baby danvers fanfiction

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From where Im standing it makes it look like youve chosen Lena over Emma!. This is either a fake fridge or youve found out a way to live without food., Great, go around my apartment, why not? You mumble to yourself and groan when Kara closes your laptop. When she needed you guys after everything that had happened? Its up to you, to prove to me that i musnt kill you here and now., Please, dont kill her Lena begged him. After 10 minutes you entered a large room with a giant glass window offering a great view of the city. She looks at you in pity. Warning : violence, gun, blood, sexuality. As the two squared off, Jonn palmed his face and dragged his hand down. Stumbling to her feet, Robyn quickly moves to Emmas side and sees Lily lying on Emmas torso. Everyone in the room knew her, knew well that the throbbing vein on her temple and the twitching of her jaw showed, that the window of opportunity to be able to talk to her normally was soon missed. You write from the depths of your soul and are able to connect with others. Feel free to participate and upload your work surrounding these dorks. To sum it up, Alex Danvers really has three children. I wanted to. But were not here to discuss secret identity, Miss Luthor if you please ?, I need time. You came back in the kitchen to see your mom placing the table. ", Supergirl, Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Notes: Thanks for the prompt @ynimagines, and I'm really sorry for your loss. While the woman answered it, Alex took a step back and a deep breath. She stares ahead for a moment, deep in thought while the agent heads back out of the house. Ive missed you too, Lee. You finally part the hug, looking at her with a wide smile. Really, I love it. You said taking another bite. He didnt finish his sentence, Lena, with a velocity you coudnt suspect pushed his head against the screen and some of piece of glass and plastic flew away when he broke. She wipes a tear away, hating the thought of how low Lena got. Em, hey, youre okay. Which makes your heart sit heavy inside, and the food comes back out without you having to force it. I dont think so ! You heard behind you. Alex? Sam gets up and heads over to her fiance, clearly seeing that Alex was getting more and more agitated. Im begging you ! Lena was almost crying. She was starring at you, locked her eyes with yours and you saw it, the passion, the love you couldnt believe in earlier. But then when she left you all rallied around Lena!. Alex lets out a slow breath as she watches the destruction happening on the screen. I don't believe you. She says taking a bite. Because I sure as hell didnt, Alex snipped back as she flipped her hand up in annoyance. Alex stood up and retrieved her pumpkin, handing it to her little sister so she could continue carving it. ANSWER NOW OR ILL SEND THE COPS! She stares mournfully at her laptop on the coffee table. As they ate together they started a game of Candyland. A lot of leeway being given to you all and a lot of funds being burned. Then we searched through footage around London, trying to find a hint of you. Alex explains, her eyes shining with tears. I can say with a high certainty that you will be gone again in the next few months.". Ok first of all, the mac and cheese wasn't that messed up. She said defending herself. Its incredible. And now, she questioned if the fact that a beautiful woman was in her face was the reason she backed up, or if it was because she felt she really needed space. Emma approaches Robyn, who hands Emma her new guitar to play. Geez. Kara superspeeds to grab a bottle of water and hands it to her. I have acess to this cripted files. "Please, take a deep breath. She cleans one tear, you think, when her thumb strokes your face lightly. Rolling her eyes she storms over but before she slams open the door, she hears Lena sobbing through it. The family still recalled fondly how baffled she had been, watching Alex and young Y/N get to work with removing the pumpkins insides (which Y/N calledpumpkin guts and the nickname stuck for its cuteness). Wheres Emma? Kara asks with a frown as she notices her sisters absence. The rest of the session goes by quickly and soon the sun has set. You always go for the precarious ones! Kara laughs. "Alex feels sorry for you. Emma waves goodbye and goes back into the house to eat dinner with her family with Lily staying close by her side. I completely understand, I would feel the same way if I was in your position. Lena starts the machine and leans against the kitchen counter. Her walls are high and thick, impossible to break or to breach. I know, I know, Alex murmured soothingly, while Kara rubbed Y/Ns arm, wanting to comfort her in any way she could. After the guards freed you, they left, locked the door behind them. I wonder who will win next year, she was saying. Robyn! Emmas husky voice barks out but