7 rules for receiving communion in the hand

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A priest who is not directly responsible for the care of souls should be even more respectful of local practice. In this he shows a great fear, and since the hand that is stretched out holds a higher rank, it is the one that is extended for receiving the body of the King, and the other hand bears and brings its sister hand, while not thinking that it is playing the role of a servant, as it is equal with it in honour, on account of the bread of the King, which is also borne by it. Greg., Dial., I, III, c. iii). Pray Tell here documents two statements of the Congregation for Divine Worship issued under Pope Paul VI. Receiving the host in one's hand has been an option in the United States since the bishops authorized this in May 1977 and the Holy See confirmed it. Communion in the hand vs. Communion on the tongue | Crux http://www.kathpedia.com/index.php?title=Handkommunion. Yugoslavia, 1971 St. Cyril of Jerusalem in 348 gave this instruction to his congregation:When you approach Holy Communion, make the left hand into a throne for the right, which will receive the King. And having hollowed your palm, receive the Body of Christ, saying over it, Amen. Permission for administering Communion in the hand was granted by the Holy See to the following countries and regions under Pope Paul VI:[UPDATED 3-2-18], Belgium, 31 May 1969 Please take responsibility for the lies, the bile, and the sinful stuff. [19] This list is by no means exhaustive, and it would be tedious to cite all of these references as a catalog, but let us turn to a few of them to see what the Fathers have to say about the meaning of this practice. If one is right handed the left hand should rest upon the right. This is the reason why you say after him: Amen.[21]. If Communion is given only under the species of bread, the Priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, The Body of Christ. This is a fundamental misunderstanding. However, this is likely to lead to many embarrassing instances for the faithful who approach communion unaware of the situation. I dont think reception in the hand is destroying the Church like what some prominent leaders in the Church have implied, but this practice has still had wide ranging [and not entirely positive] ramifications in the Church over the last half century, far beyond the obvious choice of the individual communicant. As further documentation,Pray Tell provides this excerpt from the 2002General Instruction of the Roman Missal in Latin and English on the reception of Communion. This action by Christ's body, the Church assembled for the Eucharist, is manifested and supported by the Communion Chant, a hymn in praise of Christ sung by the united voices of those who believe in him and share his life. Excelling, therefore, every sensible creature, he who by the saving Passion has attained to the celestial dignity, eating and drinking Christ, is fitted in all respects for eternal life, sanctifying his soul and body by the participation of divine grace. As a scholar of the early Church, I was surprised to learn that the practice of communion in the hand is such a hotly debated topic; it came to my attention during the early days of the pandemic, when many dioceses required communicants to receive in this way. In comparing the indult list provided in this post with the brief history of Fr. I think the Holy Spirit was nudging people closer to the problem, which was already in evidence decades before the Council. St. [17] See Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 7.9.4. All rights reserved. They are also to be instructed not to omit after communion the sincere and appropriate thanksgiving that is in keeping with their individual capacities, state, and occupation. We should weigh very well the matters in which we appeal to conscience. The General Instruction asks each country's Conference of Bishops to determine the posture to be used for the reception of Communion and the act of reverence to be made by each person as he or she receives Communion. As with all historical practices, one must examine the context and circumstances which are usually not repeatable. He can freely share with the faithful his reasons for preferring to adhere to the traditional practice and encourage the faithful to continue doing so. When the priest gives it he says: The body of Christ. He teaches you by this word not to look at that which is visible, but to picture in your mind the nature of this oblation, which, by the coming of the Holy Spirit, is the body of Christ. For example, Augustine writes, Someone might say that the Eucharist should not be received daily. Biting, tearing, casting aspersions on the faith of other Catholics: this is a damnable situation in the Church. The problem is a lack of intentionality across the board, starting with the laity. 3. 6, trans. St. If he is a religious priest, what actions can a legitimate superior take as regards the member who denies Communion in the hand? Reverence can be good if it opens us to God & neighbor and makes us more loving. Receiving Holy Communion | EWTN What if we were passionate about all that? To that which you are you respond Amen (yes, it is true!) and by responding to it you assent to it. In the early Church, the faithful stood when receiving into their hands the consecrated particle can hardly be questioned. St. Dionysius of Alexandria [d. 265], writing to one of the popes of his time, speaks emphatically of one who has stood by the table and has extended his hand to receive the Holy Food (Eusebius [263-339], Hist. [22] Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Faith 10, trans. Finally, ensuring the application of liturgical law is above all the responsibility of the bishop and only indirectly the religious superior. Pope Paul Vl calls attention to the purpose of the InstructionMemoriale Dominiof 29 May 1969, on retaining the traditional practice in use. But one should not by his own judgment abstain from or return to communion, as he pleases. Surveys from CARA and Pew reflect this, though I admittedly doubted them until I attended mass with a fellow Catholic at church that predominantly received on the tongue and my friend jeering remarked, why dont they receive in the hand like normal people? [24] Trans. Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread (1 Cor 10:16-17). Scotland, 7 July 1977 51 (Feb), pg 62). Has the Holy Eucharist any other effect? Permission for administering Communion in the hand was granted by the Holy See to the United States on June 17, 1977 and has since become almost the universal norm in the Ordinary Form. . If you are the body and members of Christ, then it is your sacrament that is placed on the table of the Lord; it is your sacrament that you receive. Maybe this is due to decades of poor or heterodox catechesis on the Sacraments. IMHO no, contrary to what some real traddies may say. 4. Since the question involves human attitudes, this mode of communion is bound up with the perceptiveness and preparation of the one receiving. Can We Be Required to Receive Communion in the Hand, Because of the We welcome our fellow Christians to this celebration of the Eucharist as our brothers and sisters. Chad, 18 September 1969 Uruguay,October 15 1969 For it is a deed fraught with destruction to take the tongue which serve such awesome mysteries, which has become purpled with a blood so precious, which has become a sword of gold and to change its course to abuse, insolence and ribald jests. Communion on the Tongue Is an Apostolic Tradition 1. In order to be properly disposed to . His blood now flows through our veins. These practices have wide evidence of use and in some ways never died out completely. Some scholars claim that this part of the Mystical Catechesis is not originally from St. Cyril but a later interpolation into the text. If one is receiving in the hand the following is normative: upon approaching the minister of the Host extend the hands in the middle of the chest. And some who do have lost their strength or nerve. The option offered to the faithful of receiving the Eucharistic bread in their hand and putting it into their own mouth must not turn out to be the occasion for regarding it as ordinary bread or as just another religious article. When the bishops reassembled, Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis, a determined opponent of Communion in the hand, was quick to get up to set things straight. [6] Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystagogical Catecheses 5.13. 1996, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishops who have been permitted to introduce the new rite of communion are asked to send a report to the congregation, six months hence, on the outcome. One could have perfect adoration of Real Presence in humble posture and, at least in theory, miss the point of Communion. Their attitude of reverence must measure up to what they are doing. Guidelines for Receiving Holy Communion. We are the Body of Christ, moving forward to receive the Christ who makes us one with himself and with one another. 4. So whats missing? I have celebrated Mass in places where there is no Communion in the hand and yet have observed some people approach the Eucharist in a slovenly and distracted manner with nary a trace of reverence in sight. Unless there is a sense of discipleship rooted in baptism. And having hollowed your palm, receive the Body of Christ, saying over it, Amen. As I read above article, I didnt found name of my country India in the list of countries which have Indult for communion in hand. To signify, seal, and apply to believers all the benefits of the new covenant. Theres no simple solution to this issue. However, cases of a deplorable lack of respect towards the Eucharistic species have been reported, cases which are imputable not only to the individuals guilty of such behavior but also to the pastors of the church who have not been vigilant enough regarding the attitude of the faithful towards the Eucharist. The way you put it, it doesnt sound obsessive-compulsive but salutary. For whatever reason, reception on the hand does not appear to convey the same level of reverence in the public consciousness as reception on the tongue. With regard to the first precept, Origen of Alexandria cautions, You who are accustomed to take part in divine mysteries know, when you receive the body of the Lord, how you protect it with all caution and veneration lest any small part fall from it, lest anything of the consecrated gift be lost. When we receive Communion, we become members of Christ's Body, the Church. In the light of the above, we can come to the heart of the matter as to whether a priest may invoke the question of conscience in order to refuse to distribute Communion in the hand. The restorers of the rite probably had the beautiful simplicity and symbolism of the medieval rite in mind but did not take the changed circumstances sufficiently into account. In North Africa (including Egypt) the practice is mentioned by Tertullian,[1] Cyprian,[2] Augustine,[3] Cyril of Alexandria,[4] and John Climacus. Above all, it is necessary to have the introduction of the rite preceded by an effective catechesis so that the people will clearly understand the meaning of receiving in the hand and will practice it with the reverence owed to the sacrament. [21] Theodore of Mopsuestia, catech. This norm is supported by an Instruction by the Holy See regarding the Eucharist: "In distributing Holy Communion it is to be remembered that 'sacred ministers may not deny the sacraments to those who seek them in a reasonable manner, are rightly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them'(Code of Canon Law, can. At Christ's invitation, extended by the priest acting in Christ's person: "Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb," the members of the community move forward to share in the sacred meal, to receive the Body and Blood of Christ which is the sign and the source of their unity. I similarly think Cardinal Sarahs frankly ridiculous comments about Lucifer are draining credibility from his cause (one that I admittedly align with sometimes), even if some of his proposals are good ones. COVID-19 Additional Questions for Catholic Schools, COVID-19 Finance FAQ for Catholic Schools, COVID-19 Personnel FAQ for Catholic Schools, COVID-19 Remote Learning FAQ for Catholic Schools, COVID-19 International Students FAQ for Catholic Schools, Forming a New Prayer and Intercessory Team at Your Parish, Resources for Existing Intercessory