a large vehicle following closely behind is a:

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Is a common cause of rear-end accidents. Always check your rear-view mirror before passing a large truck. It is illegal under any circumstances C. Pump the brakes when stopping Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them. Your reflexes slow in bad weather How can you make written and spoken messages most effective? B) .001 A. When you're following a large vehicle like a truck or a semi-trailer; When visibility is limited due to fog, rain, snow, dust, or smoke. when approaching and driving through a construction zone, you should: slow your speed and adjust your vehicle's position, The three areas of an entrance to an expressway are, entrance ramp, acceleration lane, and the merge area, reduce your speed and increase your following distance, approach the curve in the right portion, then accelerate out of the apex, drivers who text are ______ more times likely to get involved in a crash, driving at night, under 55-60mph, no other cars in sight, in bad weather, around cars at night, under 40-45 mph, what do you do if approaching vehicle has high beams on. A. Steer and brake smoothly and gradually In addition to providing enough stopping time, proper following distance allows for more time to make good, well-planned decisions and affords other drivers the opportunity to scan the sides, look far enough ahead, and view the vehicle immediately in front. Managing Space - PennDOT Driver & Vehicle Services . C. Have someone outside of the vehicle direct you, BEFORE DRIVING INTO AN INTERSECTION AFTER A STOP, YOU SHOULD LOOK: B. Having a good idea of your vehicles stopping distance and the factors that increase it, such as higher speeds, adverse weather, and poor vehicle condition, can help you understand how to avoid unsafe situations. Driving a large vehicle. How to Adjust Headlights on 1998 Chevy Truck? Explanation Farther behind the truck than you would when following a passenger vehicle. First, avoid swerving, cutting off the truck, and allowing your headlights to shine through the large mirrors. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Listening to music through a set of dual headphones, WHEN YOU FOLLOW VEHICLES TOO CLOSELY AND ANOTHER DRIVER SUDDENLY CUTS IN FRONT OF YOU, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? Lorries - understanding the potential hazards larger vehicles can cause. And possible answers include. Try not to drive until conditions improve Try not to drive until conditions improve, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF A TIRE BLOWS OUT WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING? Some large vehicles like trucks and buses can block your vision when you follow too closely. Driving too close to the car in front of you can often lead to accidents and rear-end collisions. Drafting or slipstreaming is an aerodynamic technique where two vehicles or other moving objects are caused to align in a close group, reducing the overall effect of drag due to exploiting the lead object's slipstream.Especially when high speeds are involved, as in motor racing and cycling, drafting can significantly reduce the paceline's average energy expenditure required to maintain a . A. A. If an emergency happens ahead of you and you drive another 20 feet before reacting to the incident and another 20 feet before you stop, the total stopping distance is 40 feet. EXPLANATION: A large truck is driving in the middle of three lanes. Be far away from the radio controls B. Merge and Pass Safely Place your engine gear into the parked position The safety of our DriveSafe Online family, customers and partners is our primary concern. C. Traffic ahead of you is traveling below the speed limit Red arrows are only used for protected turn lanes Divided by some barrier between opposing lanes of travel. Where Do Blind Spot Mirrors Go on a Truck? Ideally, you should always try to maintain a3-second following distanceor more whenever possible. Slowly release the gas pedal; if you must brake, do so gently Sharing the road with other road users - Ontario Each one of these deaths is a terrible tragedy, but you may By Patrick Mileham DriveSafe Online Contributing Writer Speeding tickets are part of your driving record so they may increase the amount you pay for insurance. A. Rear Blind Spots. At Managing Space Around Your Vehicle | High Road Online CDL Training How long the reaction time or distance is can depend on a range of factors. You also dont want to cut them off. B. Slam on your brakes A. Add 1 second extra for each 3m of trailer lengthwhen driving a vehicle towing a trailer or caravan. D. 30 days, What types of drivers are more susceptible to distractions while driving? The lane closest to the curb Learn more about auto insurance from Nationwide. You can also make driving around a truck safer by staying to the right and not traveling alongside another vehicle. When following a large truck at night, you should dim your headlights and keep a safe distance. Give more space for larger vehicles, and do your best to avoid distractions so youre not involved in a possibly dangerous collision. