10 russian warships off uk coast

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See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. It just shows the Ruskis have sleepers in the German armed forces. https://www.army-technology.com/projects/land-based-future-local-area-air-defence-system-flaads-land/, Is Russia just grandstanding in some effort to remove the economic sanctions? In a sense he might as well go for as much of Ukraine as he can get hold of because the penalties are just the same. True , I seem to remember one the OSINT Bunker pod cast guys saying if they start to move Air assets near the Ukraine border than probably the war is on , they have just done that. Astutes dont need to surface to receive Comms, they are more then capable of receiving them whilst deep. He said the countries were 'united in their resolve' against Russian aggression. During the Cold War it became traditional to test the resolve of an incoming new American president with a manufactured crisis. All vessels travelling through the Bosphorus have to book passage where a Turkish pilot will board to insure safe passage, that includes men of war irrespective of nationality. As this is different from Davids comment below Ill go away and try to get some evidence. why? Ukraine is not a NATO country, therefore Article 5 will not be called and NATO will not fight. Purely theoretical, but just imagine Putin had deployed military units to Iraq in 2002/2003 as peacekeepers and to secure WMD. Clearly they have something on him-most probably a secret video of Trump in bed with some Russian beauty! The only delusional people are the idiots who think Biden is doing a good job; hes lost Afghanistan, Ukraine next, and probably Taiwan in 2023 when this emboldensRead more . The other question which has been posed before-if the Ukraine had not given up its nukes, would Russia risk starting a fight with them? On Wednesday, the State Departmentapprovedthe transfer of U.S.-made missiles from Baltic NATO members to Ukraine. https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2022/01/us-sends-more-military-equipment-ukraine/361042/  With the clown we have as PM? Defence forces monitor Russian warships off Irish coast However there is some good reports if you know where to look. You are just scapegoating Douglas. Western military analysts have suggested Russia cannot keep such troops deployed where they are indefinitely for financial and logistical reasons and would need to pull them back by summer. Just been channel hooping with various News outlets and what I can gather is that the Ukrainian public are just getting on normal Living , it would seem that the 24hr News channels are too blame for the So called tensions just like a certain plot for a James Bond movie with Johnathan Pryce as the TV mogul who wants too start a War for Ratings. Spot on Johnathan, nothing beats the smell of Cordite when doing a spread or up ladder SU shoot. Russia has repeatedly denied that it is planning an invasion and instead demanded that NATO bar Ukraine from membership. The deployment was cited in Ukraine's intelligence report which said Belarus 'should be considered as a full-fledged theater of operations that Russia can use to expand aggression against Ukraine.'. The stark warning comes after two rounds of last ditch talks between the West and Russia failed to de-escalate the conflict which has threatened to bubble over since late last year. Its not as easy as it seems, accurately targeting the correct vessel in high shipping density waters. If allowed to go unchecked, this will only serve to embolden both Putin and Xi, so interesting times ahead for all of us. Agree but the Russians view is that any weapon in hand can be used against an enemy and therefore gets kept. I have faith in the crews and TTPs, I have limited faith when the top brass dispense with offensive capabilities that the USN and every other major navy endorses. When you consider bang for buck (price index), how long until Chinas defense budget alone will be equal? "The U.S. Coast Guard is currently monitoring the Russian . Yes we cant come to Ukraines aid in any meaningful way but this should be it now as far as the Baltics are concerned- reinforce the fuck out of them so they know what surrounded really means and, I hate to say this but trump was right the Germans are useless spineless allies and they dont deserve the support they have now, relocate all forces to Poland and the Baltics where it really matters. Iran has been poking the region with a pointy stick for years now just to see what sort of rea tin they would get in return. "We can appeal to common sense, demand respect for international law, and if that doesn't work, we can bomb," Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Russian news agencies. Historical connections with Lvov/Lviv arguably Polish for some. "As I said, it has no equivalent in any country in the world. Is Harpoon totally ineffective against Russian ships or just a bit old? I was just using it as an example of how the presence of a capable foreign military in a potential war theatre could complicate strategies. Final talks on NI post-Brexit deal as UK PM meets EU chief - No 10. loads of shps. and The Royal Navy said it is tracking the frigate and the tanker movements with an HMS Portland frigate, as it could carry what is considered to be one of the world's deadliest weapons. Will Stewart The ships have included a surfaced submarine, a destroyer, a corvette and a patrol ship along with their supporting