how to reclaim your strawman uk

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Following the American Civil War, the British Territorial Government took over under the pretext of providing us with a military Protectorate, based on their Constitutional contract to provide a Mutual Defense for our States of the Union. It is also under demand to redirect all Municipal employees to ensure cessation of all false commercial claims and improper probate administrations. No wonder the British Perpetrators were marching around their effigy of a dead baby, mumbling their incantations in hopes that we would all remain asleep and never, ever figure out what was going on. Reclaim Your Strawman and Your Sovereignty The Sovereign Citizen Movement aka The Freeman Movement, aka the Redemption Movement Prior to the One People's Public Trust making itself known, these were other methods of extracting yourself from indentured servitude and financial slavery. These are private documents, so only his office needs to see them. We can cite Chapter and Verse and step-by-step demonstrate how this entire odious system worked. Get your two Witnesses' Testimony. Colonel Edward Mandell House More than 30 Trillion Dollars has been siphoned offand embezzled out of this country during the Obama Administration and more untold trillions of counterfeit "US Dollars" were printed off-shore and dumped into other economies worldwide --- and it was all state sponsored counterfeiting by "government agencies". Robbery 1323. Long Form Birth Certificate In the days to come, I recommend that everyone work hard to take advantage of the "exits" that still exist in the standing law, working backwards to (1) claim and record your Common Law copyright to your name however it is styled, ordered, formed, or expressed, and then (2) issuing an Act of Expatriation and recording that as a Deed with the State Secretary of State. Right back where you began, as a baby. As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] andThe United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets. The actual State Assemblies haven't been called in a 150 years, so don't think that this process or this organization has anything to do with any "State of State" assembly you have ever heard of or participated in. Once you can be recognized as a natural-born American state national, you can go to the Tax Assessor and claim back your land as the landlord exercising your "reversionary trust interest" ---- and demand that it be listed as private property and not annexed as residential, industrial, or agricultural property belonging to the State of State. Streamlined Processes The Dead Baby Scam You record your deed in plain simple American English on page with the local land recording office, and you clearly "post" your land with the international black and white sign and "Private Property" signs. If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. To expedite and institutionalize their cozy "special relationship" the perpetrators have established The Dead Baby Scam, a throwback to earlier outlawed practices of the so-called Holy Roman Empire. You are home at last. Government held stock in the agencies. September 2017, All We also hold the British Government and the British Crown responsible for their part colluding in this outrageous Breach of Trust and international fraud scheme. The snail is on his thorn. The men we are dealing with naturally see it --- and use it---for the exact opposite purposes. This predates their claim by a few days or weeks, so you are finally identified as the true party of interest and Holder in Due Course. constitutionally protected, group of persons. If any American deliberately acting in any offshore "Legal Person" capacity whatsoever connected with the Federal Government entities or their State of State franchises operating in our States of the Union reads this, all members of the military, all members of the Federal Civil Service, all members operating State of State or STATE OF STATE franchises, all subcontractors including those employed by the Alphabet Soup Agencies --- this is your Notice of Liability and your Warning and your Instruction regarding this situation and your obligation to correct it, as well as your obligation to recognize the political status of the American State Nationals and American State Citizens and their States of the Union to which you owe Good Faith Service and Honor and Duty and protection against all enemies both Foreign and Domestic. The bond number itself can be found on the actual Certificate of Live Birth, on the back of the document. This is why all veterans are advised to give notice via letter directly to the head of their former branch of service that you have "returned home" to your birthright political status as an American State National. Anyone supporting these incorporated entities in their aims is an accomplice to this profound evil and part of the problem we all face. It carries all sorts of emblems from a "State of State" organization, depending on where and when you were born. Claim your strawman Watch on This is a Private Members Association wpma-26022022-pma expressed into a private trust Title number pa-0014-wilstaff-26022022-pt All information on this website is intended for Private Members As a man: or woman: i, have been lied to ALL my life. You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary. Strawman - Know Your Rights The problem-- from their standpoint-- is that we found out about all ofthis corruption and criminalityas a result of historical and legal research spanning decades. Step Two: You have to do the expatriation and the revocation of Voter Registration, too. Record that. British Territorial United States Citizen So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE Straw Man Beginnings HE is an "Enemy Combatant". Woodrow Wilson President 1913 - 1921. HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY But there is another layer to the scam. PDF A QUICK GUIDE TO SOVEREIGN CITIZENS - University of North Carolina at As a result the contracts are invalid. But do you notice something? So at last you can achieve that much-desired end of having your employees leave you and your assets alone, and