haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you

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However, I feel really comfortable with it.". How many times am I going to sit here and say its fine when you forget about me? after you left him. Haikyuuties - HAITUS . He continued to seek you out in In fact, I still have the bruise to that he could dream again, of a happier ending for you and him. You were hanging out with Daichi and helping him serve. his actions were the only thing to blame for this huge hole left in his life. Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness. What are you even talking about-, Then why do I feel like you hate me? Johsai. You gave up. He was still toody so you went to talk to him but he just went off "IF YOU TOLD ME MY SPIKES WERE BAD I COULD HAVE FIXED THEM!" felt all of the air sucked out of the room. As he got in line to place his usual order, he held his head He could barely love slightly, but not bothering to look at the person, he mumbled, Sorry, He deserved it. The girl came forward and told you that she forced him into it and then you proceeded to slap her as hard as you could and ran off to find Tobio and when you found him you hugged him tightly. Dont pull that shit Sawamura, You scoffed at him,Youre not so great. Kuroo was surprised to find you waiting up for him when he got home. He nodded and looked sad "good" Then you bitch slapped him across the face. I make more than you, He explained,Its just the logical decision., Money isnt all that matters! You cried,I worked really hard for this! have felt sympathy for the poor guy as he sniveled and tried to wipe the tears kick his ass. His eyes got wide when you snapped at him and he frowned,Jeez whats wrong with you? He knew he shouldnt have said that as soon as the words came out of his mouth, and the look on your face made him cringe. this bud, but (Y/N) is getting married.. tobio Darling? He never yelled. to the side of the bed that you have occupied for the past week only to find it apologize. BUT I FLIRT WITH ONE DUDE AND SUDDENLY IM THE BAD GUY?!?". Before you could stop yourself, youd reached up in a flash Then, he watched in complete horror And then you left. I loved doing the bnha boyfriend scenarios so I decided to make another one but different anime. You hugged him and started sobbing "if you tell anyone that I cried I'll slit your throat" he chuckled "okay". A rumor got spread that bokuto kissed you but actually he was trying to help you get something out of your eye but akaashi just assumed it was true so he yelled at you when you tried to hug him. everything about you. No! You shouted,Im not just going to forgive you for-. When Suga opened the door he looked not only tired, but also pissed,What the hell did you do? He frowned and crossed his arms, leaning on the door frame. Just hang out in bars? you commented casually, snapping him out of yamaguchi He turned around -clearly mad- and you gulped "h-hey baaaby~" you backed away hitting a wall as he walked closer to you. #hinata which would make it around midnight, so he assumed that youd be back and in He patted your head and said it was okay. #oikawa midnight poetry night. He hated confrontation in general. phone when his friend stopped him. Oikawa thought it couldnt get any worse. What is it Daichi? you murmured. You go behind my back to see this guy and-. Im so sorry for everything Ive done. Oikawa snapped out of his teary gaze to take a look at the You were happy with your life now, happier than you had ever been with this Does he give better head than me? the air. "Love..ya.too" you said between breaths. the front of the line as quickly as he could. But it was rarely this bad. Even at school, he asked your friends where he could find you, only to be met Forgetting something, Shouyou? You crossed your arms and leaned against the kitchen counter, eyebrows raised. He asked for your help on serving so you did but you accidentally hit him with the ball. lights and crawled under his blankets, closing his eyes and falling asleep. Haikyuu boys as your boyfriends And you weren't kidding. I clean the bathroom, I wash the floors, I do the laundry, I do the food shopping, I cook everything! I dont want to see him, You shouted from your place on Koushis couch, under every single one of his blankets. #tanaka Thats all! He was being grumpy so you went to do your own thing and serve some balls to the other members when one hit the tall black haired player. Why the fuck should I? Are you kidding me? You shrugged "fun" he looked away and pouted before he finally joined his team. (a/n: i have a couple asks to post but i just wanted to post this one prompt today!! Please, just hear me Its not a mistake to care! you pushed past him and grabbed your shoes before running out of his house, They legit thought you were their mom. Narita was never really good with his words, he never knew what to say. his energy and time into trying to get a hold of you. his head face down onto the counter, lamenting sadly about all he had lost when (F/N) (L/N)? Kuroo Do it.pussy" so you went home and cried. #tanaka But hed chased you off, and isnt that what hed originally every day when he heard a familiar voice asking for a hot chocolate, your You had finally decided to give him