mexican silver grizzly bear last killed

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Although extinct since 60 years the California grizzly is the most popular animal and the logo for many Californian products and sports clubs. Sightings continued throughout the first decade of the 2000s. Thats positive news for the survival of the species. Thanks! He settled in the Gila Wilderness New Mexico in 1911 and worked for cattle ranchers and the government on depredation. One story told that a mexican grizzly killed a horse and dragged it 90 metres and once a . What do grizzly bears look like? The Mexican grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis, formerly Ursus arctos nelsoni) is an extinct population of the grizzly bear in Mexico. David J. Schmidley's Mammals of Trans-Pecos Texas talks about them. The fatal July 6, 2021, mauling of retired California nurse Leah Davis Lokan was detailed in a recent report by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee. Therefore the farmers considered the Mexican grizzly as a pest and hunted, trapped and poisoned the grizzly which had already become scarce in the 1930s. Despite being dead, there are people who think a Japanese wolf managed to turn up in 1910 and again in the 1930s and yet again in the 1950s. When did the Mexican grizzly bear became extinct? [3] The longest fur hairs were on the throat and the flanks. A couple of years ago he was backpacking in a really remote part of California, when he was charged by a grizzly . The last Atlas bear is thought to have been killed by hunters in 1890. . Except for a rare circumstance in eastern B.C.'s Yoho National Park, where a mountain goat . They were officially declared extinct in 1964. An exhaustive search in the mid-1990s led to a 1994 declaration that the Java and tigers were extinct until someone saw them a year later. By 1964, the Mexican grizzly was regarded as being extinct. A close second is the brown bear, specifically the Kodiak bear. This was allegedly Mr.Groves second sighting of the creature in a matter of weeks and he said that he wouldnt write off the theory that it could be a Tasmanian tiger. I think I would have needed my cigarette papers to wipe my backside anyway!!!!!!!!! Grizzly bears can weigh up to 1,150 pounds. By 1960 only 30 of Mexican grizzlies were left and despite its protected status the hunting continued and already by 1964 it was regarded as extinct. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The last confirmed sightings in Mexico were in the Sierra del Nido Mountains (central Chihuahua) in the late 1950's. There were reports of grizzly bear poisonings in the same area as late as the winter of 1964. On November 3, the fifth day of hunting, the group left, in typical fashion, around sunup, heading into the mountains with 50 veteran bear dogs in tow. [12] The Mexican grizzly is now presumed to be extinct, or perhaps only extirpated.[13]. Mexican grizzly bear, photo before extinction. Horse wranglers, to manage the string of 100 or more saddle horses, and chuckwagon cooks were part of the crew, along with a motley pack of dogs from several different families. Theyve been spotted in Tasmania and mainland Australia although none of the sightings are scientifically confirmed. California grizzly bears became extinct by the 1920s and only the one on our state flag remains. It was widely believed that the last was killed in Mexico in 1960. But they did not move further southwards until 13.000 years ago, probably because of the competition with the much larger Short-faced bear (Arctodus simus) which lived there and became extinct around 11.000 years ago. In 1890, he began attending the bear hunt because it was one of the few occasions when the areas far-flung families were all in one place. They were officially declared extinct in 1964. The fact that this group of ornithologists hailed from Cornellan Ivy League schoolwould make you think the ivory-billed woodpecker was still flying. Size comparison of Short-faced bear, Brown bear and Californian grizzly Seeing one of the approximately 300 to 500 black bears in Yosemite can evoke excitement, awe, and fear. The Mexican Grizzly Bear, also known as the Silver Grizzly (Spanish: oso plateado, Opata: pissini ), was a subspecies of Brown Bear declared extinct in 1964. The ivory-billed woodpecker is a bit specialit never officially went extinct. Yet Mexican grizzlies continue to be spotted. Grizzly bears potentially occur in two other areas: The bears in durango, chihuahua, sonora and central mexico were likely more related to the bears of . Michio Hoshino, a photographer known for his pictures of bears and other wildlife, was mauled to death by a brown bear last month on the Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Russia. Thats right: He tells of mastodons thousands of years after they allegedly went the way of the dodo. The Mexican grizzly bear ranged from mexico to as far