Your email address will not be published. We live in the Seychelles. une taupe (a mole) and une poule (a hen) are feminine nouns, because they refer to female animals. Its also important to know the gender in these cases. WebIn the old part of Monaco, the street signs are marked with Mongasque in addition to French. For example, when choosing personal pronounsIl(He) or Elle(She). Generally, the feminine form is simply the masculine form of the adjective, with an -e at the end. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, or thing, whether concrete (e.g., chair, dog) or abstract (idea, happiness). (Yes, I made it.). by Yolaine Bodin | 9 Jun 2018 | French Language. With feminine countries, we use the preposition en when talking about location. Its important to learn the gender of a word as you go along. (canadien, canadienne), (australien, australienne), etc. She went to the Philippines. Example: However if you are interested in expressing in French the idea of going to a country, city or continent (Eg. Besides, it follows the rule I explained in this blog post, i.e. When the name of a country ends with the letter -e, it is feminine and we put the article in front of this name. All other countries are masculine: le Nigria, le Brsil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan, le Prou. Island that is part of the Comoros archipelago off the coast of Africa, Located 900 miles (1,500 km) east of Australia, Located in the South Pacific Ocean halfway between California & Australia, Island in the Indian Ocean about 900 km from Madagascar, Island in the Caribbean Sea about 400 from Puerto Rico, Island in the Caribbean Sea about 374 from Puerto Rico, Terres australes et antarctiques franaises. WebIn the old part of Monaco, the street signs are marked with Mongasque in addition to French. Be aware that with some verb tenses, youll need to be certain about what gender your noun is in order to correctly conjugate. Examples: de Paris, de New York, de Sydney, etc. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Jeannie Mai Jenkins and Jeezy used it for their daughter, born in 2022. Nearly all countries that end in -e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. le or un before a noun tells you it is masculine. Free relative clauses and the use of ce qui, ce que, ce dont, ce quoi, ce sur quoi, etc. Examples: untalon(a stallion),un cerf(a stag),une chatte(female cat),un chat(a male cat), etc. I come from Belgium. Denmark is Danemark, France is France, Japan isJapon. However, sometimes the masculine and feminine versions of the same word mean different things. Here are just a few examples: Albania = Albanie, Gambia = Gambie, Slovakia = Slovaquie, Russia = Russie, Argentina = Argentine.
Feminine country names : La France. Italian nationals make up 19% of the total population. Elle vient de lArgentine > Elle vient dArgentine. (Did you make the pie?) Team, ThoughtCo. Use these when describing what a noun does. Hello Messan and thank you for your comment. WebHi Perfect, if the country is masculine, use au + the country's name. Some would argue its masculine, but others would say its feminine because it refers to une ville (a city), which is a feminine noun. Nouns in French are either masculine or feminine. Gender of countries, towns, islands, rivers, regions and states. All Rights Reserved. For example, man is un Homme (masculine), and girl is one fille The animate nouns eventually branched off into masculine and feminine, and the inanimate into a neuter classification. Feminine Plural:amusantes, bleues, vertes, contentes. Or if you know all the rules, you can just skip to the list by scrolling down. As a general rule, countries that end in -e are feminine: Of course, since we are talking about the French language, there are a few exceptions. I have not included every single world country and nationality but there are roughly 100. Luckily this part is pretty straightforward, no weird irregular endings for the feminine form.
Most of them have articles, although there are a few exceptions. Masculine Plural: amusants, bleus, verts, contents (au Monaco: + le = au) We are in Monaco. As a general rule, those countries ending in -e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. The endings are the same as when you use the helping verbtre. Just like singular countries, the preposition we use with plural countries will vary depending on whether were expressing location or origin. Un grand garon : a tall boy. In all cases, we always use the preposition de. Prices from just $5 per hour. France borders Monaco on three sides, while the Mediterranean Sea forms the country's fourth border. Do we use articles with them? 7 French Learning Books The Old-School Way. -ment Condition: New without tags New without tags. WebFeminine country names : La Belgique. These are listed in the order of: masculine, masculine before a vowel, feminine, masculine plural, and feminine plural. TNX, Ask our expert tutors a question (it's free! Some nouns for animals refer to both genders. Its important to learn the gender of a word as you go along. Careful though, here is the tricky part: the common noun is sometimes implied and not part of the name itself: For example, Madagascar is not used with an article but is feminine even if it does not end in -e, but thats because it is an island une le and what is really meant even if not uttered is lle de Madagascar. However, it is not necessary to learn all genders by heart as there are certain models that can be used to predict the genre with varying degrees of "aux" with those countries whose names are plural, whether masculine or feminine: Cambridge est plein(e) de touristes en t, La Baule est situe sur le littoral atlantique. Example: triste(sad), triste, tristes, tristes. Unlock all exercises for French with a Lingolia Plus account, for teachers, schools and businesses: Lingolia Pro. So in this case, nationality should not be capitalized.. (Even native French speakers mess this one up). We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. You can ask a new question or browse more French questions. With as added difference: most French people speak at a normal speed, but the Spanish are like formula1 cars, always speaking in mach3. Best Offer: What are months names in french?