Prayer Teams, Mooney Real Estate Holding Company and Parish Incorporations, Stewards for Tomorrow/Archdiocese of Detroit Endowment Foundation. Mingle and flow into the palms of his disciples![22]. Luxembourg, October 15 1969 Receiving Communion The Sacrament of Holy Communion (also known as The Lord's Supper or Eucharist) has been precious and life-giving to Christians for 2,000 years. It is therefore difficult in the context of this present letter not to mention the sad phenomena previously referred to. Paraguay, 27 September 1971 In fact, however, this hymn is prayer, the corporate thanksgiving prayer of the members of Christ's Body, united with one another. We pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit in this Eucharist will draw us closer to one another and begin to dispel the sad divisions which separate us. Cyril of Jerusalem [c. 313-386], Catechetical Lectures, 23:21-22) Several more but no room here. Maybe this is part of a grand conspiracy by Satan to destroy the Church (ok, probably not that). 160). If a priest has great personal difficulty due to deeply and sincerely held views regarding this practice, he can always petition the bishop for a personal exemption or a permission to not apply this permission to his parish. Devotion and reverence toward the Eucharist in the case of communion in the hand. A frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is encouraged for all. After stipulating the historical practice of Communion in the hand, Memoriale Domini: defends the development of discipline that led to Communion on the tongue It is not clear as to how widespread it was or if it was a regular practice. Your email address will not be published. Who holds the wind in the palm of his hand? Will you not then much more carefully keep watch, that not a crumb fall from youSt. The legitimacy of Communion in the hand is not in question. Japan, 27 June 1970 Can you direct me to where you obtained this list? There is a twofold purpose here: that none will find in the new rite anything disturbing to personal devotion toward the Eucharist; that this sacrament, the source and cause of unity by its very nature, will not become an occasion of discord between members of the faithful. On the one hand, I think this evidence precludes describing communion in the hand as intrinsically irreverent. The True Story of Communion in the Hand Revealed - OnePeterFive ), Pray Tell: An open forum on faith in South Texas. Fire consumed the offering I think proponents of tongue/kneeling will get a better hearing if they uphold all aspects of Communion. France, 6 June 1969 (I dont direct this at you, I mean it to everyone on all sides.). Library : Holy Communion in the Hand? | Catholic Culture However, while this text is undoubtedly ancient evidence of the existence of Communion in the hand, it is, like many patristic texts, fraught with interpretative conundrums. 47), and says of the Communion Chant that "its purpose [is] to express the spiritual union of the communicants by means of the unity of their voices, to show gladness of heart, and to bring out more clearly the 'communitarian' character of the procession to receive the Eucharist" (no. The faithful must be taught that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and that therefore the worship of latria or adoration belonging to God is owed to Christ present in this sacrament. Others claim that in the context of the discourse St. Cyril was referring to the clergy and not to the faithful. All who are not receiving Holy Communion are encouraged to express in their hearts a prayerful desire for unity with the Lord Jesus and with one another. The same Instruction contained a reminder that the laws of the Church and the writings of the Fathers give ample witness of a supreme reverence and utmost caution toward the Eucharist and that this must continue. I am from India. It is not solely the result of some weird medieval form of reverence. In this ordinance Christ ratifies his promises to his people, and they on their part solemnly consecrate themselves to him and to his entire service. I suspect that Christ can cope with particles that get dropped but the care we show, or the lack of care, is what counts. At the same time, it is not justified to claim that Communion in the hand is necessarily less reverent or inevitably leads to abuses. Sacrilege is at an all-time high, yet use of the Sacrament of Confession is at an all-time low. Communion in the hand is allowed in the United States by decision of the American Bishops. Receiving the Host in the Hand | Franciscan Media 5.21, trans. We pray that these will lessen and finally disappear, in keeping with Christ's prayer for us "that they may all be one" (Jn 17:21). Space doesn't allow all the details, but the propaganda in the 1970s that was used to sell Communion in the hand to a trusting, vulnerable people was a campaign of calculated half-truths that didn't tell the whole story. However, when they receive Communion standing, it is recommended that the faithful make appropriate reverence, according to the norms established, before receiving the Sacrament. To commemorate the death of Christ: "This do in remembrance of me." 2. It is also difficult to ensure that the person who receives Communion effectively consumes the host. They should be grave and objective questions related to good and evil. For you hear the words, the Body of Christ and respond Amen. Be then a member of the Body of Christ that your Amen may be true (St. Augustine, Sermon 272: PL 38, 1247). Some advocates of communion on the tongue, at least online, seem guilty of thinking that (however much more virtuous than I they probably are in their lives). John Paul II and Mother Theresa on Communion in the Hand I do make the point that reverence, while important, is not the only or most important aspect of Communion. Indeed, it can be dangerous for contagion. ADOM :: Communion: in the hand or the tongue These views are sometimes strongly held. Gross Alexander NPNF 13, ed. It must also increase their faith in the sublime reality of the Lords body and blood, which they touch with their hand. From the point of view of liturgical law, the relevant documents are the following.

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7 rules for receiving communion in the hand