tugs and supply ships travelling in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and the West Coast of Scotland. I cant imagine we would though, as it could cause an incident in the channel. By teatime at least during the cold War the surface arm of the RN was given 7 days before lights out 6 days more than the RAF , only the Army faired better indefinitely if resupplied ? HMS Lancaster joined Severn tracking Steregushchiy-class corvette Boikiy in the Channel and using its Wildcat helicopter to gather intelligence. Lots of disinformation out there I dont understand how Trump takes no blame on either side of the Atlantic for signing the peace deal with the Taliban of all groups but Biden blamed on this board with no push back. That was not my point: NATO has antied up and put boots on the ground, who are prepared to fight. It had been thought Mr Putin would choose the 'simple option' of sending troops into the Donbass region in south-eastern Ukraine and then negotiate for it to become an independent state, providing a buffer between pro-western Ukraine andRussia. The group thinkers on here have no idea of the N2 capabilities of RU and without AsUW the RN is in danger of being decimated before tea time. Unfortunately we are in a poor starting position militarily, as is most of NATO if things escalate. The ships have included a surfaced submarine, a destroyer, a corvette and a patrol ship along. Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov is closely monitored by #SNMG1 ship HMS Portland in the North Sea on Jan. 9 #DeterandDefend #StrongerTogether pic.twitter.com/6DN7EmL7EO. Russian warships filmed off coast of Britain as Royal Navy shadows Comms on a dived Astute very limited. H I Sutton 15 Mar 2022. If you mean why T26 isnt fitted with ASROC, then that has been explained at length by many other commentators, and with very good reason. I am very much older than 25 and I find her far more grown up than most actual grown ups. I stand by my comments and time will tell. We reported earlier that amid ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian navy has sortied 5 Ropucha-class landing ships and one Ivan Gren-class landing ship from their Baltic fleet, likely headed to the Black Sea. The task group were joined by RAF Typhoon and F-35s jets, plus tankers RFA Tideforce and RFA Tiderace. 'It is the choice of President Putin and the Russians to make, whether they are going to suffer severe economic consequences or not.'. Defence chiefs have been keen to suggest new cyber and space capabilities will be major beneficiaries of any extra money for Defence. This was of course totally unrelated to his dad, then VP, having a say on loan money going into Ukraine. But then we are talking about a Govt that is all style (and what style that is these days judging by the No.10 makeover) over remote substance and my do those Type 45s look smart and mean when they are out on the water especially when they have a dragon on the bow though Boris would probably add flock wallpaper as camaflage. Its what happens after Russia invades that know one is sure about. It will take them at least a decade to begin to get off Putins apron strings. Its a land grab and a hard lesson to NATO not to expand further east and Im afraid Ukraine who have been pro west since independence will pay the price. Hope the Turks can hold them up over their passage through the straights and send Putins timetable skew-whiff. Actually, its an interesting point. Nine Royal Navy ships have completed a "concentrated operation" to shadow seven Russian warships, the British Royal Navy said Thursday, citing "unusually high levels of activity" in the English . This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Just do what I do and refer to wikipedia according to which the class was commissioned between 1975 and 1991. get her back in dock and rebuild her from the inside out. Clearly I could be wrong on this. In Moscow, Russia summoned Ambassador Deborah Bronnert for a reprimand over what it said were Britain's "dangerous" action in the Black Sea - while foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused London of "barefaced lies". We must stand with our Ukrainian allies., Biden has also authorized $200 million in additional support to meet Ukraines emergency defense needs, according to a U.S. State Department spokesperson. Where do they and other countries replace it from? The Russians are on drawdown but maintaining overwatch I understand. The reason they were happy to get rid was cost. An analogy would be how the small number of US troops placed in both Syria and Afghanistan deterred attackers until they were removed andlook what follows. Russkie pension, weekly bucket of spuds and one litre of 2 stroke. I meant a small number combat troops postured to help the Ukranians defend themselves. Resources, they have plenty of their own. Since then its been regular movements in/out as the Russian military cycled as many as possible through Syria for the experience. Any commander in defence now has Russian forces to the North, East, South and West; it could all get very tasty. We are in a potentially high risk scenario all it takes is a trigger point. Its all well and good having such weapons, but they arent much good without good accurate targeting information. If you remember in WW2 GERMANY wanted to invade us, and we used means of blow up tanks etc to deter them. A string of government websites was hacked on Friday. Try it too often, find work elsewhere. Akin to RAF doing away with Meteor, ASRAAM