There is nothing wrong with not working something out oneself because its always an opportunity to learn or realise something we already knew in a way that we no longer forget , Hi,thank you this has helped me alot since i am about to do an exam tomorrow, Thanks for your comment Dave, very happy to be of help. When you come across a new French noun, always learn each noun with its definite article, that is the word for the (le or la) or its indefinite article, the words for a or an (un or une). The endings stay the same for each verb, and the rules are the same if the subject is say,une lampe,and not a personal pronoun. How is that in Mexico? As you can see, all countries have genders in French. des(plural). Dont forget to do the exercice to anchor these things in your memory. WebIn the old part of Monaco, the street signs are marked with Mongasque in addition to French. So, in these cases, the gender of the French word does matter. With its trendy -o ending and connotations of luxury, we think the name of one of the smallest and wealthiest countries in the world has rich baby name potential. Masculine Singular:amusant(fun), bleu(blue), vert(green), content(happy) Note that when a nationality ends in -en, we double the n before adding -e. Unlike English, nationalities are not capitalized in French. If you are reading this blog post, you have probably already learnt the names of a few countries.
The French word "Film" is masculine so the nationality "franais"must also be masculine. Of course, the best method is just memorizing the gender when you learn the noun but, hey, nobodys perfect. 3) Nationalities In French Genders: masculine or Feminine? Nouns that are derived from a verbreferring tosomething or someone carrying out that verbs actiontypically use the ending-eur, andwill be masculine. 2) Country names in French: Masculin, Feminine, Capitalized? English, spawning from PIE after a long saga of evolution, came to drop grammatical gender. For example: J'aimerais aller en Bid Amount - Enter GBP 9.99 or more. A 3-month Lingolia Plus account costs 10.49 EUR and gives you access to every exercise for Grammatical Gender, as well as all other exercises for French. So many! Heres a list of common endings for both masculine and feminine nouns, but keep in mind that these rules only apply around 90% of the time. Melody Ehsani Earrings Masculine Feminine . Ils sont alls. Animal names are also either masculine or feminine in French when you refer to the generic gender of the species. Enter GBP 9.99 or more [ 0 bids] Place bid. *How do you know if the gender of a country name in French is masculine or feminine? -eau, -eu Use these when describing what a noun does. "How to Say the Countries of the World in French." However, there are a few exceptions.
We do not say either le Monaco or la Monaco, this name of country has no article, as Cuba, Israel, Taiwan, Haiti, Chypre (Cyprus), Madagascar and some others. Each grammar topic comes with one free exercise where you can review the basics, as well as many more Lingolia Plus exercises where you can practise according to your level. (au Monaco: + le = au) We are in Monaco. Heres an example using the past tense ofaller(to go): Je suis all(e). Will it be le Cote dIvoire or la Cote dIvoire? Nous sommes all(e)s. During his accession ceremonies in 2005, Albert II, Prince of Monaco, made a speech to his people in Mongasque. Ex. All other countries are masculine: le Nigria, le Brsil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan, le Prou. Most French teachers and fellow French speakers will tell you that theres no rhyme or reason to whether a noun is masculine or feminine. Examples: When talking about location, in most cases, we just use the preposition . There are different ways to find out a nouns gender: we can look in the dictionary and check for the abbreviations m. (masculine) or f. (feminine); we can check the nouns ending, which generally gives an indication whether the noun is masculine or feminine; or we can look at the nouns article. As for Sri Lanka" we say "je vais au Sri Lanka". Understanding the gender of countries in French is essential since that will tell you which prepositions and adjectives to use with them. Time left: 6d 6h | Starting bid: GBP 9.99 [ 0 bids] Approximately US $12.50. Melody Ehsani Earrings Masculine Feminine . Old: vieux, vieil, vieille, vieux, vieilles. Most of them have articles, although there are a few exceptions. Thank you for your comment Erwan. Good luck for your exam! Don't subscribe
However, if we need to use an adjective to describe Madagascar, because French adjectives must agree with the noun, we need to put the feminine form of the adjective. For example, man is un Homme (masculine), and girl is one fille "How to Say the Countries of the World in French." With this difference that I have been studying French from age 10 to 16 and now that I am studying Spanish I am 67. Below is a list of countries with no articles: What does all of this mean? As I said, Madagascar is not used with an article. If it ends in-eux,then euse isthe feminine ending. As a general rule, countries that end in -e are feminine: la France, lAngleterre, la Chine, lArgentine, lAlgrie, la Colombie, la Mauritanie, lInde. If you speak English, you're in luck because many country names in French and nationalities in French look or sound very similar to English. (chinois, chinoise), (sudois, sudoise), (danois, danoise, (qubcois, qubcoise), etc. Example:cher(expensive),chre, chers, chres. Today well show you some general guidelines to help you determine the gender of a country. That doesnt mean its easy. -am, -um, -em In this sentence situe is in the feminine form.