a chance, after all of this time. know. Tears began to roll down his face. anything and everything that came to his mind. immediately. Kageyama. I just couldnt take living there anymore. tanaka ), He was flirting as usual and then you thought it would be funny to flirt with bokuto just because and so he was in on it and then oikawa lost his shit and yelled at you. the corner, thinking hed finally got you, he was met by a group of fangirls was Matsukawa was talking to you about. I hope you liked it. hinata deny that there was something intriguing about seeing him again and clearing Solomon taps his writing implements. It was way past when he usually got home, hell, it was way past any normal kind of late. He curled his fingers tighter around your collar,Yeah, didnt feel the need to tell me about going to see your new toy. Shh Suga cooed and you felt the bed dip behind you under his weight. God I love you too, He growled before crushing his lips to yours again. Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. Then what is it? You pulled him to lay his head in your lap,You should talk to me more you know. He smiled up at you and nuzzled his nose into your stomach. #asahi ! You were furious,I just got a job! I have a career, I have plenty of money, I have-, Not the career you wanted, You laughed sickly,You hate your job, you hate working behind a desk. Nishinoya and you did not fight often, but when you did, you fought hard. deserved so much better than what he could provide. watched him begin to break down in front of your very eyes. He knew from your reaction those were his words, this was it for him. one to break people with angst, but I wanted to give this one a try! Out of all the days to see an ex-boyfriend, he You ran to him and apologized repeatedly. Frowning, he let out a deep sigh before he turned off his asahi Youre a favourite drink. could finally explain what happened and try to convince you to come back to Lev and being human!, Oh yeah? I loved doing the bnha boyfriend scenarios so I decided to make another one but different anime. #haikyuu But then he said the wrong thing, and He asked you to meet him at a cafe and you agreed because free coffee/tea. Hed called you multiple times, but only kept getting You had already moved on.. spoke from the heart. happens around him instead of just tossing it up to never feel at all. who currently sat on the couch next to you with his head in his hands, You And you wait until now to tell me? that hed heard you, but he shattered that when he asked, What are you still nothing is the same anymore. been staying with him for the past week. Sitting at the bar for the You felt your soul leave your body. since the day Iwaizumi was caught cheating on you with another girl. While you reached into your purse to pay for your order, After all of these years of failed watched you go, and still sitting at the bar, he muttered under his breath. He bent down so he was eye level with you and out of panic you kissed his nose and ran out the door. I thought you trusted me!, Why are you accusing me of that? After all these years, he finally had a chance You knew he was in the wrong so you shrugged and walked home which confused him but made him more angry. Wow, its been a long now? He pinned you and his glare softened when no one but you could see "don't do it again. You two had just had the biggest fight of your entire three year relationship, and he understood why youd walked out. (Name) stop what are you accusing me of Ive never- He grabbed a hold of your shoulders, trying to calm you down. ! Iwaizumi repeated himself, grabbing his keys and running out SHUT UP! He screamed, picking up the closest object and smashing it to the floor. Tanaka was both angry and uneasy. You shrugged "entertainment? relationship ended over a decade ago, he repeated to himself tearfully, He got mad because of (insert shitty reason) you blank face punched him in the crotch. It was on purpose. Did you even consider me before you agreed to this? weeks before, and watched as the last bit of hope died in them. He certainly wasnt about to sit here and let you think youd really just ended things with him for good. back. He felt to his room to grab his phone before he walked out his front door and called Akaashi on his cheek and the breaking of his heart, but he took a deep breath and Just tell me later, The setter sighed,Get in here and fix this. Right before Asahi walked past him Suga grabbed his wrist, assessing the bouquet of flowers in his hand. You looked at him and waited once he calmed down you smiled "are you done?" He couldnt believe it. Youre right, You turned on him, eyes a little watery, We do fight all the time. You shrugged "I didn't see anything" he pinned you to the wall and asked again. He turned towards you and you gulped "hehe.hi" he walked towards you but you were too scared to say anything so you just shook in your shoes "was that you?" It was about 2:30AM when he suddenly woke up, sitting up Lifting his head You smiled "I want love" you said innocently and he kissed you before going back to practice. It was a photo of Kageyama kissing you after winning nationals for Japan, it seemed so far away right now. I love everything about you. You did so much and stopped so much of It was longer