and sticking to Mauser. The only time there is a difference, is when a SM is deep, sprinting to a new position. I suspect if we dont show strength and unity now the fighting will inevitably come to us. Wow so they first entered service about the same time as the Type 21s ! The RF receiver can help to lock onto a RF signal that matches something a target ship would emit. Which it now seems were there to pick up gear to take out of the Baltic, not across it. HMSs Dragon and Defender never had Harpoon fitted. But more significantly, the conclusion was the Belgrano would have been pummelled by the sheer weight of accurate fire that both Blake and Tiger could put down. If the US had done this early enough the Russians would have back off. Im not sure to be honest. As the region is already occupied by pro-Russian separatists, and has been in a state of war since 2014, it was believed it would offer little resistance. Apart from Qaswem Soleimmani. We do need more ships and we will increase the number of frigates in the years to come. I think Putin is going to have to attack or look weak. Im afraid Martlet wouldnt scratch the paint on a Kirov, whilst the Wildcat wouldnt get within range to launch kinetics before being eliminated by the Grumble. Social Media and Comment Moderation Policy, New British nuclear missile submarine reaches milestone, Despite funding concerns Type 32 Frigate still planned, European deployment successfully completed by Royal Navy, UK and US nuclear missile submarines send message to Russia, UK signs for Aster 30 Block 1 anti-ballistic missile weapons, Royal Navy seeking loitering munitions for ships, https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2022/01/us-sends-more-military-equipment-ukraine/361042/ , NATO battlegroup in Bulgaria reaches full capability, BBC announces new aircraft carrier documentary. "Today, a detachment of ships and support vessels, headed by the large anti-submarine ship Vice-Admiral Kulakov of the Northern Fleet, passed the Pas-de-Calais and continues to move southward in the . Next time round-Hillary Clinton vsRead more , Grandpa Biden has been engaged with the Pentagon bigwigs and was informed that Troops had already been pulled out of Vietnam .Now have your 40 winks and Cocoa, You cant blame Trump for this. He may lose power after a disastrous foreign adventure. Those deliveries are ongoing, and there are more scheduled in the coming weeks.. If you were spending months in a bunker in a trench system in that climate I think it may well matter. . Several European nations have now moved to bolster Natos military deployment in eastern Europe. There was the Orange revolution in Ukraine in 2004/5 that was the point that they started to orient themselves more with the West. But Russia? REUTERS/Sergey Smolentsev. Correction. Supplying intel and light weapons will not change the outcome much , Russia will win regardless of the losses shell receive. 'Russia is stopped when it is stopped, not when Putin decided that he achieved enough.'. Biden is standing up to Putin in every way logical. A NATO coalition would see RN surface ships targeted first as the weakest AsUW link in the chain. Once there they re establish the picture. Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russia's Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a "show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts" General . At least they didnt decimate their armed forces like the UK and most of its allies as a result of peace dividend at end of cold war. There is currently another Russian flotilla heading for the Med, this time the flagship cruiser and escort from their Pacific Fleet. Global Britain is an illusion. Russian warship, go fuck yourself - Wikipedia 'How can we be given a chance to defend ourselves if you're not giving weapons? Broker a deal to have Russian military bases in their country. Russian warships sail down British coastline | CNN I really cant believe he wants to invade Ukraine. Published: 8:51 ET, Jan 24 2023 A RUSSIAN warship armed with "unstoppable" hypersonic missiles is sailing towards the US coast in a show of strength, reports claim. The Black Sea, which Russia uses to project its power in the Mediterranean, has for centuries been a flashpoint between Russia and its competitors such as Turkey, France, Britain and the United States. Royal Navy ship off Crimea sparks diplomatic row between Russia and UK Yes and who do you think gave them the green light. Hi mate. Pity we dont have an enormous fleet of attack submarines to take out surface ships. You must have access to a higher level of intel than me then. Again, your assessment that putting 2,000 US troops into Ukraine before the status quo has changed, would not have detered 100,000+ troops amassing on the border or the worldwideRead more . According to French newspaper La Voix du Nord, another Russian tanker appeared to be heading to the Atlantic Ocean, sailing along the Boulonnais coast on the Strait of Dover, 20 miles away from Great Britain. I somehow doubt it. He sees weakness and disharmony and a split America with half the voters seeing thier Country as an island totally ignorant of what losing Europe would mean to the US position in the World. I'm sure there will be no decision about [Ukraine] without [Ukraine],' he wrote. F35 will also receive SPEAR 3 which also has anti ship capability. All it takes is for 1 to get through! SMs dont spend a lot of time having needless conversations with their controlling authority. No-one will be able to fight