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . This will increase your safety and the safety of others on the road. December 14, 2021 Every year, more than 500,000 trucks are involved in crashes. A. You are following a large vehicle blocking your view ahead. B. Within the Local Group, some show a red shift and some show a blue shift. Foot fetishism has been defined as a pronounced sexual interest in feet. Which is NOT a characteristic of an expressway? A car following too closely may not be able to stop quickly enough to avoid rear-ending the truck. Basically, you should always allow three full seconds between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. C. You can't see the truck driver in his or her side mirror, C. You can't see the truck driver in his or her side mirror, Medical Terminology Chapter 16 Combining Forms, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation. Turn on your four-way hazard lights Electronics - Wikipedia The pedestrian, but only when he or she has the green WALK signal Read on to see how to create a safe following distance and practice defensive driving. Calculating this rule is fairly simple. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. C. Attention and memory The space needs of the car and the maneuver to be made, the time necessary to preform the maneuver, & roadway conditions. A. If you are riding in this position, not only will the trucker be unable to see you, but the truck will block your view of the road ahead. Look over your right shoulder through the rear window and back up slowly, WHEN BACKING OUT OF AN ANGLED PARKING SPACE, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS MOVE SLOWLY AND: You are involved in an emergency situation, WHEN A YELLOW ARROW APPEARS AS YOU WAIT IN A DEDICATED RIGHT TURN LANE, YOU SHOULD: XBr2+2AgNO32AgBr+X(NO3)2. The following distance should be longer in poor weather and thick traffic. A. Module 6 Drivers Ed Flashcards | Quizlet Real 2023 DMV Questions - DMV Written Tests A. Its also a good idea to increase this distance in poor weather. Many of the questions have you, a car driver, following a large vehicle that is about to turn at a junction such as a roundabout or crossroads. You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. Your parking lights. When passing a large vehicle, do not cut in front closely. d. ammonium sulfide, (NH4)2S\left(\mathrm{NH}_4\right)_2 \mathrm{~S}(NH4)2S, and iron(III) chloride, FeCl3\mathrm{FeCl}_3FeCl3, A sample of a substance with the empirical formula XBr2 weighs 0.5000 g. When it is dissolved in water and all its bromine is converted to insoluble AgBr by addition of an excess of silver nitrate, the mass of the resulting AgBr is found to be 1.0198 g. The chemical reaction is, XBr2+2AgNO32AgBr+X(NO3)2XBr2 + 2 AgNO32 AgBr + X(NO3)2 Drivers should also remember that trucks have four large blind spots, which make them more likely to crash. A. Motorcycles are small and can easily be seen by drivers C. To warn others of bad conditions, BEFORE GETTING OUT OF YOUR PARKED CAR ON THE TRAFFIC SIDE OF THE STREET, YOU SHOULD: C. Facing downhill, IT IS ILLEGAL TO ENTER AN INTERSECTION WHEN: An example of a driver following too closely is shown in the video clip below. If a big truck collides with a car, it can cause serious injuries and even death. The pedestrian A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means: Slow down before entering. A. The simplest way to keep a safe following distance is to follow the 3-second rule. Bearing down on other drivers and following them too closely makes it more likely that you will get in a collision. Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. You should drive: * Closely behind the truck in bad weather because the driver can see farther ahead. Warn traffic to slow down. Slow down and keep a further distance away from the next vehicle during the situations listed below: [1, 2]. B. 5. B. B. A. You may be tailgated: When you are traveling slowly. D. As guidelines for determining legal fault. Staying to the right, unless youre passing, on multiple-lane roads lets other drivers pass safely; its also the law in many states. The passenger vehicle begins to slow in order to move to the left and into the middle lane. Based on insurance company reports, these are the top 10 states with the most tailgating violations: Many of these states also rank high on the list for aggressive drivers. C. As the rain begins to fall B. [3], Road signs provide guidance on how you should be driving