french huguenot surnames in south carolina

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7 Mary, 247 Abigail, 48 46, 50, 51-2, 76, 78, 111-3, Stephen, 243 Madeleine (De Bourdeaux), Esther (Perdriau), 255 Elizabeth, 173 Indians, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 20, 26, Judith (Manigault), 233 Thomas, 89, 162, 331 By the late 1700s, Lewis (Thomas, Thomas) and his children Drury and Daniel lived in South Carolina before they moved to the Northeastern corner of the state of Georgia. Judith (Peyre), 260 Daniel, 170-1 Samuel, 6, 97, 281, 309, 310 Magdalen/Magdeleine 94-5, 277, 291, 299, 304, 317, 329, Elizabeth, 217 Anne (Ferment), 194 103, 118-19, 203, 288 Susannah, 201 159-60, 162, 164, 217 Ren, Jr., 264 Guisnes, France. Sieur de Virasel, 57, 79 Wilcox, Mary, 338 211, 218, 229, 231, 233, DuPree Family Center Christie, Alexander, 70 Madeleine, 273-6 168, 210, 230, 240, 281, 284, Aubery, Thomas, 178 Stono, 244 Carron, 6, 195 Benjamin, 342 John (II), 168, 266, 275, 276, Daniel, 254-5, 257, 259 Jacques/James de, 215, 296, Robert, 173 Caillou, Jean, 264 47, 72, 74, 130, 132, 158, 194, Wicking, Elizabeth, 203 Magdalen, 134, 276-7 264-6 Aunant Marguerite (Rembert), 35, 161, 46, 58-9, 61, 66, 68, 72, 75, 79, Johnston Charlotte, 233 Jeanne, 345 Anthoine, 44, 152, 207, 357 Mary, 264 192-3, 200-1, 215, 217, 241, La Chaume, France, 74, 233 Charles, 151 Capt., 192 79 Sieur de la Paignerie, 281 Mary (Ashby), 184 347-8, 351, Pawley 141-3, 161, 197-9, 277, 280, DuGu/Du Gu/Dugu, 288 Peter, 357 Chastain They believed the ritual, images, saints, pilgrimages, prayers, and hierarchy of the Catholic Church did not help anyone toward redemption. William, Jr., 157 Gottier, Daniel, 155 Martha, 345 Elwood, 169, 173 Port-des-Barques, France, 114-5 William Tredwell, 198, 243 See also Lots, 49, 53, 63, 73, 74, 80, 84, Christopher, 238, 307-8 Bollard, William, 92 John, 297 See 302, 308, 323, 325, 333 Sarah (Cook), 102 Eau-de-vie, 147, 371 See our Huguenot Surname Cross Surname and Variations -- Christian Name Ag / Agee / Oage -- Matthieu Allaire -- Alexandre Alle / Alley / Alie / Alyer / d'Ailly -- Nicolas It seems that the barbarians encouraged him with the same extravagance as we do the dancers, singers and fiddlers - his countrymen. William (Map of 1771), 191 Sardam, Holland, 64 Paul, 339 The Society is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm. 345, 360 Pierre, 6, 74-5, 119, 256, 338 Sarah, 172, 349 Rachel, 132-3 Rachel, Fanton, sa femme. Le Cert 95-6, 108, 126, 130, 135, 138, Skrine Pierre, Jr., 22, 131 Marguerite, 62 Thomas, 45 Stonecutter, 134 Amelia Township, 304 Rensselaer, IN: 1980. PIERRE POINSET, l' an, n Soubize, fils de Pierre Poinset, et Marie sa femme. Franois, 284 145, 229, 285-6, 300, 331 May, 328, 331 Hubert, James, 202, 308 Ren, 6, 9, 13, 22, 29, 56, 67,- Jerman/Jermon. 357 Argis, Marie, 264 JONAS BONHOSTE, n Paris, fils de Pierre Bonhoste et de Marie Garlin. 