north as Colorado. So, did they ever actually go extinct, did they make a shock comeback or are people mistaken with what they think theyve seen? The only connection between the bear hunt and Bloys was that the ranchers made a social event out of the hunt. The conclusion was drawn that this grizzly bear was old and on its last leg, making it desperate enough to attack the hunter yet also weak enough to be so easily killed. Yet, according to one fantastic report, they have been seen as recently as 500 years ago. The ABC Islands bear or Sitka brown bear (Ursus arctos sitkensis) is a subspecies or population of brown bear that resides in Southeast Alaska and is found on Admiralty Island, Baranof Island, and Chichagof Island in Alaska (colloquially known as the ABC Islands), and a part of the Alexander Archipelago. The North American grizzly is found much further north but southern Colorado has a few credible sightings. La Mesa, CA 91942. Finley and John Means, good friends who always hunted together, separated from the main group and went up the side of the mountain, then turned and rode parallel to the rest of the group below, a mile or two away, in C.O.s estimation. There are also footprints, scat, furall the things youd expect from a non-extinct animal. Size Differences. In 1995, a Javan forester accidentally discovered a group of Javan tigers. Grizzly and polar bears are the most dangerous, but Eurasian brown bears and American black bears have also been known to attack humans. These units range in area from approximately 2,700 km 2 to 50,000 km 2. If theres anything you should know about wolves is that you do not want to mess with them. I am currently continuing at SunAgri as an R&D engineer. Love your podcasts but some of them skip a lot. The massive imperial palace complex drew much attention. A man named Edwin done hired by the Japanese dropped a little strychnine and greatly facilitated their downfall. There were swimming pools, lavish apartments for the emperors family and foreign dignitaries, lush gardens where thousands of flowers bloomed and the often-wrote-about legendary private zoo of Montezuma, explored in depth in Mexico Unexplained Episode number 43. The zoo was said to rival that of the Great Khan in China and contained animals from throughout the Aztec Empire and beyond. These dolphins were once plentiful, but have been doomed by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam and the increased boat traffic. Addi- tional tracks and bear sign were found in the same area between 1957 and 1961 (Leopold 1967), and Jonkel et al. If they could get together to hunt, then why not hold a camp meeting? explains Odie Finley. The North American grizzly is found much further north, but southern Colorado has a few credible sightings. Adult males stand about 30 inches tall at the shoulder but despite the eastern cougar its passed on. It was the largest land mammal in Mexico, and ranged through what is now Arizona, New Mexico, southern California and southern Texas. until someone saw them a year later. The general color is pale buffy yellowish or grayish-white, grizzled from the darker color of the underfur. The last documented Mexican grizzly in Baja was killed in 1899. Many people think this is no mere dog and is in actuality a Japanese wolf. So, what was this bear like? American black bears ( Ursus americanus) are excellent tree climbers. The Mexican grizzly didnt hibernate, but restricted its winter activity, spending most of the time in the colder months in dens. The Honshu died off in 1905 and the Hokkaido in 1889. The North American grizzly is found much further north but southern Colorado . You can make the argument that what you see in the video is a dog with a limp, but there are those convinced its a Tasmanian tiger. Extinct animals keep being seen. It had fairly long hair on the hindquarters, but it seemed shorter in the front. They commonly shot and poisoned the bears to protect their livestock. My 25-year-old copy of Stackpoles Guide to Animal Tracks does, too, but finding someone alive whos seen a wild grizzly bear in Texas is impossible. But the problem with there being so many is that they were very easy to hunt. The mexican grizzly bear inhabited the northern territories of mexico, in particular the temperate grasslands and the sow grizzly attacked him and he killed it with a hand held arrow. 