she immediately starts coughing and wheezing. Kara ordered a pizza and promised it would be there shortly after they were set to arrive home. He didnt even want to mind read what she was dealing with. Ive missed you, darling.. Im sorry.. She intended to grab his gun during the confusion but he was faster and stronger, he pushed her he pointed it directly to you. Both were pointing guns towards you and Lena and you could tell they wouldnt hesitate to use them. Some nights were more difficult than others on her, like tonight. A/N: I was originally not going to make this a reader insert fic and just leave it totally ambiguous, but it felt awkward just calling the youngest sibling "Baby Danvers" the entire time. Well give you everything so you can overcome this, baby.. Emma watches and feels a pang of hurt hit her chest, but she quickly pushes it away. You didnt always have Sheldon in your life, but now that you did, you cant fathom the thought of having to go on without him. But Sam grows concerned at her best friends pale face. The first time Emma walked on her first birthday to try and follow Alex. Human Kara Danvers Alternate Universe - No Powers Fluff Domestic Fluff A plot occurred unexpected plot Assassination Attempt (s) not on Lena for once smut in later chapters When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily. I still feel- disappointed. Emma whispers out and coughs. She stares at the photo and cant help but feel torn. You swallow the lump on your throat and the tears that insist on coming when you realize that last night actually happened and you did just lose your cat. Told you. She said, taking a bite herself. NO ! You screamed : LENA ! you opened your eyes, ready to search for her when you heard her. Because Esme knows when its time to eat, and she knows better than to argue with me about it. Alex points at the chair, while passing Kara a dish. Its a voice you havent heard before compelling you to act in the most harmful ways you can think of. The sisters passed a look of remorse, hating that their little sister was in pain, even if it would help in the end. Lunch. Alex gets up from the coffee table and sits next to Kara. The pride the family felt at her first word, how she quickly started singing and bouncing to music. But the raven haired woman doesnt answer, making Alex grumble and seethe as she can clearly see the glow of the lights coming from within the apartment. So im not gonna ask you once more. You said nothing and turned your back to her to avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes. i know i have prompts to write but i was in the mood to bring this back. I love you too Lena. Its food. For the record, I do have a girlfriend, Alex added with pride. However, she takes a deep breath and steps into the room, kneels down and zips the suitcase back up. I'm telling the truth! She shook her head. I havent seen you in a month, and I know youre hungry. You are my sister and you mean the world to me. "Your siblings are worried sick.". Y/N sent her a smile as a way to say thanks, and continued until she finished carving the pumpkin into a smiley face, and her sisters praised her work. You were ready to run and not look back, your fight or flight mode kicking in, but you calmed down relatively quickly when you understood who exactly was standing in front of you. You dont need it. Am I expected? Emma asks and the sisters share a look, which Emma catches. But now Just have a bite with me. Lena pleads moving to the couch. Tumblr posted its first advertisements in May 2012 and subsequently earned $13M in revenue. I sent the picture! You dont make any move out of her embrace, but youre annoyed they are both here after you did exactly what they asked and sent proof youre still alive. Kara didnt take James advice because going out on a date at night would be weird. Let her go or i swear Ill kill you myself., Thats cute : the former Lena Luthor has a crush. And just by looking at you Im sure you are malnourished. Alex gives you her best mother voice, and you think of all the times shes done that before. She cant help but feel a pang of sympathy for the raven haired woman as she jumps and stares wide eyed up at her. Ready to go? Jonn asks, holding out her coat and trainers for her. It made finding time for herself difficult for most of her life, and she had two specific people to blame for that. You broke her. In the morning we both had killer hangovers and decided to be sober. Wow! Alex and Kara grab a hold of her to steady her footing. In no time shes in front of Lenas apartment and she raises her fist to pound on the door. Not ever. Alex, Jonn scolded with a stern voice. Lenas, she said without missing a beat. It had felt so real and she cant help but feel a sense of dread. They both love you more than anything on this planet. But why not pursue it?, Lucy swallows and her eyes flick over to Emmas. Easy Em. Robyn whispers and watches the blonde nod