Traditionally, one advantage of intensive agriculture is that because it requires less land, yield can be produced closer to market than farms using extensive agriculture. Extensive farming refers to a type of agriculture where a large area of land is used to produce relatively low yields of crops or livestock. Phat, L.T.N. 1) It is Cheaper No large investments are needed. Farmers can collect crab or fish to compensate if households lose shrimp revenue [.
Economic valuation of mangrove forest ecosystem in Tatapaan, South Minahasa, Indonesia. Commercial grain farming is another name for extensive agriculture. However, this study found contradictory results to those of Bunting (2013) and Nguyen (2014), who showed that food costs accounted for the largest proportion of total rice production costs with both models. (Dearth of skilled agricultural labour often poses a problem in these lands of low population density. The main difficulties of the model are poor quality breeds, diseases, limited farming techniques of farmers, limited infrastructure system, the impacts of climate change, and low productivity. Suwannakit, C.; Prempree, K. The comparison of costs and returns between organic rice farming and chemical rice farming. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc., Mai NT, Huong TTL, Dat TT, Truong DD. The results in, In terms of capital efficiency, with 1 VND of farmer investment in the riparian shrimpmangrove model, farmers would earn 1.79 VND, which was higher profit than the covering model at only 1.64 VND. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. How do you I stop my TV from turning off at a time dish? Answer: Mixed farming systems or integrated farming produce both crops and animals on one farm. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. IoT data from sensors installed in everything from seed drills, sprayers, and spreaders to drones, satellite imagery, and soil turn surprises into rarities. Disadvantages of intensive livestock farming At the same time, we cannot discount the increasing animal welfare, environmental and health concerns that the
These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Subsistence intensive farming advantages and disadvantages Pros of subsistence intensive farming 1) It is Cheaper No large investments are needed. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Cattle farming is a highly significant source of greenhouse gases, and thus a major cause of climate change. An Empirical Study of Financial Efficiency and Stability of ShrimpMangrove Farming Model in Nam Dinh Province, Red River Delta, Vietnam. Single cropping or monoculture is the most striking feature of the cropping pattern in extensive farming. List of the Advantages of Poultry Farming. Extensive Farming Nature & Method of Cultivation, Extensive Farming Examples of Crops Grown, Military Operations of India, Details and List, Satkosia Tiger Reserve Map, Flora, Fauna, Significance, Melghat Tiger Reserve Map, Flora, Fauna, Significance, Editorial of the Day: A New Economics for a New World (The Hindu), Case Study of the Day: Mitigation of Urban Flooding by Green Infrastructure: Surat. Research on the Eurozone Economic Space, DeepSDC: Deep Ensemble Learner for the Classification of Social-Media Flooding Events, Exploring Agriculture-Food Supply Chain from Innovation, Design, and Management,,, Shrimp square manager obtained technical training, Price at the time of stocking/raising (VND per shrimp), 1 = yes, 0 = no (between farmers and enterprises in terms of input supply/output purchase), Shrimp square managers production experience, Number of years of direct management and cultivation of shrimp-mangrove model, Leaders of districts, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh Provincial Forest Protection Department, Covering form (number of discussions in Nam Dinh), Stocking of shrimp breeds (postlarvae 15) (batch), 3rd stocking of crab (pepper crab) (batch), Shrimp pond improvement (dredging) (year/phase), Number of harvests (shrimp, crab) (batch). In extensive farming, many crops are grown. 4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of subsistence farming? It does not store any personal data. However, there was no analysis and comparison of the shrimpmangrove model between covering and riparian forms. Local environment and soil are not damaged by overuse of chemicals. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Farmers have the advantage of increasing production, because they can mechanize operations and add extra acreage. Binh, C.T. Global warming. Food: Before 2015, farmers in the study area did not use feed for shrimp ponds. Can banks make loans out of their required reserves? Intensive farming, on the other hand, refers to a type of agriculture where a smaller area of land is used to produce high yields of crops or livestock. Click here to review the details. Multivariable linear regression was used to determine the factors affecting the efficiency of the shrimpmangrove model according to the following Equation (1). INDEX Identifying these factors is the basis for proposing solutions to improve the financial efficiency of the model. At present, most of the models are improved extensive farming and use the riparian form because these are easy to manage and control and the shrimp yield is higher than using the covering form. While intensive farming is performed in the areas, which are densely populated, extensive farming takes place in the region of a moderate population. What are disadvantages of commercial farming? Animal welfare is generally improved because animals are not kept in stifling conditions. For the shrimpmangrove model, shrimp breeds were rarely stocked in the past; households only needed to open square culverts to allow water in. 5 Planetary Alignment, Details, Occurren 7 Continents of the World, Name, Map, Im Adriatic Sea, Map, Bordering Countries, Aegean Sea, Map, Bordering Countries, Ge Aeolian Landforms, Types, Examples, List Air Pollution Causes, Effects, Sources, India-China Border Dispute along Arunachal Pradesh, Ranipur Tiger Reserve Map, Flora, Fauna, Significance, Current Affairs 5th April 2023 for UPSC Prelims Exam, CGPSC SSE Notification 2023, Exam Date, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, JPSC Recruitment 2023 Out for 771 Vacancies, Apply Online Here, World Health Organization, History, Funding, Contribution & Challenges, CGPSC Salary and Job Profile, Allowance, Perks and Benefits, The Hindu Newspaper Analysis 5 April 2023, for UPSC 4 April 2023, Daily Current Affairs for UPSC 4 April 2023, Orang National Park, History, Details, Flora and Fauna, Editorial of the Day: Time to Put a Price on Carbon Emissions (The Hindu), Case Study of the Day: Mahila Nidhi Indias First All-Women Run Co-Operative Bank, Current Affairs 4th April 2023 for UPSC Prelims Exam, Jaldapara National Park, Location, Climate, Flora and Fauna, The Hindu Newspaper Analysis 4 April 2023. The transformation of animal waste and plants into organic manure cuts farming costs. Intensive farming is more efficient than the traditional farming methods which were previously being employed. Every farmer will have his own goal post judgement at what point it reaches over into the extensive farming range. Myself,, I think that 90% of all Meanwhile, other indicators, such as total cost, revenue from crabs, revenue from fish, and total revenue, showed no difference between the two models. Commercial farming put comparatively more acreage under cultivation, mechanizes operations, controls pest and diseases, therefore, they produce far more than other farming system. on Extensive Farming, Meaning, Examples, Advantages & Disadvantages, Subsistence Farming, Meaning, Methods, Merits & Demerits, Intensive Farming, Meaning, Characteristics, Advantages & Disadvantages. For the output linkage, farmers can sell their products at a stable price, with little change in the selling price at times of unfavorable market price fluctuations. The multivariate regression model was used to determine the factors that affected the financial performance of the shrimpmangrove model. Therefore, it can be concluded that the given model fit the actual data. The revenue of the shrimpmangrove model included shrimp, crab, fish, and mangrove products. Similarly, the price of shrimp and crab breeds purchased (related to the size and quality of the shrimp breeds) also varied between households, with CV values ranging from 4151% (shrimp) and 176201% (crab). "An Empirical Study of Financial Efficiency and Stability of ShrimpMangrove Farming Model in Nam Dinh Province, Red River Delta, Vietnam" Sustainability 15, no. First, it is a major source of food supply. Generally, this type of farming is practised in regions with high population density and limited land supply. In Extensive Farming, large farms are cultivated, Know more about Extensive Farming, its Meaning, Examples, Advantages & Disadvantages in this article for the UPSC exam. Did you try ?. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. Extensive farming has a number of advantages over intensive farming: Read more about this topic: Extensive Farming, But there are advantages to being elected President. Con Xanh is the smallest and still accretes alluvium from the Red River.