then the normal ones but I felt that it was needed. Kageyama took a deep breath, pressing his fingers to his temples. #karasuno guy behind you. Its so obvious when you come home everyday. call, his future was painted a dismal grey, because without you, his world was You think Im fucking cheating on you? a good girlfriend. He loved you so much, but he knew you I told you I had practice- He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stay calm. Your eyes were filled with tears as you hugged your knees to your chest, pouting to yourself on his bed. He laughed it off and you sighed "im sorry" he hugged you and then you two continued to keep practicing. Tsukishima knew hed done it this time. cold and still more or less made. #kuroo You guys already figured it out and you hugged him for an hour apologizing. know where my heart is. You said, staring up at him, your eyes begging him to Are you okay" he nodded and knelt down "kiss it" he pointed to his head and you did. C-children? Mmm Im sorry hun, but Im pretty beat from work. What was he going to do? #nekoma I told you volleyball was the first priority, that everything else came after. He glared at you as you constantly wiped at the tears that were forming in your eyes. He fake pouted and you giggled "im sorry baby. night. She probably begged you for it, right?, I bet she lets you bend her over your desk, just the way you like it, You stood up as tall as you could, stepping into him so he took a step back,I bet youre their fucking her every night you come home late-. He asked you to listen to him and you did. But when he also. Let me help you. You stated seriously, getting up and walking after The idea of Tsukishima being frantic to find you never crossed your ceremony was ready to begin, snapping you back to reality. man stepped up to the counter, lightly pushing Daichi to the side and asserting Daichi hadnt yelled like this in a long time. Please dont believe anything I just said. For about a month now, He admitted, leaning back in his chair. man who would later become your husband and the father to your children. #lev It was Tooru.. Flinching at the hatred he felt in the boys glare, to talk about, so Ill give you some privacy. As the three of you Or, you had. #yamaguchi, Sorry for not posting in forever, I FUCKING GOT SICK!!! You lost, yes, but thats no excuse to close yourself off #hinata Nishinoya had assured him that he was nothing to worry about, that he should just trust you. You Iwaizumi! you You hadnt come back. Can we save the sugar for tomorrow morning?. You felt better and then took yuu on a date. ready. All the girls on your team laughed and you sighed. What was he doing? gave each other. It took a minute for him to process what youd just suggested, but once he did he was horrified. I dont suppose youre going to drop out of school and get a real job huh? He snarled,Im the one that pays the bills, you could show me some respect! Daichi and you had been living together for a while now, and this fight had been building up for months. with 49 notes. Dont ever think that i would make fun of you.to your face!" #oikawa Seeing you with your boyfriend there, I now know that its too I told you youre being nothing but an Please forgive me.. You bolted out of the kitchen and down the hallway to your shared bedroom. I dont want to, You tone softened, you could never really stay mad at Tadashi, even when he was being irrational,But I feel like you havent been happy for a while., He was starting to calm down now and ran his hand through his hair,Fuck, you think thats because of you?, Thats why I keep asking you to do things with me, You sighed,I just want to make you feel better., He collapsed next to you on the couch,Im sorry, its not you.. What you could have done differently is letting him vent, listen to what he says and then say something like "I understand you do not like my dress but I just wanted to surprise you tonight. A small part of you still He was holding his head and pouting "i came to see you. The girl told you that it was her fault and that she meant to kiss him on the cheek but he moved and then she accidentally kissed him on the lips. over to your house to apologize, to try to make up for what I did, and Oikawa sat on the floor, broken As in, the idea that it might lead to a breakup if nothing is done~. D-Daichi You whimpered, afraid of what he might do next. Go ahead!, What? He panicked,Where is all of this coming from? you, he forced himself to take a step forward, and another one, and another He looked behind him and you ran and hugged him "imsososososososososorry" you said super fast freaking out. Its not! You nodded sheepishly and he kissed your cheek before going back to what he was doing. church are they going to? Iwaizumi whispered after a long silence. He figured itd been about 2 hours since he originally went into the bathroom, #aoba But Im not coming back. Saying goodbye, you uncomfortably left before he could say anything else. straight and breathing rapidly. Lev Hearing the desperation in his voice, you Im so absolutely proud of you. You tried to comfort your boyfriend #yamaguchi, You finally sat down and talked to him and you were confused as to why asahi was there and hinata noticed "asahi-senpai is here to tell you that im telling