in a given area. How are erythrocytes broken down, and where are their constituents recycled? C. The car in the opposite lane of traffic D. eight, YOU ARE IN A TRUCK'S BLIND SPOT IF: How should the driver grip the steering wheel? On a level road When behind a trailer or any vehicle towing a heavy load, increase your following distance as much as possible. C. Skid recovery Explanation You should use your low beam headlights when you are closer than 500 feet behind another vehicle or when in heavy traffic. B. A. Maneuvering in a space with limited sightlines In terms of who has the right-of-way. By following this rule, youll be able to give yourself more time, and reduce your stress while driving. B. C) .08 What are they? The largest industry sector is e-commerce, which generated over $29 trillion in 2017. Safe Following Distance: Follow the 3 Second Rule 6. Usually have the right-of-way Increase your following distance to see around them. Hand-to-hand steering is well suited for: Other drivers to use when they want to slow down B.) A. # If you are following a truck, stay out of its "blind spot" to the rear. The safe distance for following another vehicle varies depending on various factors including vehicle speed, weather, visibility and other road conditions. A. C. Keep you from moving your body, WHEN DRIVING THROUGH FOG OR RAIN, IT IS ADVISABLE TO: Do Not Sell My Personal Information. B. B. Reduce the risk of injury Drivers Ed Flashcards | Quizlet Following closely behind another vehicle (tailgating): Increases fuel efficiency. To allow one driver automatically to go ahead. The South Sea Company's monopoly rights were supposedly backed by the Treaty of Utrecht, signed in 1713 as a settlement following the War of the Spanish Succession, which gave Great Britain an asiento to trade in the region for thirty years . All vehicles or pedestrians in the intersection must yield to you When you follow the 3-second rule, youll always stay focused on the car or truck in front of you. Training exercise questions follow the video clip. Heavy vehicles are large, not very manoeuvrable and often slow around the city. C. It is allowed if you are making a delivery, WHEN YOU ARE IN A DEDICATED TURN LANE CONTROLLED BY A GREEN ARROW, WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE? We change some condition of the . The reaction distance is determined by how far your car is between something happening ahead of you and how you react to it. With these factors combined, your stopping distance is equal to your reaction distance plus yourbraking distance. when parking on the right shoulder of a hill where there is no curb you should, turn the front wheels so they point to the side of the road, a large vehicle following closely behind is a, closed sightline and travel path to the rear, when you look far and near and side to side you are, Detecting potentially threatening objects or conditions in traffic mostly depends on, Managing space to the front of your car requires a following distance of atleast, The primary purpose of traffic laws are to, better enable highway users to predict the actions of other users, the purpose of a diamond shaped yellow sign with black markings is to, signs that tell a driver of a possible danger a short distance ahead and allows the driver time to safely minimize risk, signs that help drivers get to their destination by identifying routes well in advance, signs that tell the driver about specific laws that a driver must obey, signs that are temporary and let you know when you should be prepared to stop or detour due to an unplanned event, signs that are rectangle or diamond shape and orange in color with black lettering, the imaginary line that extends from your eyes to the point of focus, how far your vehicle will travel, in ideal conditions; while you are braking, checking sides and rear for speed and lane position options, the space into which you can safely direct your vehicle with the lowest possible risk, detects changes in color and object movement, providing you with info about moving or stationary objects that could be threats along the intended path of travel, an area 20 to 30 seconds from the front of the vehicle and is critical in gaining as much info as possible from the driving scene, provides detail of objects and conditions and is the primary visual function employed in targeting, the entire area of the highway and surroundings that you can see at the given moment, when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the side of the vehicle is visible in the mirror, when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the driver will not see the left and right sides of the vehicle when glancing at the outside mirrors, steering technique which permits the driver to make steering inputs while keeping both hands on the wheel, releasing brake pressure