back in an all in war today. slow not stealthy the bocks the UK has have quite limited onboard electronics. The SPEAR seems limited against a target like a ship. Er, as infantry, I had all of 9 seconds according to the briefing table on the Majors desk reading down the list and RMP were given 36 hours; and the rest is history. If a shooting war were to start, the Astutes would be at sea ready to start shooting, its what they are for, granted we dont have enough of them, a situation that wont be rectified until SSN(R) comes of the pipeline at the earliest. The ships - which included a . But the latest intelligence now has Ministry of Defence chiefs worried about a much larger incursion, raising fears of warfare engulfing cities and high civilian death tolls. Meanwhile, in a show of support for former Soviet republics, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday visited Latvia. His advanced years are often publicly evident in his performance. The USA didnt pick UkraineRead more . Britain said the shots were part of a Russian gunnery exercise. The Iranians are being bombed at will. Dont we have typhoons in the Balkans and Romania? The Americans have just sent their first shipment of Aid to the Ukraine what was sent was classed as LETHAL Aid. 'I am not ashamed to ask to help us with everything that is possible to avoid this war. (apologies for the convoluted English there!). Under international law of the sea, innocent passage permits a vessel to pass through another state's territorial waters so long as this does not affect its security. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Chechen warlord 'seriously ill' but refuses to call Russian doctors over 'poison' fears Ramzan Kadyrov is the leader of Chechnya and a close confidant of Vladimir Putin The guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov has been. Thanks Mark it just seems that the way that some outlets are reporting this ongoing story ,could in fact do more damage than good .As with some people on these threads ,that are goading eachother into what better weapons would do the most damage ,when the most destructive weapon is their Mouse/keyboard I know its just keyboard banter but my God theres some who really do want it too kick off. An interesting question is how much does Kremlin insider Klyushin being in US custody have to do with the escalation? It could be solved if Ukraine finally implemented the Minsk Protocol it signed in 2015. Are you saying another country told Iran to attack the UAE? Putin is serious about sabre-rattling and applying miitary pressure. Ukraine warns Russia has 'almost completed' build-up of forces near border - CNN. I think you overestimated Russias economy Ivan , its smaller than that nutty economy of Italys lol. This alone would send a message and along with the news that an Ohio class arsenal boat is currently sunning of Cyprus when normally the whereabouts is secret says alot. Itll make Snatch Landrover fiasco look trivial. The US defence budget is $777bn more than the rest of the world combined. And if we enter a shooting war with Russia. Like wise the Danse could blockade the Baltic as well. UK and French jets team up against simulated aerial threat, Britain, Italy and Japan merge combat aircraft projects. Royal Navy shadows nine Russian warships around the UK 5 During the last 2 years lots of HGV drivers left the profession, as happens every year. The comments below have not been moderated, By Western countries deem the Crimea to be part of Ukraine and reject Russia's claim to the seas around it. You have to look at the bigger picture, Russia, China and the Iranians are holding joint exercises in the Indian ocean, increased naval activity in the Arctic, My biggest concern is India and Pakistan. No they didnt. He told officials the UK stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Baltic state a Nato ally. For other inquiries, Contact Us. Surely he loses more than he gains. We have Astute, which is the finest anti ship weapon in the world, along with NATO and allied nuclear boats, its enough toRead more . Ultimately, the maneuver ends abruptly. Plus, RN experience has taught us we use helicopters in the littoral with Stingray, Martlet and Sea Venom, and hunter killer boats for larger warships. Regime change? Russian warship with 'unstoppable' 7,000mph hypersonic missiles 'sails Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the British warship, which was travelling from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Georgian port of Batumi, was acting in accordance with the law and had been in international waters. And in the Western Military District, a missile regiment armed with S-400 Triumf mobile, surface-to-air missile system conducted electronic launches at a range in Leningrad region. I know Sean but she would certainly Grind Vlad Putin down, Thats true enough, she grinds me down and I accept the science behind climate change!! Russia summoned the British ambassador in Moscow for a formal diplomatic scolding after the warship breached what the Kremlin says are its territorial waters but which Britain and most of the world say belong to Ukraine. As to the vaccine mandate, you are aware of the cross US/Canada border restrictions that came into force today that affect 50% or so drivers and the log jams in US west coast ports? Iv said all along all the US has to do is move over a few B52s B1s and B2 to UK on a routine training mission.

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10 russian warships off uk coast