Just before entering under the pyramid there is a window you can look up at the pyramid, you will notice the ley-line that runs to the center of the pyramid. The building cannot be described solely as long, or solely as rounded or as being arranged around a series of courtyards, though from certain angles, like the elephant described by the blind man, it could be thought to be any one of these. It was designed by Ram Karmi and Ada Karmi-Melamede and opened in 1992. Do you see the pyramid with a circle at the top left corner of the same picture? There are two things said about his, some say it speaks to the straight line of Justice, and the curve line of Mercy, yet others say it speaks of order out of chaos. 20:23, 12 March 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply], I think there should be a list of presidents of the supreme court included in the article. The courtyard has a beautiful zen-like feel. The Ley-Lines cross directly under the pyramid they run from this place to different places in the city. This is what makes it all interesting. -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma. The architects claim to have been inspired from the Scriptures in Psalms 85:11 Truth shall spring up from the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. The first level is reserved for lawyers, the second is reservedfor judges and the books on the third level can only be read by retired judges. What is this thing and why is truth who sprung from the earth leading towards it? We will elaborate on this a little later in this article. The same families who own and control the Federal Reserve and other major financial institutions have their eyes set on the Temple Mount and the Holy City of Jerusalem. Is hidden there? And from here you can see the world or in this case the city of Jerusalem like you havent seen it before.
It took them four years to build this structure with many secrets built into it. Isis traveled far and beyond to retrieve all of Osiris body parts and was successful, except for one body part, the penis, which was swallowed by a fish. This picture of pro and anti-Trumps facing each other perfectly represents what this is all about: The division of Americans. As an appellate court, the Supreme Court considers cases on appeal (criminal, civil, and military ) on judgments and other decisions of the District Courts. Pomegranate capitals were placed upon the pillars of Jachin and Boaz standing in front of King Solomons Temple; and by the order of Jehovah, pomegranate blossoms were embroidered upon the bottom of the High Priests ephod When you leave the center Courtroom or main courtroom directly across the opening you find the stairs going downstairs, at the base of the stairs you will find the fertility symbol always present in any illuminati structure, often hidden but always there. The Supreme Court sits as a panel of five Judges or more in a rehearing on a matter in which the Supreme Court sat with a panel of three Judges. In the center directly under the point of the pyramid a crystal so that when one stand over it he of she is in direct line from the point of the pyramid and the crystal below. The library contains legal, judicial, philosophical and spiritual works. These are available in a searchable online database at Versa. All of this will make more sense as we go along, keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the anti-Christ. When ruling as the High Court of Justice (Hebrew: , Beit Mishpat Gavo'ah LeTzedek; also known as its acronym Bagatz, "), the court rules on the legality of decisions of State authorities: government decisions, those of local authorities and other bodies and persons performing public functions under the law, and direct challenges to the constitutionality of laws enacted by the Knesset. Once legislation has been proposed following the last election in November 2022, to curtail the dictatorial powers of this arrogant crime syndicate, the true masters of our Supreme Court have been exposed. In a case on which the President of the Supreme Court sits, the President is the Presiding Judge; in a case on which the Deputy President sits and the President does not sit, the Deputy President is the Presiding Judge; in any other case, the Judge with the greatest length of service is the Presiding Judge. The fact still remains that an evil force has been put into place in Jerusalem and has spread throughout Israel, in preparations for the end time and the seat of the anti-Christ. As you ascend these 30 steps you come from the darkness into the light. Israel is a secular State, and the Supreme Court is the superior court in the State of Israel. WebThis Israeli Supreme Court building is no exception. These requirements may be waived for a person recognized as an "eminent jurist", although this special category has only been used once for an appointment.[2]. I am not referring to the pyramid alone, but also the inverted cross on the parking, the stairs, the fertility symbols, etc. There are five Courtrooms, each has an entrance in the shape of a Jewish Tomb, with the opening above the door for the spirit to have freedom to enter or leave. His Sons blood was the perfect sacrifice; there is no need to shed the blood of dumb animals any longer. Since 1992 once the new abominable building has been completed with Rothschild's money, a dictatorship of the Supreme Court has been established in the Jewish state. In a matter on which the Supreme Court has ruled, whether as a court of appeals or as the High Court of Justice, with a panel of three or more Judges, it may rule at a further hearing with a panel of a larger number of Judges. Built in 1992, the Israel Supreme Court sits in Jerusalem, in front of the Knesset (Israeli legislature). Notice that included