314, 315 Sieur de Cohign, 281 Mathew, 199 253, 289, 302, 366 (Indian) Ballaugh, William, 92 Mary, 203, 204 199, 209-6, 218-22, 253, Under the Cope of Heaven: Religion, Society, and Politics in Colonial America. Ester (Marion), 151, 235-6 Mary (Faucheraud), 116 During the 1560s, the clashes worsened. John, 337 Bochet, 50, 52 The slave trade affected the entire southeast region. Barnet Jacques, 105-7, 139, 158, 160, Nathaniel Israel, 325 Judith, 47 Jacks Creek, 137, 296, Jacks Lake, 128 Ralph, 31, 36, 129, 174, 192-4, James, 171-2 Magdalen, 134 Lewis, 52, 349 Rotterdam, Holland, 64 Joseph, 272 Morritt, Thomas, 35, 280 Peter, Sr., 257, 258 Massif Central, France, 368 Mary (Stone), 77 118-9 Susannah, 103 Benjamin S., 222 Jonathan (II), 102-3 Jean, 134, 231 Elizabeth, 89, 188, 301-2, 304- Rhetoric like this became more fierce as events unfolded, and stirred up the hostility of the Catholic establishment. Acadians, 232 DuBois Family Association Historic Huguenot Street Day, Joseph, 276 250, 258, 262, 292, 299, Jeanne (le Marchant), 205 Elizabeth Mayrant, 242 Garnett, S.C. (P.O. Ann Elizabeth, 204 Jean, 170 Peter, 190, 195-6 Serr, 61, 332 Susannah, 77 Malieg, Jean, 255 Martha (Laurens), 204 New Rochelle, NY, 135, 196, 223-4 Bontecou Montreux, Switzerland, 242 Joseph, 97, 126 218, 298 Jaques, 166 Jeanne, 135, 251, 359 Marguerite (Bontecou), 255 Tours, France, 74, 78, 96, 117-8, Mary, 104, 319 Henry DuRant came to South Carolina sometime in the late 1600's. His descendants were plantation owners in South Carolina on Lynch's Creek; and Benjamin Durant, who has been identified by historians as being descended from French Huguenots, left South Carolina and settled along the Alabama river sometime in the 1780's. 167, 239, 259-62, 295-6 Georges, 78, 99, 117, 268 Sail Maker, 358 Andrew, 100, 102, 103 John, 339 371 Marianne, 244, 344 Royal Ranger, 232 Marianne (DuPuy), 244 Appalachia, 175 David, 188 304-5 Wright Diego (Appalachia Indian), Rolinson, Daniel, 77 Susanna Elizabeth, 47, 100, Louis, 9, 74, 75, 344-5, 357-8 135-6, 168, 175, 178, 196, 205, See also Pepin. Marie (Argis), 264 Rivedoux, Ile-de-R, France, 64 DANIEL BONNEL, fils de Jean Bonnel, et de Marie Lalon. Palmarin/ Palmerin Dorfusez, Marie, 306 Thomas, 139 Magdalen (Boyd), 57, 79 Marianne (Gendron), 375 Pierre, 195 Susannah, 104, 113, 295 And, Louis XIV hired 300,000 troops to hunt the heretics down and confiscate their property. Orphan, 69, 83, 84, 294, 356 Jane (Anderson), 174 Anne Marie Louise (Le Antoinette, 44 115, 128, 131, 145, 149, Cadoes Lake, 72 Stephen, 128 Porcher de Richebourg, 294 Magdalen, 78 313, 339, 358 Margaret (Guignard), 172 Andr (II), 284, 286, 288-9, Ester, 199 Mr., 209 Andr Guillebeau, Jean Louis Gibert, & the New Bordeaux Huguenots Paul, 270 Long Causeway Road, 126 Paul, 161, 199, 286-7 Gabrielle (Berou), 264 Elizabeth, 76 "French Santee, A Huguenot Settlement in Colonial South Carolina," by award-winning authors Susan Baldwin Bates and Harriott Cheves Leland, is now available. Seaton, 84 Mayrant, 61, 183, 267 Stephen, 163, 195 Rather than forsake their faith, the Huguenots left their homes, families and the life they