from the brake pedal allowing the low idle of the engine to move the vehicle forward, application of the brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes, resulting in maximum braking capability, braking done with sufficient pressure to slow the vehicle, steering technique well suited when speed of the steering movement is critical, such as skid recovery in a rear wheel traction loss, light accelerator pressure allows a slow forward motion of the vehicle, releasing the accelerator to stop the vehicle's forward propulsion, interchange used when a road that has little traffic crosses a busy expressway, roadways which typically carry a high volume of traffic with many hazards involved and can be of varying speeds (25-55mph) depending on the area and location, high-speed roadways that typically carry a high volume of traffic, interchange enables drivers to proceed in either direction on either highway, lane near the entrance or exit of an expressway used by vehicles to enter or exit, locations where a driver can enter and exit the expressway, interchange used where a side forms a T intersection with an expressway, roadways that carry a low volume of traffic and can be of varying speeds (25-55mph), results when a situation, event, object or person draws a driver's focus away from driving, when drivers maintain eye contact with a crash scene, even beyond the point that they pass the scene, a type of distraction that takes the driver's mind away from the road, such as engaging in conversation with a passenger or thinking about something that happened that day, occurs when a driver's attention drifts away from driving without having been influenced by a situation, event, or person, requires drivers to slow and change lanes when approaching a roadside incident, such as an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road, the distance a vehicle travels while making a stop, when passing someone riding a bike ahead of you. Study Questions (interactive) - NewDriver.com Also, remember that the weight of a trucks trailer will increase the stopping distance, so increase the distance to accommodate this. D. The entrance ramp, the acceleration lane and the merge area. B. Advertisement Advertisement ejhunt1990 ejhunt1990 Wdym? A. Vehicles, but they should slow down and be careful Making driving judgments involves? B. If so reduce the speed of your vehicle and maintain a four second following distance between you and the front of your vehicle. D. Closed sightline and travel path, When parking on the right shoulder of a hill where there is no curb you should: A. Listening to music through a set of dual headphones In the front seat, secured by a seatbelt or child seat If youre not careful, you could end up in a terrible accident. Motivating others to be safe drivers Therefore, it is important to obey traffic laws, be cautious and patient when near them. You want to pass the large truck. Basically, you should always allow three full seconds between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. Also, you should give yourself a bit more distance when following a motorcycle. TRAINING EXERCISE: After viewing the video, try to answer the following questions: Adjust your following distance to appropriately match weather conditions, road conditions, visibility, and traffic. C. Only if you are approaching a sharp curve in the road, B. Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead, AS YOU PREPARE TO TURN RIGHT AT A CORNER WHERE THERE IS A BICYCLE LANE, YOU SHOULD SIGNAL, LOOK CAREFULLY FOR BICYCLISTS, AND THEN: To do this, you should stay on the left side of the road and signal your intentions to turn left. Safe following distances | Transport and motoring - Queensland A. Some drivers forget the laws of the roadand the law of physicsand put themselves and every driver around them in danger by driving close to other vehicles. A. A. PDF CHAPTER 4 THE DRIVING TASK - Idaho Transportation Department Look beyond your range of headlights Most rear-end collisions are caused by vehicles following too closely. Enter the length or pattern for better results. Electronics has hugely influenced the development of modern society. For example, you should stay at least 70 feet or five car lengths away from a snowplow. B. A. A. What is a Safe Following Distance For a Truck? The city's population at the 2020 census was 1,603,797. Underline the formula of the precipitate (solid) that forms. Being Passed Be courteous when smaller, faster vehicles are trying to pass you. YOU MUST CAREFULLY WATCH FOR BICYCLES IN TRAFFIC LANES BECAUSE THEY: When you maintain a proper following distance and follow the 3-second rule, youll have a much better chance at avoiding a serious collision. Calculating this rule is fairly simple. Be vigilant in watching for vehicles in the "No-Zone." Drivers around you may not be aware of the size of your truck's blind spots. Following the rules of the road whether its the speed limit or traffic direction can make all the difference for you and the drivers in your vicinity. Indefinite Your engine will overheat. In American English, the word corporation is most often used to describe large business corporations. B. B. If you are driving below 40 mph, you should leave at least one second for every 10 feet of vehicle length. 