in the design is a pyramid with an all-seeing eye . As we turn to the left and begin to walk towards the Pyramid we notice a metal strip in the marble floor. As you walk from the pyramid you can go either to the courtrooms or towards the Judges chambers. Notable would be: Some people connect it to some sort of Symbolism Dorothy de Rothschild paid for planning, material and construction, and as you might know, the Rothschild family is alleged to be connected to Freemasonry and other fraternal organizations as in the view of some conspiracy theorists. Supreme Court Judges cannot be removed from office except by a decision of the Court of Discipline, consisting of judges appointed by the President of the Supreme Court, or upon a decision of the Judicial Selection Committeeat the proposal of the Minister of Justice or the President of the Supreme Courtwith the agreement of seven of its nine members.[3]. In addition to housing the Israeli parliament, the neighborhood boasts the architecturally magnificent Supreme Court building and the aromatic Wohl Rose Park, the largest in Israel Religious courts include Jewish batei din, Muslim and Druze courts, and courts for ten recognized In no time these infiltrators organized massive paid demonstrations in Israel, which had characteristics of a staged COUP D'ETAT, similar to the one in Ukraine in 2014, when the CIA removed the previous elected Ukrainian government friendly with the Russian federation and installed in its place, a Nazi like regime led by Zelenski. The highest and third tier is "only" for retired judges. The Rothschilds would pick the plot of land to build the Supreme Court; they would use their own architects, and no one would ever know how much the building cost. Mr Viriditas: do you see a pyramid with a circle on Wikipedia's picture of the Supreme Court building of Israel? The pushback led Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to delay his plan for at least a month. The visitors have to go down the stairs symbolically descend to lower spheres to reach the cross. Built in 1992, the Israel Supreme Court sits in Jerusalem, in front of the Knesset (Israeli legislature). Next, at the top of the next picture is a Moslem Gravesite, and just out of view to the right is an Egyptian Obelisk. http://www.abidemiracles.com/555701.htm, Masonic Order Designs Symbology in Israeli Supreme Court Building. Within a comparative framework, this article explores the unique architectural images of Israel's high court and argues The Georgia Guidestones Completely Demolished Following Explosion, The Occult Symbolism of the Vaticans 2020 Nativity Scene, The Most Expensive Hotel Room in the World Was Made For Elite Psychopaths, Something is Terribly Wrong With Hotel Lucia, The Denver Airport Installs a Talking Gargoyle That Says Welcome to the Illuminati Headquarters, The DIA Launches an Ad Campaign Addressing the Conspiracy Theories Surrounding It. His Sons blood was the perfect sacrifice; there is no need to shed the blood of dumb animals any longer. It looks like obvious disinformation to me. [Golden, op. These are part of the Versa database and also can be found online at the MFA's website. For quiet a long time the majority of Israelis became aware that the Supreme Court is a foreign, pagan institution, which works against the interest of the people of Israel. The pyramid atop the roof of the Israeli Supreme Court may be said to represent Israeli society as a democracy pyramid, though this may not have been the architect's original intent. God forbid that I a Jew should ever say or do anything that would be remotely considered as such, but I must admit this report does not come easy for me. No occult temple would be complete without those next two features. The Israeli NWO tips their hand. Once the order was given from the US Deep State, massive paid demonstrators took to the streets in Israel and threatened total civil war. WebWhy is an ''Illuminati'' Pyramid Atop Israel's Supreme Court Building? For those who can make something out of the numbers. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot. This is not a conspiracy theory but the picture of a building that was verified before. There are two things said about his, some say it speaks to the straight line of Justice, and the curve line of Mercy, yet others say it speaks of order out of chaos. That begins the journey into the Illuminati. Once appointed, Judges serve until retirement at the age of 70 unless they resign or are removed from office. You first enter into an area with very dim lighting, but as you look up the stairs you see the bright light that comes from a very large window that over looks parts of Jerusalem. Webwhat vision centers accept united healthcare? I have done a small cut away from the whole plan of the building in order to show you the design of a Jewish Miskan brought into the plan, as all the other major religions of the world are represented in one form or another. I have no doubt that many will come against this report, and that the messenger rather than the message will be attacked. A better picture was added but is not immediately visible, why? A political analysis of the Supreme Court's role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Bulletin de Recherche du Centre de Recherche Franais Jrusalem, 20 | 2009, judicial system and the balance of powers in Israel, Israeli Supreme Court opinions on the West Bank Barrier, Justices and Registrars of the Supreme Court, "Protecting Democracy and Human Rights in Tense Times: the Israeli Supreme Court", Tour of Supreme Court The Presidents Chamber, "Supreme Court of Israel, Official Website", "Paul Goldberger, "ARCHITECTURE VIEW; A Public Work That Ennobles As It Serves", "IDI Releases 2017 Israeli Democracy Index", Direct