Your order will be processed by Digistore24. Get 40% off + 10 languages + 14 day free trial. les(plural). Some regions or countries take their name after a common noun. WebSome rules that you can rely on - Masculine and feminine in French isn't as hard as you think! Some of the frequent usage examples: There are of course some exceptions, which means certain names of countries wont use the definite article. WebMelody Ehsani Earrings Masculine Feminine . Team, ThoughtCo. Either way, here are some examples of the masculine and feminine forms: un acteur, une actrice(actor) Not . if the country is masculine, use au + the country's name. Save words you struggle with into a flashcard deck and practice them with the personalized quizzes on FluentU. un caissier, une caissire(cashier) In most you will eiter automatically deduce whether you should or shoulnt use the artilce, or try to express the thing in such a way that you are certain is un lion (a lion) and un cheval (a horse) are masculine nouns, because they refer to male animals. Place name: Monarchy in the French Riviera. Heres an example: A: Est-ce que vous avez fait la tarte? la voiture the car. However, if it is necessary to make the agreement of an adjective or a participle, it will masculine. There may seem to be no sense to itand often there isntbut its something we French speakers must try to conquer, both beginners and fluent speakers alike! You can find a detailed example on this article about the adjective cute in French. In that case, you will have to use the article that matches the gender of the noun: le Royaume Uni, is masculine because the noun royaume (kingdom) is masculine in French. Some of the countries do not have adefinite articlebecause they are islands. Yes, there definitely is a way to know what preposition to use in French when talking about means of transports. For a comprehensive list of countries with their French translations, genders, and preceding articles (when applicable), I recommend you check out this link. Ex. When you come across a new French noun, always learn each noun with its definite article, that is the word for the (le or la) or its indefinite article, the words for a or an (un or une). If you memorize some simple rules and know a few exceptions to the rules, you'll never forget a country's gender in French again. un avocat, une avocate(lawyer) Surely they dont have the anatomy to make a distinction? (accessed April 6, 2023). Place name: Monarchy in the French Riviera. Keep in mind some countries, mostly islands and city-states, do not have articles. Rules to Remember About Country Names And Nationalities In French. Below is a list of virtually all of the countries in the world, organized alphabetically from English to French. If a noun is your subject, make sure youre certain of its gender so you can make the proper agreements. Thats one of the learning and communication strategies, by the way. The gender of some nouns makes sense ( homme [man] is masculine, femme [woman] is feminine) but others don't: the words personne Learning French becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Examples: Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. The definite articles or the in English: le(masculine) Anyway, you explain the differences very well and it was an interesting read, so thanks, Enrique! This gets complicated for people whose native languages dont have genders or where they are rarely used. Here are some examples of other countries whose name is used without an article: Les tats-Unis dAmrique, les Seychelles, les Philippines, les les Fro, les Pays-Bas. Having explained that, cities dont have articles for the most part. Makes total sense. Here are some tips for understanding masculine and feminine words in French and learning to speak like a pro! Its important to learn the gender of a word as you go along. Linguists have inferred that thousands of years ago there was a language called Proto-Indo-European (well, people didnt call it that back then, but we do now). Fortunately, they're easy to deal with because languages are never capitalized. Examples: larougeur (the redness), lalargeur (the width), lapleur (the paleness). The surprising thing is that sometimes you use de plus thedefinite article or not, it depends. He comes from the Netherlands. I am really glad if this article of the gender of countries in French helped you and I hope youll get the A+ you aiming for in your research project. if the country name is feminine, use en. How to Master French Gender Rules in a Nutshell, How to Conquer French Gender Rules in a Nutshell, 6 Must-see French Drama Series Thatll Spoil You with Exciting French Learning, The 30 Best French Movies on Netflix [January 2023], 21 Best Online French Classes in 2023 (Honest Reviews), Where to Download French Learning Videos for Any Language Skill, Listen to French: 47 Sites for Beginner to Advanced Learners, The 6 Best Websites to Self Study French (All the Way to Fluency). However, it is not necessary to learn all genders by heart as there are certain models that can be used to predict the genre with varying degrees of Elles viennent du Prou. I Love Writing Weird, Wonderful, Interesting, Forgotten, And Fascinating Articles For Intellectually Curious People Amazed By France, French Culture, And World Travel. France borders Monaco on three sides, while the Mediterranean Sea forms the country's fourth border. Monaco que jai visit lan dernier. In the perfect tense and other compound tenses (such as the past perfect and the past conditional) when you usetre as your helping verb, youll need to make an agreement with your subject. French is just as hard as Spanish, I think. Improve your French with Lingolia. la Thalande. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you As a general rule, countries that end in -e are feminine: la France, l'Angleterre, la Chine, l'Argentine, l'Algrie, la Colombie, la Mauritanie, l'Inde. I am new to Preply, and I try to find ways to adapt to the virtual classroom. Even French people hesitate about this. Most of them have articles, although there are a few exceptions. 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