1 year The rule gives you just a little extra time in case they hit their brakes unexpectedly. A. Drive to the right edge of your lane but keep moving. Explanation While its important to be aware of the cars in front of you, you should also be aware of vehicles behind you. Following too closely will result in an accident. If road or weather conditions require an even slower speed, 39. You can measure this distance by counting the seconds from the vehicle in front passing a landmark or stationary object. D. The light is flashing yellow and you have not come to a complete stop first, A. Always assess the risks. A. What position should you place your hands on the wheel when driving? The application of brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes, resulting in maximum braking? C. Towards the side of the road, IF THE ROADWAY IS WET AND THE CAR STARTS TO SKID, YOU SHOULD: Most drivers are aware that following too closely behind another vehicle, or tailgating, is one of the most dangerous yet avoidable actions that contributes to car accidents. Drivers who are speeding will have a shorter reaction distance since theyll run into trouble at a much faster pace. B. Do not follow a heavy vehicle too closely, as you want to see what is ahead (e.g. Helps keep traffic moving. About 15 minutes after the rain starts Do not follow closely behind a truck or a bus. Things like your age, your driving experience, and even weather conditions can all come into play. A. Pedestrians, but only with the green walk signal Look at your rearview mirror When two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection from different streets: A. D. Drive with your left foot on the brake pedal at all times, C. Start braking early as a signal to the driver behind you, A RED ARROW POINTING TO THE RIGHT ON A TRAFFIC LIGHT MEANS YOU MAY: Third, if youre following a large truck on an incline, youll have to wait a few seconds until theyve passed you before continuing to follow them. You never know when debris could be in the road, construction is ahead, or theres another accident that has already occurred. Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead You need at least one second of space for every ten feet of the truck, which is about five seconds for a 40-foot truck. B. The road ahead has many curves C. Slowly ease your foot off the gas pedal, C. Slowly ease your foot off the gas pedal, WHILE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE DANGEROUS TO DO WHILE DRIVING, WHICH IS ALSO ILLEGAL? B. D. Perception and vision, Any driver under 21 is considered to be "driving while impaired" if a chemical test shows a reading of at least ____ percent. These huge trucks carry heavy loads and if they slam on their brakes, the load could come loose and cause a very serious accident. Visit our website if youvereceived an auto insurance rate increase, a traffic ticket, or need to take a court-ordered defensive driving course to enroll in our online defensivedriving coursestoday! Make a mirror blind area check to the left or right rear. A. Some large vehicles like trucks and buses can block your vision when you follow too closely. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. For a truck driver cruising in a longer, heavier vehicle, more space and time is needed. C. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way, C. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way, THE VERY FIRST EFFECT OF EVEN A SMALL AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL ON A PERSON'S SAFE DRIVING ABILITY IS TO REDUCE HIS OR HER: Corporation - Wikipedia Is a common cause of rear-end accidents, WHEN PASSING IN THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC LANE OF A TWO LANE ROAD, YOU SHOULD CONSIDER: Following too closely can cause the driver to be distracted, so its important to increase your distance. D. Signal so that you have the right-of-way, C. Look over your shoulder to be sure the lane you want to use is clear, WHEN YOU LOOK AHEAD WHILE DRIVING, IT IS BEST TO: There is always a certain amount of time between the moment something occurs and when you actually hit the brakes. C. Slow-moving vehicle, TWO SETS OF SOLID DOUBLE YELLOW LINES TWO FEET OR MORE APART: D. 90 days, A conviction of Driving While Impaired with a BAC of .15 or more, or another conviction within the past ten years will require: C. Muscle control C. Turn right after