knew in search of a place where they could worship and live freely.We celebrate their courage by preserving and sharing their story because we believe that to know who you are, you need to know who you were. Gaspard/Jasper, 196 Cocas, Eleanor, 184 William, Jr., 320 Joseph, 108 River(s), Jeanne, 75, 186, 243, 245, 247 265, 313-15, 339, 345 Thomas, 58, 65 Samuel, 274, 276 Wando Head, 100 Gaillards Landing, 33, 126 Please contact us to schedule a visit. Catherine, 173, 261, 349 (2012) CU-page number: Consolidated Update to the Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of The National Huguenot Society, 5th ed. Magdalena, 173 Elie, 185, 245-6 Francis, Sr., 108 La Granerie, France, 158 Thevenin, Franois, 57 John, 244 Overseer, 89, 108, 168, 169 Mary (Lieubray), 77 1. John, 201, 267 Peter, 211 Hampton, 26, 18, 31, 39, 171, 294-5, 314-18, 324, 349, 351, Grand), 81, 212, 219, 298- Susanne (Le Riche), 194-5 Andrivet Abraham, 264 Mme, 86 James 61 From this point, says Simms, they gradually spread themselves out so as to embrace in partial settlement the spacious tract of country stretching to the Winyaw on the one hand and the sources of Cooper river on the other, then extending upwards into the interior, following the course of the Santee nearly to the point where it loses its identity in receiving the descending streams of the Wateree and Congaree. Mary (De Liesseline), 222 Eutaw Springs, 126 Drinker, Elizabeth Mary, 222 Germain, France, 196 Samuel, 260, 261, 262, 296 138-9, 160, 212, 251, 316, Wisboo Creek, 51, 76, 264-5, Elizabeth, 80, 83 Pierre, 293 Sieur de Vervant, 9, 200, 256, 279 149-50, 238-40 Pierre, 35, 47, 87, 95, 104, Buy Now. Brice, William, 313 Henri IV (of France), 228 Nicholas de (II), 225-7 John, 174-5, 177 Sieur de Gravas, 63 Religious wars began in France. Strawberry Ferry, 137 150 Susanna Elizabeth (DuBose), Andr, 158 Anne Franoise (Le Grand), You Mary, 184 Mary (Stone), 77 Samuel, 152, 272 Bradshaw, Robert, 359 Madeleine, 347, 350 John, 171 Hans, Trinitie, 205 Thomas, 237 Magdalen, 96 William, 129, 242 218, 226, 230, 239, 250, Alexander, 86-8, 106, 108-9, Fairwell, Henry, 259, 260 Bruce, John, 102-3 Judith, 51 Fiart/Fiat, Jeanne, 45 Seaboard Railroad, 374 Hughes Winyaw Bay, SC, 173 Not sure about the Boers. See also Gautier Dutarque Palmer/Pamor, 375 Madeleine (Garillon), 265 Guillaume, 181 Judith (Mayrant), 242 Annabell, 150, 239 Etienne, 208 Pierre (Peter), 30, 155-8, 235, Dumay, 254 Anne, 103, 113, 160, 284, 286, A. Caleb, 224 Philip, 49 148, 165, 169, 214-16, 225, Peter, 49 Monreau, Mose, 339 James, 351 Oze, 254-7 Bastille, The, 57, 79 Kelly Louis, 211-13, 218, 298 Martha, 104 Elisha, 103 John, 351 See also Papin. Elizabeth, 350 Isaac, Jr., 318 64, 67, 78-82, 84, 105, 137, 264, 347 Marianne (Fleury), 118 New Bordeaux, SC, 41, 195 Charles, 9, 135, 239, 249, 251- Joseph, 38, 127, 130 (Chastaigner), 84 John James, 35, 280 70-1, 83, 87, 89, 93, 125, 154, Isaac, Jr., 192 Peter, Jr., 289 331, 332 Mary, 190, 192 Map of great acadian migrations during the 17th and 18th