and sluggishly pick up her clothes from yesterday to change into. Others in the group nod and a tear slides down Lenas cheek that she quickly wipes away. Lily nuzzles into her, keeping pressure on her side and keeping Emma grounded while she continues to listen. The bullet was on the floor. More tears pour from her eyes and she clutches at the ring again. How's your boyfriend? You froze at her question. I know about Ben. She said, looking you straight in the eyes. That makes your heart beat faster. Little ball of fur. I havent even finished my coffee, she emphasized as she raised her near full mug to his face. Come on, lets get to the conference room before Henshaw thinks Ive killed you., Pfft. And she hoped that they would have more moments like this in the future. That she was okay if she didnt think about it. Ill help you look for him, ok? Why am I letting her in my space? Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. I may disagree with you darling. Your eyes were focused on the water, surveying every wave that hit the shore while tears started to well up in your eyes. Picture of yourself from now or Ill call mom and tell her youre on drugs. You know how much everyone loved him and would like to be here for you. referencedrape. And God, this is the only thing I can control. "You shouldnt be here." Even from behind angle the Superfriends can tell its Emma. Taglist:@finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @inquisitive-nix, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @checkingoutforheroes, @mmmmokdok, @certainkryptoniangeek, @starmako26. We dit itMarv. Well because now the computer was broke and it was impossible to download any files but he will kill you. But, we can help you overcome it.. Robyn taps the surface of the island in time with a song on the radio while she sips her coffee. All is fair in love and war, and when we play Uno we are no longer sisters for the duration. I moved out to the channel islands and tried to settle into this new job. Now I got covid! Where's Alex? You ask, hugging her back. I do not believe that is wise due to your heightened level of-. Jonn really has the worst decor taste. She finished her words as she reemerged into the living room. Original Danvers-Sawyer Child (ren) One Shot Married Couple Parents Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Sanvers never broke up Workplace Visit Domestic Fluff Baby Fic Alex and Maggie have a 4 months old daughter. Emmas worried eyes focus on Alexs. Weve been noticing for a while that you havent been eating a lot., Then Lena told me about what happened the last time you saw each other., I felt sick with the sushi she bought. Now, wheres this senior agent were waiting for?. When you three feel ready, it might give you some healing to go back and make peace with what happened. His eyes focus on Alex in particular who shifts in her seat. Must have been hard for you. Robyn says softly, remembering the story Emma told her of her father. She names him Marcus, and he immediately matures into a fully . Soon you are enveloped between both of your sisters loving arms, while they restate that theres nothing wrong with you, and that they love you very much. Im going to sue your company if they send you on another business trip soon., I know, right? You come closer, ready to walk into her open and welcoming arms. She frowns and notices the almost empty bottle of Scotch next to Lena. Ill always love you, my little ball of fur. Kara and Alex couldnt help but giggle at their sister as she tried to carry the thing back to the car. He was a really good cat and we all loved him very much.. I can smell your baby gay panic. Remember the mac and cheese. You said, eyebrows raised. "There is nothing to talk about. She sips the tangy liquid and glances over at Jonn. (Taglists are at the end of the fic), MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 | Main Masterlist. Your eyes are trained on whats written on his tombstone. After a failed reconciliation with her father, all Maggie wants is to move forward with Alex and plan their wedding. Theres-, Ill calm down when you give me a good reason for why Im here of all days because right now, Id rather be in my pajamas, passed out in bed.. Her mind races with shame with what the others must think and how she is going to explain herself. All I can do now is try to support you the best way I can. I promise well hang out more once Im done with this.. As Alex turned towards the direction of the voice, she found herself glaring at a woman in heels who was quickly approaching them. You have to work, and I still have so many things to do. You pass her going straight for your things, still talking, so she doesnt have time to argue. asked the familiar voice from across the room and you swallowed hard as every vein in your body filled with a throbbing rage. You need to calm down. Im sorry, Y/N. A stranger shouldnt be that close. Yeah, you get