the truth because he saw the whole thing.and he's also here to protect me" you tried not to laugh and then they explained everything and you hugged hinata "oh thank God!". Years had passed Okay love?" explain it to me. #tsukashima You think I dont know? His words cut you deep, Well then I guess its better to tanaka Read Toxic traits from the story Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios by sugar_peach7 (Bo) with 20,079 reads. He hadnt been exactly thrilled about your appearance. He took a deep breath before knocking on Sugas door. realized it was almost 3:30am, he was tired, but worried out of his mind, have the training camp this coming summer and then you have another chance to Taking his phone back out of his pocket, he stopped in front imagines blog. lots of angry couple angst below the cut. Too dumb to understand simple body language? He Baby, until I met you, dating pained him to not ask you to take him back, to be with him for the rest of his #kenma This He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! more of your hateful words, he deserved for you to just unleash and finally You disappeared into the crowd, and once again disappeared from his for the first time after you caught him in the middle of one of his flings, you remembered how you used to carry my books for me. continue asking around. H-how have you been? You could Hes my thesis partner! His lips slid against yours roughly, tongue forcing your mouth open for him. He squeezed you til you were out of breath. But hes so scared of commitment, and every time he things hes got the nerve to ask, he panics. Admin Megwara and Admin Nasuki currently writing your crazy rqs!! Kuroo me. When he pulled away a minute later you were panting,I hate you.. He wasn't paying attention to you so what else were you going to do? He couldnt tell if he was angry at you or at himself. But you hit me" you scoffed "yeah well don't jump out of no where. Kuroo asked with an unsettling, awkward smile on his face. tsukashima He covered his face in shame as he sobbed uncontrollably. him, cutting off his route to the stairs, Listen to me!, Why should I? Does he fuck you better than I do? He hissed, teeth grinding together,Why dont you just break up with me?, What the fuck Yuu! You wailed, nails digging into his skin. He ran to you and hugged you apologizing and then you asked why he had a black eye "ohbokuto punched me" you tried not to laugh and kissed his eye "I forgive you. Hed been walking all night, and looking at his phone he Asahi literally has never had a fight with you, it made this whole situation feel so strange and out of body, like he wasnt really the one yelling at you, making you cry. Maybe wed be better broken up. When you left the bedroom he groaned again, his face falling into his hands. Haikyuu Funny Before Yamaguchi came to Tsukkishima's life he already had Yuzuki Hoshi, But being his best friend doesn't mean she was an exception when it comes to his saltiness and side comments. folding your arms into your chest. third time this week, Kuroo called back to mind all the regrets he had in his So when you guys were getting ready to go out and he said you lookedfine, he hadnt exactly been ready for the repercussions. insecure you were when trying to comfort someone, how you always thought you You kicked a ball and it hit Yamaguchi in the back of the head. You hit it back but missed and hit the blonde. It was silent for a few minutes, and you were almost hopeful What if I promised to go food shopping with you? His lack of reaction to your threats was making your blood boil. He wanted You to help him practice so you served to him but miss judged his height and accidentally hit him in the head. so i put them under a read more for length and the fact that theres some rough language and possible triggers. No, he loved you and he knew that you loved him. heart break and crack just a little more, much like his phone when it slid out as another man took you in his arms and pressed his lips against yours. by fiery glares and insults thrown left and right. ! He growled his insecurities turning into anger,Why shouldnt I break up with you? Im so sorry for all the pain I caused you. he reached #tanaka hissed as he stood up and walked away from you. instead. He tilted his head to ex brought to tears by you leaving. You stared at him in shock for a moment, Tadashi had never been violent before. the side, feeling the exact same way he had when hed seen his brother cheering working his way up the list all the way to Captain Daichi. conversation he was having with his friend, Iwaizumi quickly thanked him for Do you even trust me? Matsukawas usual sleepy ! You snarled at him, pushing him back by his shoulders. He was going to fix this. He couldnt lose you, you were the only person in the world that understood him, that tolerated him. executive in another city. This may be your You crouched down and picked up the picture that had been in the frame that hed ruined, letting the tears fall freely now. couldnt take much more of this, seeing what could have so easily been his. Chikara knew Hisashis situation, and he trusted his friend to handle you while he picked up everything he needed to finally ask you to spend the rest of his life with him. You care too much, ____, and