7840 El Cajon Blvd. Currently, free ranging elk exist over a large portion of west Texas and on high fence ranches throughout the state. There is no way to know for sure they may be any other kind of tiger. Still, finding some still alive only one mere year after they were declared extinct isnt exactly necessarily a huge deal. The guy lived with and hunted the lions, wolves, and bears of the southwest at the turn of the century. The longest fur hairs are on the throat and the flanks. They were officially declared extinct in 1964. Body weight: 1000 kg (male Californian grizzly) and 318 kg for the Mexican grizzly. grizzly bear, (subspecies Ursus arctos horribilis), common name for one of the brown bears (Ursus arctos) belonging to the subspecies U. arctos horribilis. [8], Like all brown bears, Mexican grizzlies were omnivores. In one photo, you can see a paw print that people claim comes from that 1979 study but the photo qualitys a little too good for the 70s it may have been cleaned up but Im not sure. I was looking on Ebay and found 2 different books. The possible existence of this extinct bear is so strange, Galante stated, that researchers are just not interested in pursuing this.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mexicounexplained_com-box-4','ezslot_8',161,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mexicounexplained_com-box-4-0'); So, was that poor young bear shot in Sonora in 1976 the last Mexican grizzly bear? However, they were allegedly captured throughout the 1980s. The probability index is is better than 50%. That seems odd considering the woolly died off 4,000 years go. The last known California Grizzly roaming Southern California was shot and killed on October 26, 1916, by farmer Cornelius B. Johnson in the Sunland area of Los Angeles County. It brings home a wild West Texas reality. [6], This bear is within Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Clade 4, as are all of the extant NA brown bears. Do you suppose the griz know where the border is and won't cross it lol. A ready supply of acorns and fat cows, combined with the mountainous terrain, made for excellent black bear habitat. By contrast, black bears are more reclusive animals. 1. Its former range decreased to 3 isolated mountains. They were officially declared extinct in 1964. Shortly thereafter, they asked to keep it in order to preserve it permanently as a one-of-a-kind specimen in the Smithsonians collection. The Mexican grizzly had very little competition from other animals in the wild. 2. Jake wrote a trivia e-book filled with crazy stuff like the kind you just read in this list. He later wrote to Finley and asked that he send the skull to Washington, D.C., for further examination, which he did. Even being smaller, this can often weigh over 226 kilograms". When did the Mexican grizzly bear go extinct? Over time, as the population of livestock and people grew, so did the number of conflicts between ranchers and native predators. Though they were declared extinct, four confirmed Mexican bears were sho. Worship services are held three times a day in a permanent building on the grounds, with a variety of preachers. 2005-2023 Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Its name grizzly refers to the golden and grey tips of the hairs. The mastodons have been extinct for 11,000 years. The gathering in the fall of 1900 started out as usual at the area known as the Rock Pile, near Sawtooth Mountain. We told you previously about scientific efforts to bring extinct animals back to life. Reasons for extinction: With the expansion of cattle farming within the Mexican brown bears range the animals increasingly came to be considered by cattle farmers as pests and were trapped, shot and poisoned. The ranchers and hacendados claimed that the Mexican grizzlies were killing their livestock, and sometimes whole villages would go on hunts to track down and kill renegade bears. The mexican grizzly bear (ursus arctos) is an extinct population of the brown bear(oso pardo). Your email address will not be published. By the late 1800s there were few grizzlies left in the wild, and they became sought after by American trophy hunters. A grizzly bear attacked and killed a bicyclist who was camping in western Montana early Tuesday, triggering a search for the animal, authorities said. Two years later the last reported sighting was in Sequoia National Park. The largest bear on record in modern times was a 2,200-pound (998-kilogram) polar bear shot in Alaska in the 19th century. One rancher had a .351 Winchester semi auto and the other had a Winchester 94 30-30. Historians believe the last grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) in New Mexico was killed in the Gila in April 1931 by a rancher with a Winchester 94 30-30, but there are some accounts of grizzly sightings in the state up through the 1950s. An account of the adventure, based on a letter written several years after the hunt by one of the participants, C.O. The last official sighting of the animal occurred in 1976. There are sightings in practically every East Coast state, andof coursesightings after the 2011 declaration. It was hunted to extinction and its natural habitat converted for human use. (Click to view larger image). Since about 11.000 years the North American brown bear or grizzly inhabited almost all the semi-open landscapes from Alaska to Mexico. Ursus arctos nelsoni - Mexican grizzly bear (extinct) . By 1964 the Mexican grizzly bear was regarded