link to poll graph on State institutions, "IDI Releases 2016 Israeli Democracy Index", Direct link to poll graph on the Supreme Court, " ", "N12 - " ": ", Jewish Virtual Library: The Judicial Branch, Harvard Law School guide to finding selected decisions and opinions translated to English, Israel 365 News "The Torah and Judicial Reform" January 29,2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Supreme_Court_of_Israel&oldid=1147326239, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from June 2022, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 March 2023, at 06:37. After passing through security the first thing you will notice on the left wall is a large picture. Your refusal to let me add a simple note stating the mere existence of the pyramid is like saying the earth is flat. [17], The Institute's 2017 poll on the statement "[t]he power of judicial review over Knesset legislation should be taken away from the Supreme Court" found that 58% of Israelis disagree, 36% agree, and 6% do not know. [12] According to the critic Ran Shechori, the building is a "serious attempt to come to grips with the local building tradition". T he story of the Israeli Supreme Court starts long before the Jewish state was established in 1948, with the dual and often-dueling influences of Ottoman and British Mandate law. The larger circle you see at the bottom of the picture is an inverted-cross designed to walk on. You will be shocked to see how Masonic the design of this building is, both inside and outside. Which also speaks of the order of things in the Illuminati, as one must be accepted and move to the higher level before the knowledge at that level is available to them. Six being the number of man, and each square has 4 sides speaking to the world. A narrow channel of water that runs continually divides the stones. I took all but one of the pictures you are about to see so I can assure that what you are seeing is real and in place. Its peculiar architecture has earned critical praise due tothe architects opposition of old versus new, light versus shadow and straight lines versus curves. The Supreme Court consists of 15 judges appointed by the President of Israel, upon nomination by the Judicial Selection Committee. WebThe Supreme Court of Israel is an imposing building. But this is where our journey begins as we begin to enter into the building, for this entire journey is intended to bring one from darkness into the light, and become an Illuminated one. A further hearing may be held if the Supreme Court makes a ruling inconsistent with a previous ruling or if the Court deems that the importance, difficulty or novelty of a ruling of the Court justifies such hearing. Most Israelis are aware that on the roof of the Supreme Court, the Israeli flag is absent and in its place stands the ILLUMINATI pyramid of the Free Masons. This magazine came out exactly 3 years 3 months & 22 days from Trumps 'arrest day' ..Freemasonry3/3/22, Children doing one eye on LEGO DOT'S packaging, Whoopie Goldberg was wearing a Prince Hall Freemason sweater on The View & had to apologize the next day for wearing it, Met Gala Announces 2023 Looting and Plunder Theme, Damar Hamlin & Biden holding 'BIDEN 33' at White House. In this report are many pictures showing the establishment of Illuminati-established proof that there is a plot by those we refer to as the New World Order to Show in architectural design of the New Israeli Supreme Court Building designed and paid for by the Rothchilds, a presence of Free Masonry and the Illuminati in Israel. It is also important in this building to note that the 33rd level ends at the base of the Pyramid.
As we turn to the left and begin to walk towards the Pyramid we notice a metal strip in the marble floor. ACLU Sues Saucon Valley School District for Prohibiting After School Satan Club from Meeting in District Facilities, More Predictive Programming from The Economist magazine: Face imaged as a fingerprint from 2019. The first tier is "only" for Lawyers; the second tier is "only" for setting Judges. And from here you can see the world or in this case the city of Jerusalem like you havent seen it before. A ruling to hold a retrial may be made where the Court finds that evidence provided in the case was based upon lies or was forged; where new facts or evidence are discovered that are likely to alter the decision in the case in favor of the accused; where another has meanwhile been convicted of carrying out the same offense and it appears from the circumstances revealed in the trial of that other person that the original party convicted of the offense did not commit it; or, where there is a real concern for miscarriage of justice in the conviction. Comments that are off-topic or insulting to other users will be removed. This outpouring is organized in a complex, almost baroque structure, built out of contrasts light-shade, narrow-wide, open-closed, stone-plaster, straight-round, and a profusion of existential experiences.[13]. They represent the 30 first degrees of Freemasonry, where the profane is gradually taken from the depths of material life (darkness) to wisdom and illumination (light). This article barely scratches the surface of the occult symbolism of the Israeli Supreme Court. must make advance reservation 02-6759612/3. This is the Dorothy de Rothschild grove. For those who are not aware of the term Ley-Lines, it is lines in geographical places that Witches, Warlock, and Wizards walk claiming for the Devil. Similar motifs have existed in other court buildings. Israeli government is not loved by all, in fact it faces terrorism because of Zionism, Palestine and whatnot. A narrow channel of water that runs continually divides the stones. 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