centuries. Others purchased land from the Proprietors of Carolina, transported themselves and families to that quarter, and settled a colony on the Santee river. Peter, 265-6 Daniel, 17, 281-4, 310-11, Courge, 95-6, 125, 132 Dispatch, 172 Anthony, 78 312, St. Julien Family, 4, 281, 283, Madeleine (Baluet), 234 Chirurgien, 73, 75, 96, 210, Bourne River, France, 284, 287 149-51, 210, 230, 239, 311, Damaris Elizabeth (de St. Sarrazin Mary (Jermain), 55, 194 156, 171, 197, 222, 229, Marie, 166 79, 87, 341, 351, 360, 364 Huguenot. 3rd. Madeleine (Dieu), 211-13 Abraham, 342 Isaac (III), 154 Frances, 196 229, 256-7, 265, 310 Hector Franois, 57, 61, 78-9 Daniel, 20, 81, 127, 146, 164- Salt Tax Collector, 120 Anne Gabrielle, 72, 89, 113, Picault Bluff, 31, 334 1, 164, 373, 375 King Jeremy, 18, 174, 177, After the Edict of Nantes was revoked, about 500,000 fled France. Pierre, 75, 265, 274, 338-9, Thomas Satur, 194 Jean, 61, 195, 283 David, 54-5, 193-4, 261 Selected French Genealogical Resources - Indiana State Library Today, the Society has nearly 2,000 members who are descendants of those Huguenots. Madeleine, 166, 225 326, 328, 336 Dallas, Walter, 349-50 English-speaking researchers and historians working with a Spanish-language document face two hurdlesunderstanding the handwriting and vocabulary, and grasping the record's institutional, historic, social, and cultural context. Wampout, 131, 165, 181 Manigault, 150, 247, 374-5 Durant Surname Meaning, History & Origin | Select Surnames Jacques, 166, 183, 201-2, 258, Elias, 204 Blanchard Ellery Mose, 90, 99, 118, 119, 156, Aaron Spring, 316 The Huguenots were members of the glise rforme de France (Reformed Church of France). John Saunders, 34, 141 Hutchins, Hillman, 331 290, 294 Jeanne (Le Febvre) de, 226, 265 Francis, 233, 261, 350-1 Esther, 344 Mr., 53 Marie (Guerineau), 281 2, 108, 111-12, 157-8, 173, Beaufort, SC, 304, 319, 320, 379 Elie, 118, 179, 255, 297, 358 Jean, 17, 50 Widow, 262 Martha, 203, 204 331 Jeanne (Berchaud), 8, 60-2, Mary, 178 234, 240, 253 Dehays, Susanne, 50, 51 Andr/Andrew, 161-2, 191, Margaret (Gourvin), 178 Physician, 75, 115, 135, 162, Old Plantation, 129 Jeanne (Huberson), 135, 249- Faulse, Anne de la, 344 Rodolphe, 283 Pasquereau 6 Jeanne, 63 Van Ruymbeke, Bertrand, From New Babylon to Eden: The Huguenots and Their Migration to Colonial South Carolina; Columbia, SC, University of South Carolina Press, 2006. 246, 278, 283-90, 302, 307- Joseph, 94, 287 276-7 Mathurin, 77, 157, 166 Marianne Charlotte (Gendron), Henry, 237, 350 David, 359 Magdalen (Fleury), 96, 117 Susanne (Dehays), 50-1 Hannah, 233, 309 Susanna, 150, 239 276 Martha (DuPr), 233 Elizabeth (DuBose), 102 Trent River, NC, 26, 291 Princess Amelia, 171 Marianne, 85 Mary (Jennins), 247 Mitchell Bueis (Buis) James, 126 Du Frenne, Madeleine, 168 Researchers should consult the original records whenever possible to avoid possible mistakes or misinterpretations. New London, SC, 30 Le Roy About 2,000 Huguenots settled in New York, South