Extensive farming Extensive farming or extensive agriculture During the beginning of the production season, households released large quantities of small crabs. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. No outside workers get hired for the production of crops. Modelling economy-ecology linkages in mangroves: Economic evidence for promoting conservation in Bintuni Bay, Indonesia. Intensive farming is an agricultural system that makes extensive use of labour and capital in relation to land area. ; Siahainenia, A.J. Mulia, R.; Nguyen, D.; Nguyen, M.; Steward, P.; Pham, V.; Le, H.; Rosenstock, T.; Simelton, E. Enhancing Vietnams Nationally Determined Contribution with Mitigation Targets for Agroforestry: A Technical and Economic Estimate. Intensive farming is the latest technique used to yield high productivity by keeping large number of livestock indoors and using excessive These crabs had a fast harvest time, high yield, and little loss. 1) Productivity: IFS provides an opportunity to increase economic yield per unit area per unit time by virtue of
2-Comprehensive Report EC 99/362-B7/6200. Intensive farming means a method of farming in which land is intensively cultivated, employing a large number of people and huge capital. In addition, the selling price of shrimp also depends on the size of the shrimp (large-sized shrimp have a higher selling price than small-sized shrimp). Farmers represent a front line to defend against the risks of climate change. In general, when assessing the stability of a production system such as the shrimpmangrove model, it is necessary to consider two aspects: (1) variation among producing households at the same time of cultivation; (2) variation within the same household or group of households in a time series of cultivation. The farming conditions and financial efficiency of the two models were also different. This farming is found in the Prairies of the U.S.A. and Canada in North America, the Pampas of South America in Argentina, the Veld of South Africa, the Downs of Australia, and the Steppes of Eurasia., Thus, we see that it is widely practised in the temperate grassland regions of the world. However, the limitations of the model are low financial efficiency and not high stability. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Tashi, S.; Wangchuk, K. Organic vs. conventional rice production: Comparative assessment under farmers condition in Bhutan. What are the advantages and disadvantages of subsistence farming? We've encountered a problem, please try again. It entails growing grains such as wheat, rice, oats, and maize for market sale. ; Phillips, M.; Demaine, H. Integrated shrimp-mangrove farming systems in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.Ronald Reagan (b. The shrimpmangrove model is only suitable for small-scale production with many crops in the year. Intensive Subsistence Agriculture Definition When someone participates in intensive subsistence farming, nearly all of the crops and livestock getting produced get used for sustaining their family. This was also the timeline for forming two ecological sub-regions inside and outside the dyke [, When the policy of forest land allocation was implemented in 1995 by the government and further detailed in 2005, the shrimpmangrove model evolved accordingly (Thuy et al., 2021). Raji, R.O. 1. In January 2003, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. Other advantages include reduced fuel and labor requirements. Extensive farming has a number of advantages over intensive farming: Less labour per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely absent. From the land to many of the tools are not paid for by the farmers. Hong, H.T.C. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly However, the amount of crabs in the wild is insufficient and their sizes are very different, so it is difficult to achieve large-scale stocking with uniformly large-sized crabs bought from crab catchers for release into the models shrimp square. There was also the concept of releasing crabs as a source of regular income (crab fishing) in order to help farmers cover their living expenses, while shrimp stocking provided concentrated income in batches. The use of synthetic chemicals can help to control pests and diseases that can reduce crop yields, leading to higher productivity. interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. WebSubsistence intensive farming advantages and disadvantages Pros of subsistence intensive farming. Archimer 2004. Variable costs: These were items for the maintenance and development of the shrimpmangrove model, such as pond renovation/improvement, investment in plants and breeds, labor costs, food costs, water treatment costs in shrimp ponds, and some other costs. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Some Advantages of Producing Sheep Sheep are easy to handle and generally require little input. You can read the details below. This farming system permits wider crop rotations and thus reduces dependence on chemicals, allowing diversification for better risk management. MDPI and/or Farmlands are extensive, covering over a few hundred hectares of land. In these models, farming ponds are dug with mangroves planted in the ponds, taking water and draining it naturally from the outside. Con Lu and Con Xanh are often flooded at high tide [, Within the area of the National Park, the highest point is only 3 m and the deepest water level is about 6 m. It is home to many valuable aquatic species, wild flora and fauna, and especially rare migratory birds. In January 1989, Xuan Thuy was the first wetland of Southeast Asia to join the RAMSAR International Convention. Environmental Sustainability of Brackish-Water Aquaculture in the Mekong Delta Vietnam. Ruitenbeek, H.J. For Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Effect of flooding and salinity as a result of climate change on land use suitability in the coastal zone of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. ; Harahab, N.; Polii, B. The linkage output is mainly to traders who buy crab and shrimp products because the shrimpmangrove model provides safe, clean, and almost ecological products. Faculty of Environmental, Climate Change and Urban Studies, The National Economics University (NEU), Hanoi 10000, Vietnam, Faculty of Economics, The National Economics University (NEU), Hanoi 10000, Vietnam, French Vietnamese Centre for Education Management (CFVG), The National Economics University (NEU), Hanoi 10000, Vietnam. Extensive farming is practised in regions of large farmlands where the population is too low to cultivate all the lands. When the breed and seed source is good, proper farming techniques will give high yields, which leads to high profits. The economic value of mangroves: A meta-analysis. There are several advantages to inorganic farming. FREE CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER OF NANOFLUIDS FROM A HORIZONTAL PLATE EMBEDDED No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. One of the main advantages is increased crop yields. 2) Profitability: Use waste material of one component at the least cost. In contrast, some other farmers, when they failed to release shrimp, released crabs to compensate for the models revenue. This farming is highly market-oriented. lets take a close look at its advantages and disadvantages. Truong, T.; Do, L.H. Thank You, Your details have been submitted we will get back to you. The income or profit of the shrimpmangrove model is a composite interaction between the selling price and shrimp yield. The main advantage is increased food, fiber and/or energy production from limited acreage. Conceptualization, N.T.M. These food sources were exploited by farmers in the wild or purchased locally. Van Oudenhoven, A.P.E. Wheat is a major food grain; it is followed by maize and corn. Extensive farm produces less milk and the milk is lower in fat than in full balanced diet. Johnston, D.J. Hossain, S.; Nazmul, A.S.M. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It is rare for the farmers to produce enough crops or livestock to sell for cash or store for later use. Intensive farming requires less land, space, machinery and equipment, and produces a greater output than predicted All human beings need proteins in their diet for proper health. Extensive farming methods typically involve minimal use of inputs, such as fertilizers or pesticides, and rely on natural rainfall for irrigation. This is because large acreage of forest land have to be cleared and turned into farmlands to cultivate cash crops. This was very consistent with the reality of production because frequently stocking shrimp in the crop means that the shrimp crop was not successful due to the shrimp being sick, having heatstroke, or other causes. Thereby, expenses and production costs are reduced, contributing to improved profits. WebThe most important advantage of conservation tillage systems is significantly less soil erosion due to wind and water. In the two forms of shrimpmangrove arrangement, riparian and covering, the main income sources are shrimp, crab, and fish. There are many ways to intensive farm and thus there are many (often contradictory) advantages and disadvantages. Although shrimp was the main object, farmers always combined crab and fish in the form of compensatory collection to diversify income from the model. ; Xuan, T.T. It is practised where huge cultivable land is available for agriculture, and there is low population density. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Intensification of crops growth maximizes income in relation to area, time and efforts. Plant age and average shrimp yield were higher in Giao An than in Giao Thien (. Another disadvantage of subsistence farming is that the farmers cannot take advantage of an increased demand for their produce. ; Avtar, R.; Fujii, M. Monitoring changes in land use and distribution of mangroves in the southeastern part of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. An Empirical Study of Financial Efficiency and Stability of ShrimpMangrove Farming Model in Nam Dinh Province, Red River Delta, Vietnam. WebSome animals are killed solely due to their gender. The context of the formation and development of the shrimpmangrove model in districts is different due to the ecological, natural, and human conditions. Here are several benefits of integrated farming system: The integrated farming system boosts food security in Nigeria by increasing food production. Price of crab breeds: The price of juvenile crab variable is positively correlated with the profitability of the shrimpmangrove model, which shows that when other factors are kept constant, the higher the price of crab breeds, the higher the profit of the shrimpmangrove model. ; Toan, V.C. 24 Pros & Cons Of Starting A Cattle Farming Business (2023) Pat Walls Updated: January 18th, 2023 Start A Cattle Farming Business Summary Startup Costs Success Stories Businesses Pros & Cons Marketing Ideas Trying to understand the pros and cons of starting a cattle farming business? Examples of intensive farming practices include greenhouse agriculture, aquaculture, and feedlots. The study results provide a valuable reference for the agriculture and fisheries sector and local leaders in the development and planning of fishery production in particular and coastal land use in general. In other words, when farmers implement the shrimpmangrove model with production connections (forms of association include an agreement to provide breeds and input materials or to purchase and consume output with enterprises or traders based on a predetermined purchase price) will result in increased profit compared to unaffiliated farmers. Here are several benefits of integrated farming system: The integrated farming system boosts food security in Nigeria by increasing food production. (2013) analyzed and showed that the financial efficiency of the shrimpmangrove model in different localities and ecological regions was different. Intensive farming involves putting a lot of resources and labour into small plots of land to increase yield. Toxicol. GAMBAS Vol. Sometimes, international markets become the determinant factor. A common point of this study with the studies by Hossain (2004), Mangkay (2013), and Ronnback (1999) was that the total revenue per hectare of the covering model was higher than that of the riparian model. Food Technol. Farming experience: The variable of farming experience is positively correlated with the profit variable of the shrimpmangrove model. Tran, H.T. Ha, T.T.T. During production, households could catch or buy wild large-sized crabs from crab catchers. ; Mercer, D.E. Able to feed and sustain large human populations. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. However, the most popular crops grown on large-sized farmlands are wheat, maize, millets, corn, cotton, and fodders for animal rearing. Require less energy than intensive ones. Cattle farming is a highly significant source of greenhouse gases, and thus a major cause of climate change. Well extensive farm in is easier and less work, but intensive farming is more efficient and you not only get more out of the land, the land gets wi Extensive farming 1. Unitech Cyber Park Sector 39,
Intensive farming involves the use of various kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Fixed costs: This referred to a one-time investment cost when designing the shrimpmangrove model, calculated by the average depreciation of the years of use and operation. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). ; Wang, C.-H.; et al. Fill the form again here, Your email address will not be published. All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Bosma, R.H.; Tendencia, E.A. Opportunities and constraints of organic agriculture in Chiang Mai province, Thailand. Shrimp is one of the seafood products with high economic value, earning foreign currency from exports and creating livelihoods for most farmers in the coastal areas of Vietnam [, The Red River Delta is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including agricultural production, livelihoods, and mangrove ecosystems. Efficient. The farming technique factors, such as the number of shrimp and crab stockings, stocking density of shrimp and crab, etc., were also similar. There are two main types of shrimpmangrove models: (1) the covering form (with the dyke surrounding the shrimp square, the mangrove planted in large numbers in the middle of the shrimp square, and the ditch/pond around the mangrove), (2) the riparian form (with mangroves planted on the ridge and interspersed in the ditch/shrimp pond, but a border still surrounds the mangroves) (, This study used costbenefit analysis (CBA) to analyze the financial efficiency and stability of the shrimpmangrove model in Nam Dinh province, Vietnam. Food grain ; it is rare for the website to function properly and shrimp yield were in! To improve the financial efficiency of the two models were also different 2 ) Profitability use! Monoculture is the basis for proposing solutions to improve the financial performance of Vietnamese... 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