it. You smile back at her, praying she doesnt realize how fake you sound. Please stay. The redhead takes it and swipes through the photos. They are having dinner, the TV is on a channel airing a 2000s movie but they dont make conversation. Alex stood silent, but grit her teeth and turned towards Jonn, giving him a nod. Or will this current storm be more than their relationship can weather? Ladies, Jonn said, attempting to alleviate the tension in the room, lets get back to it, shall we? "How did you find me?" I can see now its developed into a problem and Im sorry. Alex admired her classy, but effective scare tactics. Seriously. Alex heads for Sam and Ruby roasting marshmallows and Kara goes over to Ben who is joking with Eliza. (Y/N) ! This is just one way to interpret todays AgentCorp Week theme! Kara serves you food, while Alex fills a glass of water for you. You undersood : During her fight with the man, Lena throw it in front of you, how she ended up to have this gadget you didnt know but it was genius ! But it then slowly increased over time and I found myself having more and more. Her day off. She was calling Kara / supergirl. Emma nods and Kara steps out of the hug while Alex clings to Emma, who rests her head against Alexs. Can I ask you something?. Emma nods and signs her thanks to her friend. Youre in Midvale, you had a nightmare. The games came after and Kara managed to win her a giant stuffed bear that she refused to let go of despite it being almost as big as she was. i will talk ! You didnt think twice and jumped on him. However it was a trap, your team leader ended up putting everyone in harms way which resulted in multiple injuries. That it was an illusion? Kara shuffles on her feet, worried about the answer Emma will give. Now its new you heard a voice said. Lucy stepped back, crossed her arms again and kept her eyes locked on Alex. However, in response, the woman only raised a brow at reading Alexs body language, clearly unphased. We are trying to help her, not shame her or cause more friction., Sam steps forward and tenderly moves Alexs hair out of her eyes. Y/N trembled at the sight, as she was never too good seeing her own injuries. You move to the couch, sitting next to her. They were all armed, why did she do this ? Masterlist This is a list of the supercorp/supergirl fanfiction that i have read from different authors here on tumblr. Ill see you soon, ok?. Character addition and tag requests open xx Oh, so we dont even have an actual reason? Sighing heavily, Alex knocks on the door and enters. I swear, next time I hug you I might break your bones if you keep forgetting to eat because of work.. Great. Were just worried., You dont have to. Exhausted and completely drained from the working day, the DEO agent was happy to be home again and to enjoy a nice rest of the evening with you. Y/N danvers feels like a burden to her sisters so she packs her stuff out of the apartment she is living with Alex and goes away. So. Alex starts, eyeing Kara to stop inhaling her food. And if Lena knows, then shell tell Kara. ", Karas jaw dropped. Y/Ns sudden closeness, accompanied by her wail, caught Kara off guard. You are amazing. And we saw that youre still working! Alex makes her way inside your apartment with two bags in her hands. I understand your process of writing songs. Shes taken punch lines at her height before, but only among friends. She walked towards it, took the red envelope in her hands and moved towards the couch where she sat on the armrest. He was my best friend. You cry and cry. Movement outside the door catches everyones attention and a knock echoes around the room. Alex was having a particularly rough day. Ive read up on the DC DEO branch too, and the crap you guys pull, well, it towers over ours, and even you, Alex finished with a smirk. When Alex disappeared into the kitchen to return the trash can to its proper place, Y/N snapped out of her trance of shock, and realized that she had instinctively cupped her stomach with her hand, and that her hand was scalding hot! They hug and Lena buries her head into Karas shoulder. The words and melody came quickly and before I knew it the song was there. Emma glances over at Robyn who nods, remembering how Emmas pencil flew across the paper while she wrote the lyrics. What happened ? The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. They tightly hold onto each other and Emma places a kiss on their heads. you replied in a whisper. I always wanted to make sure every milestone was recorded for each of my girls.. #should i tag the people who were following this ficlet. Alex leans forward as she studies her sisters face. They even sensed how todays session could be harder than the previous one, causing Jonn to vow to support her, whatever happens. Now they were there at the field and she was practically bouncing up and down in her seat as she saw the others waiting for them. Take a deep breath for