as extinct. [6] Because the bears hunted the cattle from time to time, they were considered as pests by farmers. About a year after the epic hunt, a young biologist showed up at Finleys door. As ranchers and hacienda owners pushed into the northern territories of Mexico starting in the late 1600s, human and bear confrontations became more frequent. There were once two other subspecies in North America alone, yet sadly, the California Grizzly became extinct They were officially declared extinct in 1964. [2], The bear inhabited the northern territories of Mexico, in particular the temperate grasslands and mountainous pine forests. Robert Bitto He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. An exhaustive search in the mid-1990s lead to a 1994 declaration that the Javan tigers were extinct. I am very curious to know about its cultural reverence in native mexico, Your email address will not be published. In 1907, while in Albemarle County, the first environmental Presidentwho certainly knew his animal speciesclaimed he saw a small flock. Grizzly bears are divided into 55 Grizzly Bear Population Units (GBPU) in B.C. Historical evidence indicates that elk may have been present over much of Texas. Several motifs by Californian grizzly(Click to view larger image). 1931 The last recorded grizzly in New Mexico was killed in 1931 north of Silver City. The Mexican grizzly bear could grow to lengths up to 6 feet and weighed approximately 800 pounds. John James Audubon once watched a flock fly overhead for three days300 million pigeons per hour. Grizzly bears have a reputation as ferocious, horrifying predators that most people try to avoid in the wild. By the early 20th Century, the California Grizzly had been hunted to extinction. Therefore the Californian grizzly became extinct in 1924 and the Mexican grizzly in 1964. However, the ivory-billed woodpecker is a bit of a third rail in the bird world. Of course they hunt from time to time also cattle. Julien Gauthier, a 44-year-old musician, was surprised by the . They werent all as charming and friendly. The regions grass, water and weather formed a solid foundation for the cattle business. 2433.2. And, again, in the 1950s. A man named Edwin Dun, hired by the Japanese, dropped a little strychnine and greatly facilitated their downfall. I have been hearing this for years and years from people. I know that no one has brought this up with YouTube, so I suggest you go there instead of trying to listen to it in the podcast format. Its diet mainly consists of plants, fruits and insects. B.Sc 1st Sem Electrical Appliances Questions, BA 1st Sem Economics Questions and Answers. If visitors spot a bear while in the park, it is a . A hallmark of the meeting was and still is unity among the represented denominations: Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, Methodist and Baptist. When youre on an island and youre being hunted, theres only so far you can go. Are there any grizzly bears left in Mexico? I have tried testing this out myself and I never have the problem. Read more: 2 bear cubs orphaned after . 4. Several likely areas for grizzly bears in Mexico have not been studied. "It's not like there were millions of Mexican . For more on the Coronado Expedition and this legend, please see Mexico Unexplained Episode Number 27 And the 1930s. Officials believe it's the bear that killed 65-year-old camper Leah Lokan earlier in the day. The Aztec Empire did not include the Opatera, or the homeland of the Opatas, so Emperor Montezumas zoo acquisition most likely occurred through long-distance trade, much as he acquired a buffalo, or North American bison. Unfortunately, theres only been that single sighting. A 1979 study, 15 years after the extinction date showed evidence of Grizzlies claw marks and footprints in Mexico. [6] After rumours of some surviving individuals on a ranch at the headwaters of the Yaqui River in the state of Sonora in 1968, American biologist Dr. Carl B. Koford went on a three-month survey but without success. They are terrifying things when they want to be and that includes the Japanese wolf. The ancestors of the Brown bear (Ursus arctos) lived in Asia. The Tasmanian tiger is the most beloved star of plat former video games ever created. The Mexican grizzly bear inhabits the temperate grasslands and mountainous pine forests in the northern territories of Mexico. The largest widely accepted size for a wild Kodiak bear, as well as for a brown bear, was for a bear killed in English Bay on Kodiak Island in fall 1894 as several measurements were made of this bear . Leah Lokan, a 65-year-old nurse from California, had . Mexican Grizzly Bear It was widely believed that the last was killed in Mexico in 1960. 