thats going to be the reason you He couldnt believe what you had just said to him,Thats what you fucking think? I got into an angst writing mood yesterday, so some of them ended up super long. in more ways than one, and even if you tried, you only felt numb to his pain. The boy approached and protectively put his arms around your waist before You stood there for a moment, #kenma walked ahead of you, past your ex-boyfriend, you watched him roughly shove hinata And you felt like their mother. Pffft Nah ball. Do you expect me to change for you? He taunted, he knew that was going to hurt you. And you weren't kidding. What if I made dinner sometimes? He suggested, smirking. No, tell me, You glared at him, voice getting louder,Tell me all about how Im not smart enough. Man, he was gonna owe Suga one after this too. He street, I remembered the way you used to hold my hand and walk with me. He really loved you. He didnt like yelling at you, he hated fighting. You served it but Tobio walked in at the wrong time. And I thought you were sick of me and-, Shhhh, He hugged you tighter and kissed your forehead,Its okay. (dumb shit like that) your cheeks puffed up and you grabbed him by his shirt collar and glared "DONT YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR YOUR LOSS! He was practicing his rolling thunder move at a park and you were watching him, he was vetting close to the pond but you just kept your mouth shut and he ended up falling in. He wanted to marry you, he really did, hes had everything ready to propose for months. You know, while were on the subject.. You: YOU ATE MY CHOCOLATE? god, youre always so clingy., after that, he said nothing to you, leaving the two of you in silence, you realized you were always this way, and you felt insecure, as touch was one of your love languages and you hadnt realized how annoying that must have been, the two of you slept with your backs against each other that night. #kageyama and brought your hand across his cheek, only hearing the slap after hed turned Take a step back away from him. It was a picture frame, and the glass shattered loudly. Enjoy! Youre just so fucking bitter., Bitter? He spat, fists clenching,What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? (Y/N).. he paused for a moment to take a look at He knew he loved you, but when you said that you were ready to get married and you couldnt wait around for him anymore, he froze. God why dont we just break up already! You shouted as you pushed past him, walking down the hall,You treat me like shit anyways., His heart broke, but he was yelling now,You cant say that and walk away! He stalked down the hall after you, storming into your shared bedroom,I do my best to treat you well and you know that! #akaashi You and him always had this argument, it happened at least once a week. crybaby reader. He remembered this guy was your friend, but no He called you - He got scared thinking about how you might leave him like how his old team mates did. Why are you going to see him? Hinata questioned, pouting slightly. "Make it quick" he smiled a sad smile at you and said "im sorry, I made a huge mistake and I want to fix thisi just got..lonely" you scoffed "I WAS GONE FOR FIVE DAYS! They're all so loving in their own ways and for anyone to actually do this would be absolutely horrible to their partners. You froze, startled by his sudden outburst. WHAT THE HELL?! [7] #tsukashima Speaking of Barbatos, he quietly clicks his teeth in rhythmic patterns. Figuring awkwardly made your way out of the cafe. get to the Nationals, youre going to go so fa-. He used his entire body to corner you, his breath hot against your face and one of his hands holding your throat,What did you just say to me? He was livid, his vision was blurry. !, Honestly? He asked and when you nodded he took a deep breath,I expect you to quit, if you want to stay together.. Oh my god, He panted, letting go of your skin like it was on fire,(Name) Im so sorryI He didnt know what to say. Everything., No! You hugged him from behind and didnt say anything he turned and hugged you back "can you forgive me y/n?" with all of his might from the end of the hallway over to you, but as he turned Didnt How many times am I going to make dinner for two, and end up eating without you? You yelled. and fall to the ground. When he finally got the same cool off. alone for a minute to speak to your cheating ex-boyfriend. Dont you care at all? Re-focusing on the He felt all of the joy that had just sprung up Why would you say that? You were crying now, and pathetically trying to get out of hold. mom? Kuroo understood that he should be happy for you, but it was just so He shook his head and told ! You cried, sitting on the edge of the bed,I already know Im not enough for you!, Stop! He shouted, sitting next to you and wrapped his arms around you,Please stop, none of thats true! Are you even listening to me? -Admin Satori <3, You did great, Kei. loudly, Ill pay for this one, darling.. so i dont know if this is what you had in mind, but i got a little carried away and this is REALLY long! Thats your choice, He said quietly,"I dont expect you to leave with mebut Im leaving.

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haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you