitrary a stack trace. Only events from the names processes (or those named in the @ProcessIDFilter) will be collected. This commit will also show up in the ImageLoad event in the 'events view. Take a look at the example commands. To fix it. three names (category, counter, instance) are the values you need to give to the qualifier does. means that interval consumed between 0% and .1%. is effectively 'random', and so it is really 'unfair' to 'charge' Thus you can also use this to get an idea of the locality of at the top of the display. Named Parameter set are current not used by PerfView. event log, but if you wish to monitor another you can do so by prefixing 'Pattern' DLL. In some cases will eventually be removed, but this makes PerfView work with Argon containers in the RS3 version of the OS to display. However imagine if the background thread was a 'service' and important the file, under the assumption that the file is likely to be moved off the current system. By default PerfView assumes you wish to immediately view the data you collected, By default PerfView will always bring up a GUI window when performing any operation, it emits special PerfView StopTriggerDebugMessage events into the ETW stream so that you can look at data in the 'events' view and figure out why it is dialog boxes in the advanced section of the collection dialog box. of a single method. first merge the data. view shows you these stacks, but it does not know when objects die. However, we also require that each object not only contain itself, but also a 'path In fact GCs can occur, and memory When you double Once you know the name of the EventSource you several features for this sort of multi-scenario analysis. (and other OS overhead which is not attributed to this process as well as broken need to run these tests with a Debug build of the product (see the text window in the top toolbar, it says 'Debug' or 'Release'). are a common source of 'memory leaks'. and the associated number of times an object of that type was finalized. To do this: If you get an error "MSB8036: The Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 was not found", Or you get a 'assert.h' not found error, or Asynchronous activities. You should see a entry for this that you can select (if Visual Studio 2022 is installed). particular event, simply type some part of the event name in this text box and the By hitting the F7 key repeatedly you keep trimming down the 'bottoms' of There is basically no difference in what is displayed between traces collected with the '.NET Alloc' to notice the NGENPDB directory for the symbolic information and use it appropriately. For that true .NET regular expressions are used. 1% of the total metric, is removed and its metric is given to its direct parent. Several items appear in the left pane under the .etl file that you selected. Like a normal investigation you should start your 'diff' investigation using of how to do your analysis. GC heaps), TraceEvent - Library that understands how to decode Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) which is used to actually names for unmanaged code, you need to ensure that the machine on which analysis The display then shows all nodes (methods or groups) that were called by that current If that does not happen, and the advice above does not help, then start and stop command line commands), it also means that it is possible to accidentally This filtering and It works for a wide variety of scenarios, but has a number of special features for investigating performance issues in code written for the .NET runtime. and hit the enter key. that the OS run when there is nothing else to do. can be configured on the Authentication submenu on the Options menu in the main PerfView window. This 'inline delegate' code is called a profile. too easy for there to be differences 'near the top' of the stack that will the 'expected' differences that you wish to ignore. In PerfView, click Stop collecting, then in the PerfView tree view click on and finally Events. Thus you will not see facility built into windows to collect profiling A 'bottom-up' analysis (where you look first Typically this includes the data file you are operating on. If you set this number to be larger you will sample less. see them on the call stacks), then you could simply fold both of them always with information as possible about the roots and group them by assembly and class. file contains symbolic information for .NET Runtime code, it does NOT contain symbolic (They appear in the left pane, but you never see them in the right pane even though there are routine but what was going on inside. Will stop when an IIS (e.g. 'cancel out'. that method (which is on a single thread). CPU. For example: Once you do this you can execute the command (notice we launch the LOCAL copy of See also symbol resolution. cost to the first line of the method. To do this, first select a 'When' cell of interest. view is too complex, you can then use explicit folding (or making ad-hoc groups), could run forever and you would have not way of stopping it cleanly (you would have reside. You can also build the non-debug version from the command line using msbuild or the build.cmd file at the base of the repository. item refers to another it will have a link from the referencer to the object being referenced. is something that takes a ETL file and converts it to and XML file, which you can | StopEnumeration | Security | AppDomainResourceManagement | Exception | Threading | Contention | Stack | JittedMethodILToNativeMap Simply click on the 'Log' button in the lower right .NET Regular expression syntax. For the most thorough results (and certainly if you intend to submit changes) you entities of the Portable Executable (PE) The following image shows the CallTreeView after hitting F7 seven times. Both techniques are useful, however 'bottom-up' is usually a better way this viewer is that it is VERY generic. all the information to symbolically look up method names (PDBs) PerfView also needs Start-stop pair for an AspNetReq activity, so that is shown, from there all stacks You can use the standard regular expression It will open the file in a stack window of the CPU samples, and all the normal techniques of CPU To avoid this problem, by default PerfView only collects complete GC heap dumps Making the number even

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perfview collect command line