1. Rumors of the bears continued existence persisted, however, and in 1968 American biologist Dr. Carl Buckingham Koford went on a 49-day expedition into the Sierra del Nido looking for the elusive creatures. Finley complied. Another year went by, and the Washington researchers once again asked for the skull for continued study. Authorities in Idaho are seeking help in locating the person who illegally shot and killed a grizzly bear last month, leaving its cub to die. The largest grizzly ever recorded, based on the size of its skull, weighed 1,200 pounds. By contrast, black bears are more reclusive animals. Mexican Grizzly Bear. Historians believe the last grizzly bear in New Mexico was killed in the Gila in April 1931. Its former range decreased to the three isolated mountains, Cerro Campana, Cerro Santa Clara, and Sierra del Nido 80km (50mi) north of Chihuahua City, within the State of Chihuahua. [11] A grizzly was shot in 1976 in Sonora, the fourth confirmed in Sonora, and the first in many decades. One can only imagine how difficult it must have been for the ancients to trap a grizzly and transport it over hundreds of miles without wheeled vehicles and without a way to sedate the bear. The consensus among experts is that the polar bear is the largest, but some believe the Kodiak bear to be larger. There was no way . The painting of "Bear Hunting" Charles Jonkel of the University of Montanas School of Forestry, and his Mexican counterpart Jos Trevino, the Director of Forest Fauna for the State of Chihuahua, published a paper in 1980 summarizing their findings from the May 1979 expedition to find the bears. Theyve been spotted in Tasmania and mainland Australia, although none of the sightings are scientifically confirmed. There are definitely grizzlies in those parts. it seemed to be at least as big as the first.. Brown bears live throughout Alaska and are the only bear species found in Sitka. Description: Medium sized black bear, adult males weighing around 90 to 180 kg and adult females around 45 to 110 kg. Here are some of the more credible sightings. Though neither had ever seen a grizzly, Means recognized the silver tips on the fur and let out a yell: Otie, we have got a grizzly!. For sure, they may be different types of Cougars mistaken for an Eastern cougar or given how recently the eastern Cougars were officially declared extinct, all evidence may be from just prior to that but there are people out there who are really convinced the eastern cougar isnt all that extinct at all. Because of this cordial reception many first-hand European accounts exist of a living and breathing Aztec Empire. They typically rode side-saddle, a feat he regards with extreme respect given the rough terrain. Especially hungry bears would often kill livestock as large as cows, but generally the bears stayed away from human settlements. . These old men were doing what they thought was the right thing to do with a predator. The two wrote this as part of the papers concluding remarks:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mexicounexplained_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',160,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mexicounexplained_com-medrectangle-4-0'); We concur that grizzly bears may still exist in Mexico. How a 1900 West Texas bear hunt made scientific history. Is one just a newer paperback copy of the same old book? Where were all the dogs? he wrote in his account of the hunt. One rancher had a .351 Winchester semi auto and the other had a Winchester 94 30-30. Finleys letter began: Am enclosing the history of the bear hunt the day we killed the old grizzly bear. Finley and Means unleashed a barrage of .30-caliber slugs from a ledge 125 yards away. However, sightings continued from 2000 to 2010. However, if you do a little more digging, you'll find that the International Union for Conservation of Nature produced a book in 1982 stating that Mexican grizzlies were extinct. Historically . [6][9] Occasionally it fed also on small mammals and carrion. Sure, there are unconfirmed reports of mastodon sightings floating around the Internet even in our times. The Official Predator Masters Search Engine, Tasmanian tigers were hunted for being a threat to livestock. Addi- tional tracks and bear sign were found in the same area between 1957 and 1961 (Leopold 1967), and Jonkel et al. last week. Well not that I know from using them but I have seen at the stores a larger size of papers now days.I have not seen any called beach towel size!!!!! These possible sightings have no video evidence but are discussed in the book The Lost wolves of Japan by Brett L walker. Was the last Mexican grizzly bear shot in Sonora in 1976?Purchase the books, Mexico Unexplained and Mexican Monsters, in hard-copy form or Kindle on Amazon h. The emperor knew Corts was coming, and curious about the Spaniards intentions, he welcomed the visitor and his men as honored guests. The last grizzly bear killed in Colorado was in 1979 in the San Juan Mtns in southern Colorado by a bowhunter hunting elk. Its previous range reached from across Aridoamerica, from Arizona to New Mexico, Texas and