Carolina, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island in the mid-1680s and in 1700 in Virginia. Baron de Virasel, 79, 85 355 372-3 George, 319 Thomas, 252, 340 Isaac, 17, 53, 68, 78, 96, 115, Three Fountains, 260, 262 Pierre, 9, 58, 135-7, 249-52 183, 191, 203, 211, 226, Wig Maker, 181 Anne (Gaillard), 127 Elizabeth (Mazck), 140-1 Suzanne, 310 French Huguenots in South Carolina - Tea & Rebellion Moses, 49, 248, 261 Daniel, 68, 167 Daniel, Jr., 358 241, 255, 258 Jeanne Berchaud, femme du dit Jean Boyd. 317, 323-4, 333-5, 345, 375 Elizabeth, 232, 233 Catherine (Allaire), 199-200 Madeleine (Guesneau), 158 332, 346 Cassique, 18, 366 248, 264-8, 270, 283-4, 289- Mose, 6, 118, 209, 339 . Nathaniel, 204 Deputy Secretary, 269 Museum of London and the Huguenot Society of London, The Quiet Conquest: The Huguenots, 1685-1985; London, Museum of London, 1985. Print. Upper St. Peter's Parish and Environs: A Collection of Writings. Marianne (DuPuy), 344 Flaesbeek, NY 345 Elizabeth (Buretel), 9, 80-2, Jennings John (III), 275, 276, 277 Dutart. William, 151, 236 French Graveyard, 152, 159, Anne (DuPont), 224 Floride de, 227-8 Josias, 178 Pierre, 185-6, 242, 245-6 Josu, 342, 343 Judith (DuBois), 262 Yonge Ford, 321 Grange, Hugh, 231 Sarah, 341-2 Guillard. Sarah, 101 Pierre de la, 298 Draper, 120 Jeanne, 280 137, 140, 165, 222, 283, Madelin(Garillon), 62 Ollier Huguenots in South Africa - Wikipedia Le Riche 375, 448 Neil. Mary, 319, 321 Vieillevigne, France, 51 Co, 1946. Sheppard, Margaret, 174 Taylor 155, 158, 168, 183-4, 186-7, Servant, 9, 44, 55, 74, 76, 97, 212, 342, 360, 363 Isaac, 97, 119, 156 Yemassee, 180, 196, 293 Cape May, NJ, 205, 257 William, 233 Rhne River, 120, 230, 287, 368 Susanna, 111 Isaac (III), 102-3 This comprehensive, detailed genealogy stands out for the richness of anecdotal information, and its exemplary letter/number . Allston/Alston Anthony, 134 270, 272, 274-6, 281, 297, 306, Mary (DuBose), 319 Thauvet, 343 Conseillire. Hester (Jaudon), 87 160, 167, 189, 239, 247, Francis, 64 Manakintowne, VA, 26, 85, 290- 7, 29, 53, 58, 68, 96, 115, 118, 325-6 Judith (Boyd), 56 Anne d (Bruneau), 64 Henriette, 85 85, 159, 182, 312, 314, 322, 350 Original Settlers, 16-17 Benes, James, 73 Damaris Elizabeth, 148, 210, John, 338 Huguenots | NCpedia Anne, 224 Magdalen, 248-9 Beaufort, France, 178 Box 68, Garnett 29922: Book orders to Thomas O. Lawton, 2001. ]: The Huguenot Society, Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia. Sara, 110 Anne (Guerri), 162, 224 John, 288 317-18, 339, 358 308 374-5 Sieur, 44, 56 Etienne/Stephen (II), 335 Susanne, 194, 195 Elizabeth (LeClerc), 132 See also Mary (DuPont), 240 307-8, 320-3, 326-8, 331, 335, Elizabeth, 166 Margueritte Huger, leur fille, ne Rochelle. Elizabeth, 76-7 Sarah, 89 Flavell, John, 313 Ard:, 232 Andrew, 89 Clyatt, Robert, 265, 323 193, 335 Susanne, 282 Elizabeth (Laurent), 201, 257 Benjamin, 184 Michaus, 295, 326 Isaac (II), 72-5, 286, 299, 308 262-3, 293, 296, 299-301, Seran, Madeleine, 326 Marion, 252 Rutledge, 39 Cape Romain, SC, 7, 11, 66 Mathurin (II), 157 Madeleine, 95, 223 George, 192 374-5 Pierre (II), 29, 46, 68, 81, 89, Magdeleine (Le Noir), 197 Jeanne (Broussard), 106, 158- Anthony, 52, 349 William, 244 Collinot/Collineau, Marguerite, Anne Franoise (de Lomboy, The Huguenots in France never numbered more than just over two million, compared to approximately sixteen million Catholics during the same period. Shipwright, 4, 234, 326, 357-8 French Huguenot Jacques de la Planche / Jacob Plank. Susanne, 9, 99, 343 58, 63, 252, 254, 327, 342 Andr, 74 Montpellier, France, 97, 119-20, Marie Fascal, 74 Benjamin, 349 Genealogy Detective: Michael Patrick Leahy Digs Deep into the Ancestry Orei, 178 Blamyer Francis, 262 Lewis (II), 52 Hewit, Mr., 133 Elizabeth (Foissin), 173 280, 297-8, 300-5, 323, 329 Isaac (II), 69, 211-6 Joseph, 347 Mose, 280 Fenwick 167, 169, 193, 209, 211-13, Michael, 174 James, 126, 194, 216, 286-7, Robert, 15, 252 Indian Land (St. Helena Parish), 248-9, 266, 295, 297, 302, Bilonm, Mr., 178 Pynyot Church Commissioners, 37, 107, Dorothy (Tomson), 221-2 New Orleans, LA, 185 Most of the cities in which the Huguenots gained a hold saw iconoclast attacks, in which altars and images in churches, and sometimes the buildings themselves were torn apart. Sara (Bertomeau), 185, 245 Ezechiel, 155 Judith, 236 Michel, 30, 83, 110-11, 116, Peter, 85, 146, 149, 157, 186, 87, 108, 141, 171-2, 184, 237, Jean Samuel, 201, 203, 205 Lowndes, Rawlins, 238 Hodgson, John, 76 Gravesend, England, 205, 257 Rousseau Jean (Peyre), 261 Ester, 203 Madeleine, 266 78, 135, 177, 251, 268, 271 Confederate Home, 340 Thomas, 297 Charles, 85, 314, 317 Judith (DuGu), 310 James E., 352-3 Christopher, 38, 175 Daniel, 9, 11, 17-8, 29, 40, 45, Lecompt, Lewis, 74 Anthony, 275 Elizabeth (Bossu), 210 Focusing on the experiences of a single lineage, the Huger family, it hopes to add to existing scholarship on the South Carolina Huguenot experience in two specific ways. Hospital Church (London), 315 254, 260, 261, 288, 301, William, 305-6 Gibbes Elizabeth Ester, 153, 202 Later, Huguenots followed the Lutheran movement, and finally, Calvinism. Percival, 191, 226 Fouchereau and Fousherole. ABRAHAM FLEURY, De la Pleine, n Tours, fils de Charles Fleury, et de Madeleine Soupzmain. Elizabeth Harris, 76 England, 208 Pichot, Frances, 86 Selby, Thomas, 98 354 Joseph, 51-2, 196, 212, 358 They bought or traded for slaves from Indigenous people of the Americas|American Indian tribes south of the Tennessee River|Tennessee and east of the Mississippi River|Mississippi rivers. St. Domingue, 10, 78 Jacques, 9, 200, 231, 256, 279 341, 344 Franois, 209 Turpentine John, 141 Esther (Dutarque), 112 Elie Prioleau from the town of Pons in France was among the first to settle there. 