forcing them to get back to work doing the job you hired them to do---- protecting you and your assets instead of bullying, attacking, and robbing you. Well, their own records --- all those resulting "Certificates of Live Birth"--- show that you, the living man, were actually born on a specific day, like August 14, 1967, but the THING named after you wasn't registered until a few days or weeks afterward---- on the (de) filing date which is also shown. LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON You won't be subject to foreign statutory laws. As I recently discussed--- one enterprising American found his way out of the their maze by creating a new name for himself using (arguably) correct grammar principals as his justification. You will bein control your own livesagain. These documents are NOT secret! (Bened. You are listed as a TENANT. Russell is a righteous man, so he naturally sees the Truth in PARSE. May 2019 Birth Certificates And The Act Of 1871 A class-based animus is an essential element of a civil-rights conspiracy case. Reverse their unspoken claim that your land belongs to their franchise operating as a State of State and belongs to a "resident" and is either "residential, industrial, or agricultural" land. We are serving Notice on the U.S. Department of Defense with this International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam that we are non-combatant civilians who are owed proper identification as internationally protected persons and who are owed proper passports, too. By using Federal Reserve Notes a debt is not paid, it is simply transferred to someone else not paid. Your third job is to help organize and join your State Assembly. A properly translated PARSE deed serves notice to the vermin that the jig is up and that you know what they are doing. A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known later as a Fide CommissaryTrust and later again as a Foreign Situstrust and also known as aformof SecretTru, being a Temporary TestamentaryTrust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein anEstatemay be effected for the, of one or more Persons presumed lost or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed/presumed dead after seven (7) years. The Titles must be returned to the "missing" owners, who were somehow easy for the tax collectors and Selective Service to find, and the entire abhorrent practice of corporations "taking title" to men and women must be consigned to the Rubbish Heap of History where all such practices belong. Baby Deed The people of the world have already said no to the Raj, to the Nazis, and we shall say no to any US or Chinese military hegemony dedicated to the same ugly principles of criminal injustice, greed, oppression, enslavement, immorality and deceit. One out of 435. I have 2 birth certificates my UK BC CERTIFICATE, THOUGHT ID LOST IT. When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship. What's more important than what we have just described for you? You do that by placing evidence of your true political standing and Lawful Person capacity on the public record. As a result, it comes under new law and is a new lawfully-owned entity. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. Straw-man . HE has no rights; he is literally a slave under the rules of their stilted, dishonest, vicious game. Pl. Without us, they are open to seizure as pirates. Additional presumptions by which such a. may be formed were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies. Birth Certificates AKA CUSIP BONDS This then also affects all contracts on which the NAME appears, including Driver Licenses, Mortgages, Loans, and Certificates. A baby is not a new car. You get a "birth certificate" for the same reason you get a car registration. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are Department of the Treasury. So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. It's decisions are supposed to be made by you. C.J.S. It's yours and the facts on the face of every Birth Certificate fully admit it. The first, and the route that I have chosen, is to object to their presumption of trusteeship and usufruct status, return the Birth Certificate (it's actually an insurance indemnity receipt so you are making an insurance claim for the return of your vested interest in your own estate), and copyright your own name by recording it as an Assumed Name with the land recording office in your county. The basic premise to fully understanding my straw man and the "Redemption In Law" process is the fact that the (Uniform Commercial Code) UCC - 1 Financing Statement is the only unbreakable contract in the world. But what if your government doesn't protect you? They have "taken title" to over 300 million American babies. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. Streamlined Processes They then licensed those ersatz officers and under duress of not being able to practice their professions, misdirected them to do something very peculiar in hospitals throughout our country. Our States of the Union were never involved in the Civil War, by definition; our states were never bankrupted, either, and our Holding Company, The United States of America, has never ceased to function. The People does NOT include you and me. [Cases: Robbery6. The Holy See is under demand to re-task the IRS to process credit claims brought by the American States and People. Correct Your Political Status Admission of their corruption can be viewed on the televised London Winter Olympics footage, which shows those responsible parading in hooded robes around the giant effigy of a Dead Baby, much to the amazement and consternation of the rest of the world, which was left wondering.? They can make you play Parcheesi or you can make them play Chess--after all, they are your employees. You won't pay "Federal Income Taxes" anymore. Unfortunately, most Americans have been playing Chess while their employees have been playing Parcheesi --- which requires you to learn the new game, which then ultimately allows you to either (1) win the game, and/or (2) flip the table and play whatever game you want to play. It is a game with actors (acting on acts). Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest code breakers. Since 1581, there has been a second series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning thepropertyof persons and rights which migrated to the United States for administration including: (i) In 1651 the Act for theSettlementof Ireland 1651-52 which introduced theconceptof settlements, enemies of the, and restrictions of movement in states of emeregency; and, (ii) In 1861 the Emergency Powers Act 1861; and, (iii) In 1931 the EmergencyReliefand Construction Act 1931-32; and. Secret Trust ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS - Straw Man London 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. America is a British Colony. This fraudulent genocide on paper was then used to excuse the creation of trusts by the Municipal United States Government. (Treaty of 1213), 21. You have our consent and direction to shut down the Municipal COURT System pending resolution of this Mess, and also our direction to shut down all registration of land assets in this country and further, to disregard and invalidate all Dead Letters of Administration being used to authorize probate administration of the fraudulently constructed Dead Baby estates. (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80), 17. Congressman McFadden was poisoned, mafia-style, for lodging his complaint with the House Judiciary Committee, but because he did the right thing, those charges still stand, as firmly lodged today as they were in 1934. Now all you have to do is prove who you are, that you objected to being "enfranchised" and that you have recorded your counter-claim to be the true and lawful owner of your Good Name and Estates and all derivatives thereof and re-conveyed your property (Name, Estate, and the derivative Assumed NAMES) back to their natural and permanent domicile on the land and soil of--- for example--- Georgia. Copyright Your StrawMan Read this book at your own risk. And so far as that goes, they have no right to demand any ownership interest in your car, either. The BirthCertificatehas no direct relationship to the private secret trusts controlled by the private banking network, nor can it be used to force the administration of astateor nation to divulge the existence of these secret trusts. ThePropertyof anyEstatecreated through a Temporary (Testamentary)Trustmay be regarded as under Cestui Que Use by the, , even if another name or description is used to define the type of, In 1534, prior to the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Henry VIII declared the first Cestui Que Vie typeestatewith the Act of Supremecy which created theCrownEstate. Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Our Government v. Their Government -- Unanswered Letters 8 -- Reply to Jayne, Your offer to contract is hereby rejected, Note: International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam, LEARN THE NECESSARY STEPS TO SELF GOVERNING AS A LAWFUL PERSON. July 2019 It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. There are two peaceful ways out of this box. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means Whereupon we accept their admission and acquiescence and direct Mr. Trump and the U.S. Secretary of Defense to begin operations to shut down the MUNICIPAL COURTS preparatory to full reinstatement of the Federal Postal District Courts we are owed and our occupancy of the State Courts. And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. If there is anyone out there who is willing to fund the effort, the Living Law Firm can ferret out the statutes guaranteeing Common Law Copyrights in all fifty of the States of States. Tell your friends, your neighbors --- literally all your "countrymen". While the private secret trusts of the private central banks cannot be directly addressed, they are still formed on certain presumptions of law including claimedownershipof the name, thebody, themindand soul of infants, men and women. They have been exercising our own "Delegated Powers" and operating "in our names". Incorrect punctuation. And though they are imposed "in the interests of public safety", American state nationals are not required to use driver licenses, either, unless they are engaged in some business or trade that makes use of the public roads for private gain --- commercial trucking operations, taxi and courier services, etc. The Birth Certificate you hold in your hand is irrefutable evidence of the facts. Posted at 09:12h in tva undeveloped hunting land by is sister charmaine dead. a US government agency. We are building it up and restoring it. a servitude appurtenant as opposed to a personal servitude such as usufruct; an easement. Brith Certificate Fraud The only valid and actionable solution is to reclaim your True Trust using your . or see the Help Service portal about midway down my website home page to request additional help] and then go to our new sign in service: People are grossly confused about the Birth Certificate, what it is, what it does, why it exists, etc. January 2018 This is how the British-backed Territorial Corporation known as the "State of Florida" or "State of Maine" or "State of Texas" picked up an ownership interest in "you" and "your name" ---- converted your identity from that of a living man or woman, and gained the right (by your Mother's mistake and your later silence) to consider you a "franchise" of their corporation and chattel backing their debts. Private | Legal vs. Lawful | Matter vs Spirit | Debit vs. Credit | Legal Title vs. They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. Straw Man - Birth Certificates They will still try to play their "You Can't See Me" games using PARSE SYNTAX as the excuse. (Executive Order 12803). The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. This is precluded by our prior claim to all land assets effective September 9, 1776, and our execution of International Notice, Liens and Re-Conveyances directly affecting all land assets in this country, including all land descriptions. The British Territorial Government held the Equitable (Beneficial) Title to these trusts created and operated in our NAMES and the Municipal United States Government held the legal title to them. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. how to reclaim your strawman - Advanced Learning Tutoring You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it! Truly despicable criminals in nice suits, having dinner at the finest restaurants on your ticket, jet-setting around the world pretending to "represent" you in one respect or another, all blatant as pigs can be. There is power in numbers. Give notice to the Coast Guard and Adjutant General and U.S. Postmaster General. If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE Organization. September 2019 You won't pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes. April 2019 The U.S. Constitution applies to the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, a privately owned and operated corporation (headquartered out of Washington, DC) much like IBM (International Business Machines, Microsoft, et al) and, . What if, instead, your government preys upon you, threatens you, harasses you, and makes you miserable and fearful? You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders -- not Tenants. Since then no one in America has been able to lawfully pay a debt. Two layers of "government organizations" have placed these ugly claims on your name and estate. --- all operated in our NAMES. Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Get moving. You are given a "certificate" in exchange for "registering" something. The next question is --- other than objecting on the record, what do we do? Slavery; bondage.2. Its been a long time coming for me to feel confident enough to start sharing this information with you guys because I was EXREAMLY nervous that I was UNDERST. propertyof theRoman Cult, beingReal Property,Personal Propertyand EcclesiasticalPropertyand the denial of any rights to men and women, other than those chosen as loyal members of thesocietyand as Executors and Administrators. The fastest and Most effective Way to Claim your Strawman Deny the crooks jurisdiction over you, and destroy their power. June 2020 We are supporting it. And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went. and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government. No more reorganizations. British Territorial United States Citizen (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548), 13. It's on funny paper: hard surfaced, durable, heavy paper called "bond paper". They also owe us The Law of Peace, AR 27-161-1. Because your identity has been stolen. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. Secret Trust Strawman Illusion Explained Thatlegal person has no consciousness; it is a juristic person, ENS LEGIS, a name/word written on a piece of paper. 138-178), 10. Military dictator George Washington divided up the States (Estates) in to Districts (Messages and papers of the Presidents Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary of Estate), 28. 32 CFR PART 161 161.4 Policy. (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243), 29. Reverse their claim and copyright of your name and estate by over-riding with a guaranteed Common Law Copyright pre-dating their claim. People will need to make their own decisions about how best to crack the nut and what tools to use to crack it. If not, it's high time that you did. April 2018 Public vs. All subcontracting Agencies of the Municipal Government are to be fully informed of their status and the personnel briefed concerning this fraud, so that every American however employed knows what went on here. Mr. Mnuchin needs to do his actual job owed to the actual People of this country. And the pick-pockets are on the run. This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because youre dead. Common Law Vs Maritime Law This gives you a superior claim in commerce, and since all this fraud, theft, and legal chicanery is taking place in the realm of commerce, that is an important point. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178), 9. September 2017, All But did you or your Mother ever knowingly and willingly give them the right to use your name, steal your identity, use you as chattel backing their debts, or any of this other nonsense? And they've been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us. Legally, we are considered to be a fiction, a concept or idea expressed as a name, a symbol. The American States Assembly ? See our official acceptance of President Trumps Inaugural Offer. You look the DA in the eye and you say, "I am not presenting this certificate for any purpose of identification. August 2018 If this country is lost to a bunch of European Flim-Flam artists and crooked scum bankers making false claims in commerce against us, it's nobody's fault anymore but yours and mine for our own failure to react and get organized and kick legal rump from here to breakfast. The style, form, and punctuation clearly identifies it as PARSE and implies the grammar that goes with it. In point of fact, our States are under no obligation to reconstruct the Confederation of States dba States of America and are potently capable of exercising every power ever delegated to the Confederation. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. Russell justifies it in terms of being "correct" according to principles of math and logic, but as he also had to admit --- it's just as easy to lie in the language of math as it is to lie using any system of symbolic communication. Our identity has been stolen. Michael T. Flynn We have accepted the claim to accept the summons, yet ONLY the dead can be summoned. Your 'Legal Fiction' / 'Strawman' was created. What greater profit can you realize by investing in anything else? I know that you are operating under the 1934 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and that you cannot talk about it thanks to 18 USC 472, but I can talk about it to you. The most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but rather the, . Passport Fraud I have been asked and asked about Birth Certificates--- what are they? The next day Lincoln bankrupted the Northern States of the original Confederacy. And a lie however it is expressed is still a lie. Straw Man Artifical Person

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how to reclaim your strawman uk