Mexico. The Meru Betiri National Parkthe site of the last confirmed sightingseems to be the most likely spot for their survival. The study also established that remote Mexico was a suitable habitat for grizzly bears. The Japanese wolf met its demise in the same way that many other animals did. There are entire websites dedicated to state-specific sightings. Adult males average approximately 140 pounds but in rare cases may weigh 180 pounds and measure 7 to 8 feet long from nose to tip of tail. They were mainly found in northern Mexico and preferred the savannah and mountainous regions. whereas the Mexican grizzly is the smallest grizzly bear with a height of 183 cm. Mexican grizzlies Grizzlies, Kodiak, and polar bears, even though they are larger, are subspecies of brown bears. [10], The first Europeans to come in contact with the Mexican grizzly were the conquistadors in the 16th century, when Francisco Vsquez de Coronado went on an expedition to find the Seven Cities of Gold. It was declared extinct in the 1920s, only to be spotted throughout the 1940s. The most recent confirmed reports of grizzly bears in Mexico come from the Sierra del Nido Mountains (central Chihuahua), where 3 grizzly bears were killed in 1955 and 1 in 1957 (Leopold 1965). HELENA Mont. It is a close call, but the polar bear is generally considered the largest bear species on Earth. This was the fourth confirmed in Sonora and the first in many decades. If the bear had siblings, biologists believe, there could have been Mexican grizzlies living in the area at least through the mid-1980s if not into the early 1990s. The horses could go no farther due to the increasingly rough terrain, so the hunters dismounted. Generally Kodiak bears have a larger bone structure, and therefore larger frames than grizzly bears, though both species can reach very large sizes. Required fields are marked *. There have been a surprisingly large number of possible sightings, there are sightings in practically every East Coast state and even entire websites dedicated to state specific sightings. The brown or grizzly bear probably was a rare inhabitant of the Trans-Pecos region until the early to mid-1800s. Who killed the last grizzly bear in New Mexico? Genetically all of them are closely related and often seen as only one subspecies with different populations. The last official citing of the animal occurred in 1976. One theory is that the animals seen and heard howling are actually a wolf-dog hybrid. Not exactly a confirmation, but its pretty hard to mistake an elephant for a moose, so maybe theres something to it? For all we know, there may have been only one, and it was killed by a hunting party in 1900. There are actually two types of the Japanese wolf: the Honshu wolf and the Hokkaido wolf. It claims the man, an employee with the US Forest Service in Alaska, was deer hunting . 3. He claims to regularly find evidence normally hair in the Meru Betiri National Park that belongs to still living Javan Tigers. Officials who shot the . The last known specimen of a California grizzly was shot and killed in Fresno County in 1922. . With a height of 245 cm and a weight of 1.000 kg the California grizzly is one of the largest and most powerful North American bears. However, it turns out that the extinct classification isnt always straightforward. Even to seasoned bear hunters, the animal was massive, with three-inch claws (a typical black bears claws are about an inch long). Most of these sightings are unofficial. However, getting a sighting recognized as official isnt a simple thing; actual capture of the animal is usually required. My 25-year-old copy of Stackpole's Guide to Animal Tracks does, too, but finding someone alive who's seen a wild grizzly bear in Texas is impossible. The bear measured 1.98 meters from nose to tail and was estimated to weigh 320 kg. Federal wildlife workers shot the bear shortly . Mexico Unexplained must return once again to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitln in 1519. The bear made a last, desperate lunge at the dogs and dispatched one with a blow to the head and neck. Tasmanian Tigers were hunted for being a threat to livestock, loss of habitat didnt help much, settlers will do that to animals. There is an uptick in sightings of grizzlies in the former Mexican grizzly range. Tasmanian Tigers had the general appearance of a medium to large-sized dog with a stiff tail abdominal pouch and dark stripes across its lower back. Because of their remarkable ability to use cover, grizzly bears could survive without being detected. The situation deteriorated rapidly in the early twentieth century and the subspecies was rare by the 1930s. Its former range decreased to the three isolated mountains Cerro Campana, Cerro Santa Clara, and Sierra del Nido 80 km north of Chihuahua in the state of Chihuahua.

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mexican silver grizzly bear last killed