132, 137, 150 307 Stone, 87, 192, 322, 370-1 Cabenell, J., 270 Suzanne, 342, 381 Webb, Thomas, 201, 335 Girodz, Solomon, 56, 86, 238, Rice Mills, 11, 329 5 Elizabeth, 9, 78, 80-4, 86, 124, Capt., 315 Sieur de la Chabossire, 10, 59, 117, 192, 195, 310, 327, ), 168 James, 15 See Wisboo Daniel , Jr., 87, 166 No, 22, 34, 45, 73, 86-7, 154, Anne, 63-4, 68, 70, 85 Marie Ester, 198 Gabriel, 220-2 Joseph, 46, 114 254, 258, 279, 323 Pays de Vaud, France, 253 207, 225-8, 253, 282, 313, Daniel (III), 188 Our library is open to the public by appointment. Judith, 235, 238 These extended themselves at first only from the lower ferry at South Santee - Mazyck's Ferry - about two miles below Wambaw Creek, in St. James Parish, to within a few miles of Lenud's Ferry and back from the river into the Parish of St. Denis, called the Orange Quarter. Mounet Press of Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co. Wadbacan, 288 Soubzmain, Madeleine, 117 Thomas Rigdon, 244-5 Louis, 72 Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy - broadcast on Nashville's Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. - host Leahy welcomed former Vanderbilt professor Dr. Carol Swain to the studio.. During this segment, Leahy puts on his genealogy hat and looks into Swain's family tree. A French dancing master, settling in Craven County, says Oldmixon taught the Indians country dances, and to play on the flute and hautbois - thus raising himself to a good estate. Peter, Sr., 359 Peter, 100, 102, 103, 104 201-2, 204, 205, 223, 233, Rice Riddle, 322 Rachel, 73 Esther (Grasset), 201, 203-4 Eliza, 270 Jeanne Elisabet, 55, 195, 227, Black Natt, 359 Jack Jouett made the ride from Cuckoo Tavern to warn Thomas Jefferson and others that Tarleton and his men were on their way to arrest him for crimes against the king. Catherine, 93 Villette, Andr (Andrew) de la, Sale, Wilson, 337 101, 105, 118-19, 156, 166, Strawberry Ferry Road, 123 Jacques, 118, 338 David, 86 Their descendants in many families continued to use French first and surnames for their children well into the nineteenth century, as they tried to keep some connection to their heritage. Madeleine, 249 Mary (Sanders), 164, 217 Rachel, 65 Charlotte, 95, 186, 245, 247 81, 91-2, 96, 99, 102, 104, 109, Pierre, 67, 208 Spanish Prisoners, 232 Fougeraut, 196. Lucy, 344 Daniel de, 316, 318 151 13. Today, the Society has nearly 2,000 members who are descendants of those Huguenots." See the Huguenot Church in the United States Wiki page for more information . Brionnet, along with Jacques Lefvre d'Etaples, shaped Marguerite's religious beliefs, and she in turn encouraged reform within the church and the need to reinterpret the Scriptures and translate them into French. Lachenicht, Susanne. Trinitie (Hans), 205 Catherine, 216 Charles, 295, 326 Samuel, 306 B., 234 Thomas, 343 Marie (Ptremand), 297 Mary-Ann, 194 Daniel (II), 114 Narragansett, RI, 192, 209, 339 Loule 228-9, 254, 315, 344 Esther (Savineau), 324-5 Marie (La Court), 53, 259 Bayeux, France, 298 352, 375 Anchorsmith, 65, 110, 114 324 French Racial Strain . Jail, 211 357-8 Maverick, 307, 309 Elizabeth, 284, 319 Margueritte Henriette Jean, 98 Calhoun Lewis, 332 Constant, 247 Elizabeth (Richebourg), 297 Anglicans, 13, 25, 60

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french huguenot surnames in south carolina