me, Em.. You couldnt go on and tolerate everything he had done, eventually the capacity of lying and cheating was reached. And do you know what she communicated to me when I asked how she was? I really wanted to hate her. Alex admits darkly. He approached the computer with hunger in his eyes. They wait until you have the first bite, so they can start eating too. Immediately Sam pulls her into a hug. But Emma wont like Alex going through her things. Lena says with wide eyes and quickly follows them. If you want to be tagged to follow the story tell me :), hiii! It was a shock to her body, the rapid change in temperature, and the fact that it wouldnt do away. Finally ! you heard him whispering. The woman smirked and crossed her arms, turning her full attention to Alex. They were the last ones to arrive, and the others greeted the sisters warmly as they approached. I told you what would happen if you ever hurt her. Alex grits out, she watches as Lenas face crumbles and she lowers her head. I understand how easy it is to use alcohol as a means to run away from your emotions. Her eyes fall on Lena who seems fixated with her hands. You dont think its a good idea? When Lena lowers her chopsticks, resting them on her takeout box, Kara feels the oxygen leaving her lungs. Unfortunately, recent events have started to reveal that maybe the couple are not as compatible as they once thought. Am. We need to find her and fast.. Why are you all so chummy with Luthor when she broke Emmas heart? Robyn glares around the room. When Danvers arrives to join the Avengers, she is already pregnant, and gives birth to a son after only four weeks of carrying him. Dinner's ready. You sat down at the table and Kara places a plate in front of you. No one talked, you felt the tension in the group. you skillfully walked past him. We managed to do the clean up before the news crews got there, made the site look as if the storm caused the mudslide rather than a boulder breaking cleanly in half. What are you doing. you knew your mom wasn't a good cook at all. Y/N: Gosh, you guys are so melodramatic. You dont. Happy, no, but I understand.. A soft gasp that was caught before it turned into a big one escaped Karas lips, and Y/N looked down to take in the sight her sister was eyeing: a large, uneven circle of red that was blistering and peeling, dabbed with blood. But were married. But with Kara out visiting a certain other caped cruiser who masked himself as a journalist as well and National City being relatively quiet, Alex took it upon herself to get some well needed R&R, which involved sleeping in, pjs, beer, pizza and possibly dragging out some old video games she used to love playing. Lena stood in front of you. Lena kneels down and hands her one of the mugs. You didnt have to- heavy footsteps, mixed with the crunching of the wooden floorboards, could be heard and he stood behind you. Astra Luthor-Danvers, Jamie and Liz Sawyer-Danvers, have an adventure of their lifetime. Do I have to? Her mind asks apprehensively. Finally feeling like things could, possibly, get back to some normality. All of these works are either requests Ive gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas Ive had for works. Emma nods and passes the guitar back to Robyn, who gazes at Lena with less animosity than she had done. Supergirl patrols from the sky thoroughly. Ill leave you alone til the time has come. At that time there were other methods of protecting your children, most notably Y/n.". Looking at the envelope and reading her name and that of her sister in block letters, she opened it with shaky hands, took out the piece of paper and began to read it. And its not like she generally complains about it because she truly loved her job, and not to mention, is pretty hell bent on being around just in case Kara was ever in trouble and needed her help. There wasn't a single thing to find that made you stand out - just insignificant stuff. Your sisters have been texting you for days about game night, then sisters night, then a CatCo event, but all of their texts are left on seen. For a split second, she considered lying, not wanting to worry her older sister, but when her skin began to feel like it was about be yanked off her body, she knew she couldnt withstand this for much longer without some kind of cure. You woke up with pain accross your entire body and you winced. Come sit. The DEO infirmary went silent when director Danvers walked in closely followed by supergirl. You are perfect the way you are. Alex: Y/N do you mind letting your sisters know that you are ok? Itd just cause him more anxiety than he needed. Having Supergirl looking for a cat sounds stupid. Director. Agent Reiff nods at Alex who approaches quickly. +17 more. The smile had never left Y/Ns face the entire time she was with them and as they reached the top of the Ferris Wheel she looked up at the night sky.

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