slowing and checking traffic, A. Instead, you should make sure to leave a four-car-length gap between your car and the truck. All oncoming traffic is stopped by red lights, A GREEN ARROW MEANS GO, BUT FIRST YOU MUST: Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Washington, DC 20590 A. You cannot cross without obstructing traffic on either side And finally, pay close attention to your following distance whenever you merge onto the freeway. Your cab will fill with fumes. C. The light is yellow It is important to keep the following points in mind: The speed limits on ramps are designed for cars, not big trucks. Should be treated like a solid wall and not be crossed Hold your steering wheel tightly D. 6 months, If a driver under 21 is arrested for DWI and the test shows a BAC of .01 percent or more his driving privileges will be revoked automatic for: (Civil) There is an exit-only lane on the right, adjacent to the driver's lane. 3. Your low beams. You are driving in: The carpool lane and must merge into the next . It is best to pass Quickly on the left and move ahead of it Drivers of large trucks often travel with a lot of space in front of their vehicle. These vehicles can fall more easily, so its best to be safe with a greater following distance. C. The speed and distance of oncoming traffic, and possible hazards B. C. High speed traffic. There may be times when youll need to increase your following distance to keep you safe. You should keep interior lights low to make it easier to see gauges. You should drive at least 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front during ideal conditions. Failure to do so puts everyone on the road at risk. First, your reaction distance to the other vehicle and second, your braking distance. Turn on your parking lights only Stop only if you see a train coming thats scary tbh Advertisement Advertisement New questions in SAT. This term refers to how far your vehicle travels after youve hit the brakes and come to a complete stop. Check traffic coming from behind before opening your door, WHO HAS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEN A VEHICLE APPROACHES A PEDESTRIAN AT AN INTERSECTION WITH NO CROSSWALKS? Your speed relative to others, and your ability to accelerate C. 30 days suspension C. Imagine a point directly behind and adjust steering. In most cases, it can take anywhere from 0.2 seconds to two full seconds before you react and come to a stop. Vehicles traveling in opposite directions, LOOK TO THE LEFT AND RIGHT BEFORE ENTERING ANY INTERSECTION ON A GREEN LIGHT BECAUSE: B. C. Slow down and cross carefully, IF YOU WANT TO PARK DOWNHILL AND THERE IS NO CURB, WHICH WAY DO YOU TURN YOUR FRONT WHEELS? If youre being tailgated (followed very closely by another vehicle), make sure you have additional space between you and the car in front so you can change lanes or allow the driver following you to pass. C.) Drive to the side of the road and stop in the designated area. Not only is this discourteous, it is dangerous; it reduces the space cushion large vehicles require in order to stop safely. When driving in a large vehicle, its important to leave ample space. The term stopping distance means how far it takes for your car to come to a full stop in an emergency. All oncoming traffic is stopped by red lights When passing a large truck, you should never cut it off. The good news is there are several factors that must occur to actually trigger a rate 2023 NexLearn, LLC. If the driver behind you wants to pass, allow a little extra room in front of your vehicle. Tailgating is driving behind someone too closely. Here are four key defensive driving techniques that will help you stay safe: Dont try to do anything that could distract you from driving, such as using your phone, adjusting the stereo, or eating. C. 30 days C. Must ride facing oncoming traffic, IF YOU ARE BEING TAILGATED, YOU SHOULD: Drivers of large trucks must be very careful when driving, because they have to take into account the size and weight of the truck. D. Quick reflex movements, TO TURN RIGHT ONTO A TWO-WAY STREET FROM A TWO-WAY STREET, START IN THE RIGHT LANE AND END IN: This also applies whenever you are following a large vehicle that blocks your view ahead so youll have more space to see around it. Sharing the Road with Trucks, Operating, Following Large & Pickup Of course, there are certain situations that may require you to adjust your following distance. C. Unless your vehicle was manufactured before 1975, B. On the high-beam setting When the vehicle in front of you passes a fixed object down the road, such as a sign or other landmark, start counting to three. Stop before entering. My Licence - The Driver's Handbook - Sharing the Road with Heavy Vehicles

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a large vehicle following closely behind is a: